Friday, June 4, 2010


week from today Mama Grace, my sister and I are taking a mini road trip to pick up this little cutie!!!
I feel like time has gone by so slow.
Probably due to the fact that we have technically been waiting since March.

We are so excited that it is now only days away.
Isn't she adorable???

I am getting a little nervous as she approaches her last vet appointment because that is when we lost the other pup we were supposed to get. But we trust that God will work everything out! So far she is super healthy, cuddly when you want to cuddle and playful when you want to play.

The other night I was having trouble falling asleep so I was watching TV. There were other things on, but I chose to watch an infomercial. Because I am cool like that. They suck me in every.time. Such a talent they have- the ability to make you want need to buy it right now.
So Don Sullivan's How to Train the Perfect Dog sucked me in that night. How could I resist a trainer known as The Dogfather?? He must know what he is talking about.

Ummm...Hello?!? With just 3 2 easy payments YOU can have the perfect dog.


It took everything in my power not to wake up Mr.B {I am sure he is very thankful that I didn't} For some reason, I don't think we would've shared the same excitement.
I haven't heard many success stories from the puppy school, so I decided we could save a little money and try this out.

I finally bought it last night.
I haven't received a confirmation email or anything yet, which makes me a little nervous.

So now [if I ever receive it} it's a given- we will have the almost perfect dog. AND all with just two easy 'bout that :)


  1. LOL Hilarious! Maybe you should start watching the Dog Whisperer on Animal Planet.. I'm pretty sure my mom yells at our dogs in German as a result of this show- lol- not sure it really works, though. Good luck!

  2. Haha, you crack me up:) Your puppy is so cute! Can't wait to see how that training works out!

  3. WE DID PERFECT DOG!!! It is seriously amazing!! We didn't believe it and I had never seen the infomercial but my friend watched it all the time and wanted me to get it SO SO bad! I didn't believe it would really work so we'd watch a segment and then go try it with our dog and she literally was doing it right before our eyes! ANd that's after she was almost a year old and picked up some really bad habits. You'll have to let me know how you like it. We should really start on it again and work on some different things with them but now we have 2 dogs so it's a little more tricky. I'm so glad you got it thought--I think you will love it!

  4. We did training school and at first it seemed like a waste of time but now we really like it! I'm interested to see how perfect dog works for you! Make sure you socialize your dog with other dogs while she's still young. It's really good for them!

  5. Awww so you have a name picked out?

  6. Is that a boxer?? My BFF has a boy boxer named Arnie! He is quite the handful!! But he has a girlfriend that is even crazier!!

  7. Just came across your blog, love it!

    And that puppy is just TOO cute! Especially the second picture -- that look! I just want to cuddle her!

    You've got a new follower :)

  8. Oh I want a little puppy! So jealous! enjoy!!!

  9. Hah, I love that you bought the video. So funny.
    That puppy is just so precious. I'm so excited for you guys. :)

  10. Haha! You crack me up! So excited for you two and can't wait to see pictures of your new precious puppy! :-)
