Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tuesdays Thoughts/Iphone Pics

1. The temperature in my house is 70 degrees. I don't think it has been below 80 since like the winter! It feels amazing! Especially for this prego mama who doesn't handle the heat well. 

2. We sold our tickets to Kenny Chesney's Going Coastal Tour this morning. It was an birthday present {I think?} from Mr. B back in November- I really wanted to go and was super excited! But fast forward 9 months and being 7 months pregnant - knowing it's a long day with lots of walking, lots of people and uncomfortable stadium seats and it just wasn't sounding quite as enjoyable as it once was. I'm now thinking more along the lines of a weekend away and a prenatal massage :) 

3. The house hunting is on hold until at least next summer. Time is flying by and we still had a lot to buy/get done before Adalyn gets here so we decided we would wait and make do in our little duplex. So I made a giant to do list and I've been doing little projects around the house that I'd like to get finished before she is here!

4. Hoping to officially start on the nursery next week! It will be a burden lifted, that's for sure! 

5. I have been seriously considering cloth diapering. I will do a post about that soon! I am about 90% sold on the idea, but it's that sticky, nasty, gag worthy poopy diaper that will need to be sprayed/dunked/scraped off that is holding the other hefty 10%.

6. Apparently I don't have many thoughts floating around because I am drawing a big fat blank so I will post some iphone pics like I have seen others do lately. Considering I have ummmm 1,318 photos on there I think I can find a few ideas.....

7. I recently learned that there is a difference between Baking Soda and Baking Powder and chocolate chip cookies will not come out the same when baked with just baking powder.
6. My cute puppy taking a nap 

7. Naptime for puppy, mama and baby :)

8. Ben leaves his hangers in the bathroom every.single.morning. Thankfully he now puts his boxers in the hamper instead of on the floor, next we are working on the hangers. Anyways, he hangs them on the towel rack directly across from the toilet. This morning as I was squatting to pull up my shorts {you know the super sexy pregnant squat} my hair got caught in the hanger and I thought it was hilarious.
Clearly, it doesn't take much to amuse me these days :)

Going to see The Help today with Mama Grace! Heard it was a good movie, haven't read the book yet though! Happy Tuesday! 


  1. I think your cookies still look delicious :) Little flat, but delicious!

  2. Lol...love the cookies.
    I've made that mistake once.

  3. cloth diapers= total success! i absolutely love them!! we started late, at 4 months, but I wish we would have sooner! I was worried about the pooh as well but honestly i have touched more pooh in sposies than cloth! crazy right? and now, gasp, we are switching to cloth wipes to save some more money! if you have any questions feel free to ask! I have learned alot and would love to help :)
