Showing posts with label SAHM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SAHM. Show all posts

Friday, May 4, 2012

SUYL: Making New Friends

Today I decided to join in on Kelly's SUYL.
It's unfortunate that I have such great "blog friends" and we all live so far away. 
I feel like no one in this neck of the woods blogs!
Where are all the young mommies in NH?!?!
I figure this is worth a shot, although so far, out of Kelly's long list of link ups, I only see 2 from NH!
I'm Jordan and this is my daughter Adalyn.
I am 24 years old, she's 5 months and we live in Southern NH.
{Born and raised and now raising}

This is Mr. B.
He is 23 and works in Boston as a Financial Analyst.
We've been married for almost 3 years- together for 6 years, high school sweethearts and each others first bf/gf!

Getting married fairly young put us in a weird season of life.
A happy season for sure, but a different season.
I was someone that always had friends and loved having friends and girl time.
Mr. B isn't Mr. Social and it slowly become just him and I.
When we lived in Florida we had a few close married friends we connected with from his college, but when we moved back to NH we were back to pretty much just our family as friends.
Which is wonderful and I am so thankful for. 
Family lasts forever. 
Friends come and go.
But friends are important to have too.
So while I sometimes struggled with my lack of friends while being married I would always say
 " I can't wait until I have mommy friends.."
"Well once I have mommy friends..."
"Everything will be better when I have mommy friends..."

And now the time has come.
To make in real life mommy friends.
I love my blog mom friends, I so so wish they lived closer.
But they don't.
I joined a little playgroup thing on Facebook for moms in the area.
We joined a new church with younger families.
We will probably start going to some story times at the library.
It's time to put on my big girl panties {which I actually still wear from time time, they were for after giving birth and are quite comfy}, step out of my comfort zone and make some friends!

All that to say: Hi, I'm Jordan from NH. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday's Thoughts

New PJs different day

We are going on Day 3 of lazy PJ day. It's been rainy and in the 40s pretty much this whole week. So the whole "I'm going to blog about every day" thing isn't exactly going as planned. There are showers, baths, new undies, diapers and PJs in between {bras are a definite no-go on these days}, but for the most part we are just playing and relaxing.
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Thankful to be a SAHM
{when we were sick girlies last week}
Every day I am so thankful I get to stay home with Adalyn, but I am especially grateful on these cold rainy days! Although I am sure Mr. B wouldn't mind a different look when he gets home every night- I think he is used to it by now. And of course he works hard so that I can stay home with her and I can never thank him enough!
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Blog Design
I really need to update my blog layout. Although the weather lately feels winterish- it isn't. I need to find some new pictures and springy colors soon! Never mind the fact that her newborn pictures are on the header and she is going on 6 months! 
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I made some enchiladas I found going around pinterest last night and they were delish. I usually make the Pioneer Woman's enchiladas, but it's kind of a lot of ingredients and steps, so I was thankful to find this one that is just as yummy and easier to make! 
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Roxie and Adalyn
Adalyn has become so fascinated with Roxie's every move lately and it's been really cute to see.
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Adalyn is strong enough to sit up and she can, but she is in an arching the back phase and is always falling backwards on purpose. I either catch her or put the boppy behind her to help, but I also feel like she needs to know she will fall if she doesn't try and sit up...but I don't want her to hurt herself either. So we just keep practicing and trying to figure it out.

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Don't wake my baby
The landscapers are out mowing the grass and it's so loud and I will be livid if they wake her up from her nap. End of discussion.
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Nail Scissors
I forgot to mention a very important baby gear in my post the other day- Nail scissors!!! Lindsey told me about this trick one day when I tweeted about how Adalyn's nails were growing so fast-I was only filing them because I was too scared to use the clippers-she was always scratching her face and I couldn't keep up with them. Lindsey suggested the nail scissors and I love it! I am never nervous, I cut them all the time and the best part is- I can't {I don't think I can and I haven't} cut her skin. I actually find this kind of fun to do, more so when she is sleeping and not a complete wiggle worm but it is so much easier than the clippers!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday Monday

So I am going to try a new tactic for my blog....
A few people I follow write short posts about each day and I decided I am going to give that a try and see if it will help me.
I think part of my problem is I hardly post anything and because I don't when it's time to post I feel like I have so much to say/document and then I get overwhelmed and I just don't do it.

Sidenote: I've also just noticed blogger layout is different. I'm not a fan of change.  But I'm sure it's for the best...

We spend most of our days around the house so there won't be too much to update on, but at least it will keep our day to day life documented during this season and will help me not always feel the need to catch up!

This morning Adalyn had a bottle around 5 and then went back to sleep until 8.
I was excited about that because some days she wakes for good around 7:30 and that's just too early for me!

We got up and played for a little and headed downstairs for our breakfast.
{notice anything new??}

She had some pears and little pieces of mommy's blueberry muffin.
And for a more accurate documentation of today's events, she thought she would show you said muffin.

We will work on table manners tomorrow.
She loves her big girl sippy cup!

After breakfast we took some 5 month pictures.

The rest of the morning consisted of a short nap and cleaning- mommy is not a fan of both of those things.

Followed by some play time.

Looking out the window.
One of their favorite things to do.

And getting our head stuck in our shirt.
I'm pretty sure if she could talk she would tell me there are two buttons on the side...oops.

After a long {thankfully!} afternoon nap we headed over to the farm for dinner.
I typically put her in her crib awake, she talks and play for a little and then falls asleep. The past few times she's been falling asleep on her belly.

Mr. B has school on Monday nights so it's a long mommy and baby day so we usually take a little visit to the farm to have dinner and visit with the fam.

We came home and did tubby time

A clean tired baby ready for bottle and bed!


And I love it.

So much.