Monday, February 1, 2010

The Honeymoon ....unforgettable. Part 1

Needless to say...
We left on the 4th day, 3 days early.
The locked door meant "Come in" (to the cleaning people!)
We were on the verge of starvation extremely hungry.
We will never go back again.

More stories to come this week!


  1. Just found your blog through Abbys! New follower.

  2. Where on earth did you go??? Sounds horrific!

  3. Hi! I'm a new follower too! Found it through Abby's as well. And I'm from FL. Where DID you go on your honeymoon?? Your face in the pic is priceless...looks like you were thoroughly disappointed!! :(

  4. Hi Ladies! Thanks so much for checking out my blog! :) I am so new at this so I am still trying to figure it all out. We went to the Dominican Republic for our honeymoon and had a horrible experience! I am working on a new post with more details!
