So yesterday I re-organized my boards/pins and whew do I feel good!
I feel like there should be a limit or something on how much you pin {but not really because that wouldn't be fun}, but it can get overwhelming!
And you pin so much you forget what you've pinned!
Anyways, while doing this I think I found what my username is.
You're never going to guess.
Super creative, right?
I wonder how I came up with that one...
So....if you're on please follow me so I can follow you!
I love following people.
Following people=less work for me.
Because you know, it's a lot of work to really search for something to pin.
Plus, the last few times I've tried searching something hardly anything comes up and if it does it barely even relates to my search!
Super lame.
But I think it might be fixed..
So I hope that works!
If not leave me a comment with your username and I'll find you!
Love your boards and pins!
I'm following you now!