Monday, December 5, 2011

Two Weeks

Has it seriously been 2 weeks already?!?

It really is amazing how quickly time goes by and how much she changes every day. 

We reached a lot of new little milestones this week:

The weather has been unseasonable warm for late November/December, so we didn't want to stay cooped up in the house.

You had your first outing to the mall.
I felt bad because this time you wouldn't be getting chick-fil-a
 this time around.
I think you enjoyed it in mommy's belly- it was pretty much on the menu every week!

first semi-bath 
to soak your red little bum and first diaper rash.

Because of this we started cloth diapers and cloth wipes.

I even went all "earthy" and used olive oil instead of diaper cream.
It cleared right up!

Shortly after you had your first real bath 
because you lost your umbilical stump at 10 days old.

You are very easy going and hardly ever cry.
You had your first cry this week accompanied by your first tear.
I guess you were tired of being in the car.
That was about the first and last time you cried. 
You typically just grunt and make monkey noises. 

You are a great sleeper.
You pretty much sleep 20 hours a day.

You are pretty consistent with your your awake times:
 maybe a tiny bit in the afternoon if we are lucky
and maybe 15 minutes during your 2/3am feeding.

This makes your night time feedings easy on momma. 
You are now drinking about 3.5oz/4 oz every 3.5/4 hours. 
The past few nights you have a bottle around 10/10:30 and then sleep until 2:30/3.
Go right back to sleep and ready to eat again around 6:30/7.

You seem to be most awake around 10:00 {Mommy and Daddy's old bedtime}
We are pretty tired around this time, but you are so so worth it.
We hang out in bed and talk to you. 

I can usually count on two faces during the 2am feeding and I look forward to it every morning. 

Face #1:

Face #2:

We normally go back to bed after the 6:30/7 feeding.
Daddy has left for work, you get unswaddled and we enjoy a couple more hours of sleep.

When you're unswaddled you like to sleep with your arms up over your head
with your hands over your face

I love to dress you up
You are like my own little doll. 
It's too much fun!
This week you were styling in your super cute winter boots

You also went to church for the first time this week and you did wonderful! 
I never realized how quiet it was at church until I had you- I was so nervous you were going to fart or shart or cry! But you didn't! A few little grunts here and there, but you were an angel and slept on mommy the whole time. 

We love you more than words can express.
I can't even think about it or I start to cry {shocking I know...}

You are so beautiful and we thank the Lord every day for blessing us with you. 
What a privilege it is to be your parents. 


  1. Sounds like a fantastic second week! What a cutie!

  2. What an angel. I can't believe it's been two weeks already! Don't blink or it will be one year. *Tears* I'm all emotion lately too. :(

  3. She is precious and your fears at church made me lol! Too cute:) Don't Blink, it flies by fast! Mine will be 2 in a few months:(

  4. She is beautiful! Loving her outfit in the first picture

    Sweet N Sassy Girls

  5. So sweet! She is just glad things are going so well for you!

  6. This is lovely, Jordan!

  7. she is adorable! like too cute for words!
    sounds like you guys are getting along well for your second week!

  8. Well, I guess with us having such similar pregnancies I should have guessed our babies would be the same too!:) That sounds EXACTLY like Callyn at that age. Exactly. Isn't it amazing to have a baby who sleeps and doesn't cry?? I almost felt bad to tell other mom's about it because I felt like I was just so so lucky! What a little angel baby you have. So glad you are enjoying every second with her (I mean, how could you not!?)

  9. I have followed for a while, just because I love babies so much. I have four of my own, all grown and 3 grandsons. Hopefully more to come. A sweet little girl would be nice. Just wanted to say you have a most beatiful little girl. I know yalls heart is busting. Yes I am from the south.

  10. She is so adorable, seriously such a picture!!! I love how she seems to have a cute little personality already!! And the boots are absolutely adorable!! Your little one is on the best dressed list for sure!! So glad things are going so smoothly!!!

  11. mmmmmmmmmmmmm nice p-ss-
