Monday, September 26, 2011

Misc. Monday

{one} As if the kicks, heartburn, sickness and ultrasound pictures weren't enough....I realized I am officially pregnant:
I no longer need a cup holder or TV Tray :) 
And sidenote: My belly isn't really that big, I think it's the pillows and angle making it look extra round.

{two} Friday  night was rainy and I wasn't feeling very well so Mr. B and I decided to get Boston Market for dinner because I was in the mood for some mashed potatoes. 
So I got a side of those...
Anything else?

And sweet potatoes.

Is that all?
And macaroni and cheese.

::Ummm I'll tell you when I am done sir. Please stop making me feel like a cow. Thank you. ::

Is that all?

And cornbread.

Is that all?

And baked apples.

Give the pregnant woman a break, puhhhlease! 
They are small little sides, you know!
And they were only $1.29 each!
I realized in that moment that this was the only time I could get away with getting so many sides. 
Clearly it's not normal. 
And between Mr. B laughing and the guy serving, they were me feel like I was going a little overboard. 
Sidenote: There are no pillows behind me and this isn't a weird angle so....let's blame the shirt :)

{three}  The weather here really needs to make up its mind. One day it's beautiful sunny and 60s, the next day it's rainy and 70s, then it's super humid and today is sunny and 80s. Not cool. Bring back the crisp fall air, pretty pretty please!! Especially since we put our AC away last weekend! 

{four} I made this cute wreath for our door. Was not even expensive and lots cuter than most I see at the store. I made one for Mama Grace too! Love it.

{five} Yesterday marked the two month countdown to Adalyn's due date! Today is 60 days! 

{six} This week will be filled with little nursery projects and baby shower decor. Mr. B's dad is making us a changing station and that should be coming within the next couple weeks. I am so excited about it, because it's the final/finishing touch to the nursery that {I am hoping} will really make the room feel complete. And more baby-ish.

{seven} I signed us up for childbirth class on Sunday. I figured it would be good bonding time for me and Mr. B and good learning time for him considering he doesn't know what dilating is and told me his sister's baby "has breached" meaning "is born". Yeah...he has need to work on his labor and delivery terms a little bit ;)

go link up!


  1. Hi!
    Food is always much better when your expecting. And your cute in your shirt. Have a great day!

    Food for Thought

  2. Just ofund your blog through Miscellany Monday. Love your belly pics! Congrats on the little one to be : ) And what an adorable wreath, so pretty! Hope you have a great week!

  3. Your belly is so cute and I love that you can now hold a cup on your belly. :) Too funny

  4. Hi! I'm here from Misc. Monday. :0) You have an adorable preg belly, and work it girl!! Congrats on the final countdown!

  5. I know you have been following my blog for awhile and for some reason, I didn't follow back! I'm sorry for that! I am so excited for you and your hubby, having a little girl is so fun! I can't wait until she's here in your arms! Take it easy and enjoy every minute of pregnancy, it goes by so fast, even on the days it feels like it will last's over in a blink of an eye!
