Wednesday, July 20, 2011

{Almost} Wordless Wednesday: Smelly Bean's Name

We already had the first name picked before we were even pregnant. 
I saw it on a blog one day and fell in love.
I love that it unique and not very popular, but not "totally out there" either.

As for the middle name- before we even started trying to get pregnant the middle name for a girl was going to be Grace {my maiden name}, but after 10 months of trying and our faith and trust in the Lord being tested, we felt like we wanted to use something different. Something with a little more meaning. 

When our church had A Day at Shiloh {day of prayer} that I posted about back in February, I felt that if we did conceive after that that I would like to use the name Shiloh. And sure enough- to God's Glory- we conceived on my next cycle. 

I didn't love the way that Adalyn Shiloh flowed, but I felt it had a special meaning for us so it would be worth it. 

That is until Mr. B quickly pointed out there her initials would be A.S.S

Good point.

So needless to say, Shiloh was off the list and Faith became the next meaningful name. 

Mr. B & I could not agree on a name for a boy, I was nervous for the gender ultrasound because I really wanted to leave the appointment with the baby named and I wasn't ready to commit to any boy name yet. 

Thankfully, we still have time to decide on that one and this little babe had a name the moment we found out.

So on June 18 our sweet little Smelly Bean became 
our precious Adalyn Faith. 


  1. Aww I love it! Love the meaning behind it too. When I first heard the name I thought about your maiden name as the middle name, but I love the meaning behind Faith too. :)

  2. Love the name on Adalyn too!! It has been on my list for a while!!

  3. I know exactly who you took that name from, she is one of my friends! :)
    But I do love it regardless!

  4. It's Beautiful! Good call on the A.S.S. initials!

  5. Beautiful name! Good thing the hubby was thinking about initials :)

  6. I love the name! One of my best friends just named her daughter Addelyn Grace. :-)

  7. I love her name!! If I have a third girl (which will most likely happen) her middle name will be Faith :)

  8. I love love love the name....It's beautiful!
