Friday, April 29, 2011

Newest Member

Meet to the newest member to my parents' little Saving Grace Farm...

Can you tell what it is??

It's so hard to understand and capture the cuteness of this little furball in pictures. 
Her name is Lilly and she looks like a little cartoon character/stuffed animal.
She has 2 sisters and 1 brother that will be joining her in 2 weeks.

In other farm related news, this is a normal site to see- right?

Just 3 goats on a trampoline with a shark-like puppy sneaking up on them from underneath. 
I'm thinking this will be the new activity this summer.

The light brown one on the right might be giving us some new additions soon too. 
We won't know if she is pregnant until just a couple weeks until she is due, which is the end of May.

I may or may not be really bitter if she really is pregnant. 
And got pregnant on her first try with Mr. Goat.
But that would be so silly to be jealous of a goat, right? 
Yup, my craziness has gone to a whole new level.

It's funny listening to my parents wonder if she is pregnant....

I think she is acting different...
I think her belly looks bigger....
I think her teats look a little longer....

Been there, done that.
Every month you think you see something new. 
There have been many months when I thought for sure my teats were longer too...

Happy Friday! 


  1. What cuteness! So what IS Lily? She looks kinda like a rabbit, kinda like a guinea pig! I want to cuddle her whatever she is :-) Happy Weekending!

  2. I'm guessing that Lily is a rabbit!

  3. What a funny looking creature... and so cute at the same time. I wanna know what she is. And :-)

  4. I think she's a chinchilla! Is she??! My friends had a chinchilla that looked a lot like that, but they also look like bunnies so it's hard to say.
    hahaha i am cracking up about your goat story. it wouldn't be THAT ridiculous to be jealous of a goat : )

  5. Love the pic of Roxie the shark and her prey!

  6. hahha your teats. thanks for the laugh!!! I needed it after last nights depressing office.
