Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Road Trip Entertainment

A little over a year ago,
for my 21st birthday Mr. B bought me a new camera.

We took a road trip to Hilton Head to visit his parents.

What else are you supposed to do with a new camera and 7 hours in the car?

He played along.

About 6 hours and 200 songs 10 minutes and 2 songs into this trip,
he may have been regretting buying me this present.

Ben asked for the Flip HD video camera for his birthday this year.

We may have been a little surprised when we opened it.

Ben didn't just get any kind of Flip from his parents.

He got a Flip that will never be mistaken for another's.

A Flip that looks like Mr. B's eye is the lens.

A Flip that screams "Hello Ms. J, look at your face taking up the majority of the front".

A Flip that will remind us of what we I (and Mr. B's mouth) used to look like in the years to come as we tape our children's milestones.

I am not sure why Mr. B asked for a video camera.

We have nothing to tape.

We do have a couple road trips planned.

I won't complain.

He might.


  1. Hello :) I was just reading your blog and we seem to have quite a bit in common (baby obsessed, i can't stop stalking the topbabyblogs page!) When did yall get married?? I am loving married life so far.

  2. Haha, I think its too funny that the flip has your picture on it. I hope you start video taping everything! It'll be fun to look back on and show your kids.

  3. Mr. b's parents must love him muchly!! =)

  4. love this post :) :)
    and the picture on the flip camera is kinda freaky!

    love, lauren

  5. Y'all are so cute and fun! I loved watching the videos. it does get boring on long car trips, I will keep my video camera in mind for our next one!
