Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mama Roxie

No, Roxie isn't really a mama.
And she is never going to be a mom.
We covered that topic last week.
But I have recently discovered that, like me, she is meant to be a mom.
I guess human babies will have to do for her.
I don't think she has a preference anyways.

They were looking at some toy and her arm was just resting on his back, ha!
Usually, I put Rox in her crate when I have the babies and I take her out during nap times.
Lately though she has been driving me nuts.
She is a completely different dog when I have the babies.
She whines. all day.
She barks. all day.
She's hyper. all day.
I get it, I don't blame her, I know she has a lot of pent up energy and well, she's a puppy.
This is what puppies do.

I decided to switch things up a bit and let her out of her crate about 20 minutes after the baby gets dropped off.
Some miracle occurred.
My precious little annoying Boxer puppy transformed into mama protect-o boxer.
Before getting her, we knew that Boxers were really good with kids and babies and that is a characteristic that we loved about them, but I didn't think it would begin this young.
And I am so amazed that she knows to be gentle. 
She plays so differently with the babies than she does with my siblings.
And she has no aggression {towards anyone}, she can be chewing a bone...or a water bottle, they can even take it away from her and she just licks them and waits for them to give it back.
And she also let's them do whatever they want to her.
You know, like hug and ...body roll... and smush your face all over her fur. 
It's a win-win situation.

It is the funniest/cutest thing.
And she does it every day.
These two have a special bond and I no longer think a second dog is needed.
It melts my heart.
It gives me hope.
It is the perfect practice for one day when we have our own.
It makes me proud.

She get so serious about this role.
She will hover over him wherever he crawls.
And he will hug and kiss when she's not over him.
She gives me this look like "Don't worry, I got him".
The baby doesn't seem phased by it, he will often times rub her belly or play with her legs.
It's just too funny.
It keeps them both busy.
And happy.
Therefore making me happy.
And my job easy.
And I'm surprised because she's only 9 months, she's still a puppy!
But it's so precious to see and I am so thankful she has that maternal instinct.

{These are with my phone so quality isn't so good, but it's enough to get the idea}

Man's Baby's best friend :)

Boxers are the best.


  1. Oh my goodness, that is the cutest thing! Boxers are GREAT with kids! I'm wondering about my dog with our future kids. Ha!

  2. i lOVE this!!!!!!!!!! this really wants a boxer too! what a good mamma roxie is!

  3. Awww that's SO cute!! Rudy is like that with small kids too. I can't wait to see how he is with Henry. I bet they will be best friends

  4. Melt my heart. I love those pics. :)

  5. SOOOO cute! What a sweetie :-) Our pup has gotten much better with the kiddos too!

  6. We adopted our boxer from a rescue group. In his former life he was beaten and abused by his owners and their children so I'm always a little afraid of how he will be around our future kiddos. This post gives me so much hope and makes me smile ear to ear!

    Boxers truly are the BEST!

  7. That video is hilarious! It's so funny that she just stands there over him! I get super nervous when it comes to pups & babies - my brother had a boxer that bit my nephew's entire head when my nephew tried to take a plate of steaks away from him that he jumped on the counter to get. My nephew was only three, and it still makes me super nervous! But Roxie is such a sweetheart. So cute!

  8. Boxers ARE the best!! Roxie is adorable!!!
    I left and award for you on my blog! :)

  9. melt my heart!! roxie is a natural!! what a sweet, sweet puppy you have! :)
    i love all these pictures!!!
    my pup is not a kid friendly dog and i'm so nervous about bringing a baby into his territory since he has been my baby for almost 9 years.

  10. Awww, our Golden is like this. See my post from yesterday, just a pic of B and our little girl! Baby's Best Friend is right :)

  11. Boxers are the best! I have a 3 year old female boxer. She adores my son but will stand over him time to time to show dominance. My husband and I immediately correct her so that she does not ever think she is higher in the pack than our son is. Before I had my son (who just turned 2), she would try to stand over me. She has always sensed that my husband is the leader of "our pack" (haha) so she has never tried this with him.

    My boxer has never once showed even the slightest bit of aggressiveness so I am not saying your boxer will be aggressive. Just thought you should know this is a sign of dominance.

    Beautiful pup by the way! =)
