Friday, August 20, 2010

Poop Slug.

We like to refer to this nasty surprise found on our floor as the poop slug.
It's actually not poop.
Or a slug.
But if there was such a thing as a poop slug- this would totally be it.
While writing this and seeing the picture again, I may or may not have thrown up in my mouth a little.
Are you ready for your lunch now?
I am sure your mind is going crazy thinking if it isn't a true poop slug then what on earth could it be??

Let me ease your mind...
A banana.
Abby and Dani were correct!
I loved reading everyone's guesses and disgust- funny stuff.

Roxie loves bananas.
Recently with her teething, I have been freezing them for her.
Apparently when you freeze them, don't eat them right away and leave them out for a few hours they turn into shiny, mushy, brown, poop slugs.
Who knew.

Speaking of Roxie and eating and poop.
We recently won "Dog Parent of the Year" award.
I can't believe I even used the word "dog parent"...I really am one of those dog weirdos now. Lord, help me.
We have been feeding her as if she was a little rat chihuahua.
Basically enough nutrients to provide for her little nub.
Here's a visual.
On the left is the amount of food I was giving her, you know, apparently assuming she was to shrink as she got older and morph into a tiny taco bell dog or something and on the right is well..what she should be.
Can you tell the difference? I know it's not that drastic, so clearly you can see how the mistake was made.
Well after figuring out that we have been feeding her 1/3 of what she should be eating since day 1. We quickly began feeding her the correct amount.
Please pause for "Dog Parent Award" number 2.
It seems as though it wasn't the best idea to jump from giving her 1/2 cup of her food per serving to a little over 1 cup per serving.
Roxie's got the squirts.
And she's got them bad.
Thankfully they are controlled and she always makes it outside, but this is nasty and zero fun.
And SO hard to pick up.
Especially when it's in your landlord's part of the grass.
And it seems to freak her out so she squirts in 4-5 different places around the yard.
And she steps in it.
Poor little puppy's belly doesn't quite know how to digest all that food yet.
It probably would've been a good idea to increase her food s.l.o.w.l.y. Duh.
So now I am feeding her a little dog food and trying the whole chicken and rice route.
I will probably buy some canned pumpkin tonight, too.
And try my best to get little miss squirt butt back to producing some logs.

And hopefully when she is better and we can get back on track she will stop eating leaves, wild berries, dirt, trash, toilet paper and goat and chicken poop....maybe?? We can hope!

I'm also nervous to see how much faster she is going to grow. If she is already growing fast on chihuahua sized nutrients how will she be when she is on the big girl stuff?!

Happy Friday!
Thanks for playing the guessing game and for being faithful followers and always so encouraging :)


  1. I never thought od freezing a banana as a treat. Rudy loves ice cubes, so I bet he'll love a frozen banana! Thanks.

  2. I definitely would have never guessed a banana!! When my husband & I adopted our pup & started talking about her poops, my parents said, "Oh my gosh, you're going to be THOSE parents that talk about your children's pooping habits..." And we will probably be THOSE parents. Haha. Have a good weekend!!

  3. Thanks for the shout out :) Have a great Friday!!!!

  4. I can see the banana now:) Still yuck!

  5. I would never have guessed that was a banana! Gross haha.

    What kind of food do you feed her? I feed my dog holistic food by Nutro and it was the best decision ever. It doesn't have byproducts in it which can be really bad for them and cause stomach problems. That might also get rid of "the runs".

  6. Hehe it is always a lesson with a puppy! we just had ours at the puppy hospital for 2 days because he couldn't stop throwing up after eating SOMETHING..we have no idea what. love him, but ready for him to be a big boy!

  7. Oh HAHAHA! Gross...I still look at it and think, nope it's a slug. Or poop. Funny!
    I totally get the whole squirts thing and changing food. When our oldest boxer, Lambeau, was going from puppy to adult food, I changed his food w/o mixing the two together gradually...just changed it out completely one day. Big mistake. Huge! He had explosive diarrhea in his crate and everywhere it could go outside of it. UGH!! Never made that mistake AGAIN!

  8. HAHA!!! This post cracks me up (and grosses me out a bit). I hope that Roxie starts feeling better! Poor little girl and poor you for having to clean it up! I have definitely been there though, every time we visit my in-laws our dogs always manage to get into their dog food which then gives them horrendous gas and the squirts.

    Good luck!!!!
