Friday, April 1, 2011

Big Fat Joke

This guy...
and his shadow = a big fat joke.

Whoever invented this accurate test for the winter season is quite possibly a joke as well.

How do we even know if he sees his shadow?

Last I knew groundhog's didn't talk unless they were Disney characters, of course.

So on April 1st, we woke up to this....

On Wednesday it was sunny and 55.

What a tease.

 Punxsutawney Phil should be fired. 

End of story.

So today we are sad.

And SO ready for spring.

Wishing we could be out for a walk.

And longing to be back at the Dog Park enjoying some friends and the sunshine.


  1. Roxie's pictures are too cute! She looks like she wants to be outside soooo bad!

    Hope it warms up soon!

  2. I was beginning to worry about you with your lack of posts lately!! Geeze girl!!

    Sorry you woke up to snow, but for once I didn't!! It is nice here!! So way to take one for the team!!

  3. Sorry to hear about your recent dose of gloomy weather :( If I could bottle up the weather we're getting and send it to you I would! I hope it warms up for you soon!

  4. Your doggys are so cute! AND you're right how the heck do we know if the ground hog sees his shadow, unless he stars chasing after it like my cat does. LOL
