Thursday, August 25, 2011

26 Weeks

So my last post was a pregnancy post so I know this is pretty lame. 

But I got a new charger. And even was FREE!! 

So life can now go on :)

Milestones for week 26:
:: Reached the double digit countdown ::
:: Officially decided to give cloth diapering a try ::
:: Can find where she is in my belly::
::Quadrupled Doubled in size::
::Losing my back- it pretty much goes shoulder blades to butt::
::Didn't get sick until 5 days into this week-I was thinking this was going to be my first week in 20 weeks without getting sick. I told Mr. B that I didn't want to tell him because I didn't want to jinx it....but I told him anyways. Sure enough the next morning...there goes my breakfast. I did learn that fruit loops come up real easy though :) ::

Gender: GIRL!!! 

Total Weight Gained: I have no idea- let's say +10, feeling like I put on a couple more pounds in my thighs and arms.

Sleep: Most nights = insomnia. My best sleep is usually 6:30-9 in the morning {after Mr. B leaves, hmmm coincidence?}

Maternity Clothes: Still LOVE. Wear mostly non-maternity shirts and dresses, but love my shorts and capris. My non-maternity shirts look too tight/silly now, but I just need to make it through 1 more month of summer clothes and then bring on the fall sweaters and jeans! 

Best Moment of the Week: Finding a great deal on some cloth diapers!

Food Cravings: Appetite is definitely coming back- wohoo! Can't think of any real cravings yet. But now I need to pace myself because I can eat a lot.

Aversions: I think I can handle steak now, but still not ready for Wishbone Italian Dressing.  

Symptoms: Heartburn and still getting sick. Starting to get back pain.

Movement: Finally starting to feel a little more again, she scared me for a few days. But that doesn't take much. 

What I miss: Not feeling sick in the car, being able to slowly wake up/relax in bed until I am ready to get up, a good night sleep. But who cares- it's all SO worth it! 

What I'm looking forward to: Glucose test being over with!! I go on Wednesday- eek!! 

So this week started off looking smaller than I had in the past. This lasted for two days and then all of a sudden BAM- I'm really big. You'll see the growth in my 27 week pic!


  1. cereal and waffles were always easiest for me to throw up. ha! nothing like pregnant lady talk! :)
    so glad to hear you have decided to cloth diaper :)

  2. yay for CloTH diapering!! if you HaVe Any quesTions feel free TO Ask. sorry my Typing is Crazy my Comp is being weird. i HaVe Come To loVe and Look forward To CloTH diapering!! :) glad you are feeling beTTer!!

  3. you look great! i never slept well with my second pregnancy, hope it gets better for you =)

  4. Hey girly,I just wanted to send you a link...this fellow blogger and momma loves cloth diapers, so check her out. But be sure to give her a shout out

  5. You look great! I never slept much while pregnant either. Sometimes a warm bath/shower helped me relax.
