Friday, October 29, 2010

Birds and Bees.

Thank you all so much for your sweet comments on yesterday's post. It feels good sometimes to let it all out and be given the opportunity to be encouraged and know you're not alone. Even though I still feel like everyone and their mom is pregnant {okay, not really their moms because most of them are too old. But you never know there could be a Father of the Bride Part 2 action going on somewhere- which is one of my fav movies btw!}, I do know that the Lord will give us a precious little babe in His perfect timing. I am confident in that and find hope in that. So although I go through a million different emotions and questions daily, one thing remains the same and that is my trust in God.  "In his heart a man plans his ways, but the LORD determines his step." {Proverbs 16:9} Sometimes it's just a punch in your gut when that becomes evident.

So on a much lighter note, but still on the same topic as yesterday, please watch these videos!! They are hilarious and totally me and Mr. B in this season of our life. I saw one of these commercials on TV the other night, it was from I laughed because it was me and cried out of fear of the statistic. I went to the website and they had 5 little commercials/skits and it totally made my night week. You will really appreciate it if you have/are going through it! I could only find 4 on youtube, there is one more on their website.

I was also wondering if anyone had any success using an OPK?? 3 people have already mentioned it to me and I am curious to see if anyone else had a good experience. I know they can be a little pricey, but is it worth it?? I thought I knew when I was ovulating- I know my body pretty well, I have a very regular cycle, I have been temping and charting for over a year {I had to stop recently though because I became obsessive!}, I use an app on my phone to tell me my fertile days,  but I am thinking maybe I am missing it and it's worth a shot! 

Enjoy :) Have a great weekend!


  1. I charted for two years and thought I knew when I was ovulating, but it turned out I wasn' took going to a doctor and getting blood tests to determine that my body actually wasn't, and I started Clomid. The first first cycle, I was able to prove it, for the first time, with an OPK. I love them for the reassurance and instant much nicer than interpreting a chart. You can sometimes find them pretty cheap online, at Walmart, etc!

  2. I did not comment yesterday because I never know what to say when people are so far on the opposite spectrum from me.
    Me, fertile as can be, currently trying to NOT get pregnant right now, scared to death of baby #2, does not have the words to say to someone longing for a baby that's been trying so hard.
    I wish I had the words, but I don't.
    So I'm sorry for the lack of comment from one of your loyal readers.

    On a different note... when we were trying to get pregnant we used the ovulation calendar and had sex on the "best chances for conceiving a boy" days... low and behold... we now have Tucker.

    Anyway, GOOD LUCK & keep your head up!!!
    I'm going to say what you said you don't want to hear, but sometimes NEED to...
    God has a plan!

  3. I feel like EVERYONE is pregnant, but I know it will happen!

    I use the Clearblue digital ovulation kit, but I know for this first month, I'm for sure not ovulating. My body is trying to get back to normal. My friend's swear by them. There are more expensive ones you can buy, but I just use the strips.

  4. I don't have time to watch all the videos right now but I did watch the first one and cracked up. Oh the joys of peeing on a stick!! : )
    I tried ovulation sticks one month and had a horrible experience with it but I have heard of people have success with them. It probably just depends on your body/cycle, etc. If you ever want to talk about this whole thing or this specifically I am more than willing! I have been through every emotion and freak out and dumb doctor in the book so hopefully I would be able to share the little bit of baby making wisdom that I do have with you (i mean emotional stuff...obviously i don't have ACTUAL baby making wisdom since we haven't made oneyet ; ) )
    But my email is if you want!

  5. It seriously does seem like everybody is pregnant right now. The photos page on my facebook is almost completely filled with babies. I wish I had some words of wisdom for you, but we're still trying not to get pregnant... but I did get a kick out of those videos. "I'm not sick, Neil". :) I'll be praying for you guys. Godspeed.

  6. It definitely doesn't hurt to try OPK's! I did everything...OPK's, temping/charting using (a little confusing at first, but just watch the tutorials and it ends up being pretty simple! It takes one minute out of each morning to temp and then enter it online.), checking cervical mucus. I did it ALL. lol

    I bought my OPK's online at You can buy them in bulk and they're MUCH cheaper than the store ones.

    Also, just an FYI...those internet calculators and ovulation apps are a big waste (not to sound snarky at ALL, I don't mean that!) Pefect example is...I had what I thought was a pretty 'regular' cycle, 26-28 days, and according to those apps and things it would tell me that I was ovulating between days 14-16. Well, come to find out after temping/charting for a while, that I was actually ovulating really early (day 12 was my 'usual'). I would've NEVER known that without charting and would've totally missed my window every month!!

    I know it's hard and can be SO frustrating, but, don't give up! You're going to be a great mommy someday, and my fingers are crossed that it's soon. Best of luck to you!! :)

  7. I charted by taking my temp and using the ovulation pee strips for about 6 months. Have you read Taking CHarge of your Fertility? I never bought a fancy expensive device to tell me when I was ovulating so I dont have any advice for you. :( You can find the pee sticks online in bulk for a discounted price. I also had my OB look over my charts after charting for 6 months to verify that I was in fact ovulating. Have you had an OB appointment since you have started to try?

  8. This month was my first time to use an OPK so we'll see. I'm just not sure I can do the temperature thing just yet. I got a box of 20 at Walmart for like $35. They are the First Response kind. We have been trying since March for baby #2. Funny, the first time was a big surprise and now it seems like its taking forever!
    Good luck and have fun trying!

  9. You don't have to spend a lot to get a bunch of tests-

    They've got bigger packs as well :)

    And they work just as well as the expensive ones.

    I'm going to second reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility- everyone I lent my copy to has gotten pregnant within a couple months.
