Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Birthday Gift

24 years ago today my mom gave birth to me

And today I anxiously await the arrival of my little girl. 
So desperate for her to come that I am even willing to share my birthday with her.

But so far it seems like she is more interested in having her own special day.

Which I can respect.

Either way, I will be experiencing one of the greatest gifts I could ever receive or ask for

and I can not wait.

Seriously, I can't.

This is way too suspenseful. 

I don't know how people do it! 

And this birthday is extra special because it gives me a greater appreciation for my own mom and everything that she went through. 

It really should be a joint celebration. 

Although, I'm not gonna lie- It is nice to have your own special day :) 


  1. WOO HOO! Soooo soon she will be IN your arms. Happy Birthday to you :)

  2. aw very cute post! happy bday!!


  3. happy birthday gorgeous!! p.s. how old is your mom?! she looks YOUUUUUNG in that picture!

  4. Last year I got the greatest b.day gift of all time. My little girl was born on my 28th birthday. I'm big on my birthday and wanted us each to have our own special day. She had other plans though and now that we share a b.day, I honestly forget all about myself and just get excited to celebrate her. On the 23rd of this month she will turn 1 and I will turn 29 and I love that the day is OURS to share.

  5. Beautiful post! Happy Birthday!!! And oh my goodness, your mom looks YOUNG! :)
