Monday, April 9, 2012

Million Dollar Question

Two posts in one day?! 

So every time I try and write up a recap I completely lose my mind and confuse myself.
Seriously, every.single.time.

So the question is...
how do you post the monthly recaps??

As I was writing the "3 Month Recap" I was confused because I feel like I am writing about when she was 2 months old, but it's called her "3 Month Recap".

I am really bad at explaining my confusion in person, so I can't even imagine how it is going to sound written out but let me try and explain it.....
{And I also have to write this out every time}

She was born on November 21st.
December 21st she turned 1 month old.
Anything that happened from November 21st-December 21st is considered her 1st month, right?

Anything that happened from December 21-January 21 is in her 2nd month of life.

BUT at the time of whatever events happened she really isn't that old yet.

Example: December 21st she turns 1 month old.
Christmas was on December 25th.
On January 21 she turns 2 Months and I need to write up her recap for the month she just finished.
 December 21st-January 21st is her second month of life therefore it becomes her "2 Month Recap".
BUT during Christmas time she was 1 month old...not 2.
I get that when she turns 2 months old it's more of a completion of a month, not the start.
But I still consider it the start.

Am I making any sense??

Another example: Currently she is 4 month old and teething.
When I write that post it will be in her 5th month recap, but she's not 5 months while teething....

So I guess the question is what do you consider the first few weeks of life, I think that's what screwed up my monthly recaps. I think I need to go back and fix the titles.

I want my updates to be a recap of the month she was.

And sometimes I think I am the only one that is confused by this!
It happened with my pregnancy updates too, but this is even more confusing for me.
When the years come I am fine with understanding that- it's the whole weeks and months thing that really get me!

And in doing this I also realized I am even more behind than I thought on her updates!!


  1. This made me chuckle. Not at you. But because I had the same problem. My albums on facebook are titled "Brayden at 15 months old" and then all the pictures from the day he turned 15 months old until the day before he turned 16 months old are all in that album. The first album? All pictures from birth until the day before he turned 1 month old. Does that help? My blog is a different story though. That back tracks. So his 16 month post is talking about things he loved/did/etc when he was technically 15 months and such and such days/weeks. I don't worry so much about the blog because I rely more on facebook and the folders on my computer and the folders on my computer match the folders on facebook. *whew* that was very long winded. ;)

  2. maybe you could just do adalyn during the month of January, feb etc

  3. omg that just made my head hurt~!
