Monday, April 12, 2010

Not So Little Brother

My "little" brother turned 20 yesterday.

I am so thankful for...
Our memories and friendship when we were young,
our sometimes clashing personalities,

our ability to read each others mind and keep each other company
during awkward family gatherings,

the memory of our one and only big fight {a result of me not wanting him to watch a Walk to Remember with me and my girl cousins- this was about 7 years ago & to this day he still holds a grudge},

his leadership qualities,

his witty personality,
his self-confidence,

his "amazing" dance skills,

his fearlessness,

his willingness to help me when needed,

his friendship with Mr. B,

his desire to be a great big brother to our little brother,

watching him transform and grow into a solid man of God his first year of college.

I am so proud to be his big sister.

Happy Birthday, Ry!
Love you and miss you!

** A taste of his personality {he is 100% straight, although I am aware this video may make me you think otherwise}. He made this for our little brother's birthday in January**


  1. Aww. Yay for super awesome younger brothers... one of mine is graduating from hs this year and I just don't know what to do! This post is so sweet!

  2. What a sweet post. :) I love my "little" brothers too!

  3. Such a sweet post, You guys are absolutely adorable in those younger pics.
    Happy birthday to your bro.

  4. So sweet to do for your brother:) And that video is hysterical!

  5. um wow, that one handed pic is amazing!
    sweet post for your brother!! :)
    i hope he had a very happy birthday!!

  6. Oh man, little brother tributes always make me cry, because I've got two special ones myself!

    happy B day to your awesome brother!

  7. My little sis just turned 20 last Thursday! Small world! She's single if he's interested lol! Once all of your siblings are out of their teens (as is now the case with me), you sure start feeling OLD!

  8. awww I LOVE our family!! I miss you guys all being home!! I showed this to Ali & CJ hoping to foster the need for them to start creating those memories- LOL!! Looking forward to May and having all my wonderful children back home!!

  9. What a sweet sweet post!! Happy birthday to your brother, great pics!
