Friday, January 28, 2011

A Taste of Spring

Or not.

Today I was scraping the snow off my car
with no coat on.

I wasn't cold.

It felt warm.

It felt like spring.

It lifted my spirits.

It gave me hope.

Winter is depressing, you guys.


It's too long.

And way too cold.

But not today.

Today was fairly warm.

And refreshing.

And then I looked at my phone to see how "warm" it was.

Oh, a toasty 27. 

How sad.

Isn't it crazy how your body adjust?

Compared to the negative weather we have been having, trust me- this feels good.

I hope you all enjoy a relaxing warm weekend.

But I don't want to know if it's truly warm because I will be jealous.

So instead I will bask in the warmth of the mid-twenties.

And tomorrow looks like it will be 34. 


Time to break out the shorts.


  1. Haha! This is funny! When it was it in lower 20's here for like a week, then it got to 40, it felt SO warm! But now that it's been in the 40's for couple weeks, tomorrow is supposed to be 60 and I CANNOT wait! :)

  2. Brrr!! Stay warm out there! And I'm so glad you found my blog so that I could find yours! I'm a new follower. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Haha! I hear ya! My sis is in Florida now and it was 9 degrees celcius and she was like it is really nice out... and I gave her the comment... you are SOOO Canadian! She responded with "it is better than snow!"

  4. Hahaha enjoy your "heat wave" tomorrow :). We just moved to Mississippi from Wisconsin, and I'm loving the 50 degree weather here...but they all think it's COLD! Haha. Guess my body is still used to January in WI.

  5. thanks for the follow! I just looked at your blog briefly, but I'll have better comments from now on Promise!

    Oh and Jillian Michaels and I had our time in the sun but now I'm a former shredder : ( Back to the treadmill for this girl

  6. at least you are adjusted to it! :) today is was actually 62ish here! crazy!!!! and i live in the's never this warm in January. i don't know what's going on! lol!

  7. I felt the same way the other day when we broke the 20's. Haha soooo sad!

  8. 34... HEAT WAVE! I'd love to have 34degrees here hahah!
