Thursday, July 19, 2012

Road Trip, Wedding, Reunion

On the 4th of July weekend we took Adalyn's first road trip.
A 9 hour drive to the middle of nowhere Erie, PA. 
Adalyn did great and stuck right to her schedule!
I couldn't resist buying her a new book. 
Mickey + Road Trip= Meant to be!

We arrived at the hotel around 4PM, unpacked a few things and went for a swim with daddy.

Followed by a delicious dinner at Texas Roadhouse. 
Munched on some yummy rolls {and salad, and steak and loaded sweet potato and gained 5 pounds}Got back, had tubby, read bedtime books and called it a night.
Our morning started off with her first munchkin from Dunkins. 
She approved.

Then we were off to an indoor water park! 
She loves her tubby time and she didn't disappoint us with loving the water park, too! 
She started off with just a few smiles, I think there was so much around her that she was taking it all in. 
She is such a water baby and had a blast!

We got lunch on the way back to the hotel, she took her nap and then we were off to celebrate Alice and Tyler! 
Alice was beautiful and they were both glowing. 
Weddings are such special times filled with so much love and joy. How can anyone not be smiling?!

Mr. B stayed in the hallway during the ceremony since little Miss Adalyn is quite the screecher these days. 
Weddings are pretty much the only time that my college friends and I are able to get together. 
So these weddings are always extra exciting!

The reception was held at a beautiful old theater. We enjoyed catching up with our friends, good food, love and dancing!

For kicks and giggles....
Yes, my gorgeous friend {the next bride to be!} is that tall.
Yes, we are that short.
Yes, our boobs start at her hips. 
So sad.

Last year we reunited at Jules' wedding

And this year, they're expecting!

My first roomie and sweet friend, 5 years later...

We have another wedding in October and we will get to meet their sweet baby girl! 

First and last dance for the bride and groom

Speaking of dancing....the books forget to inform you that when you become a mom you lose most or all sense of rhythm. 
I was never a good dancer, but I had some moves. 
I was nearly in tears when I realized that must have snuck out with Adalyn on November 21. 
So us mommies stayed in the back and enjoyed the freedom to let loose where few could see. 

Lesson learned that a wedding past bedtime + sleeping for an hour+waking up when time for bed= wired until 12:30AM. At least it was the hyper/funny overtired!
Which then resulted in a little someone sleeping in our bed...and not wanting to wake up to get an early start home!

We started a journey back home and took a pitstop at Mr. B's grandparents house in Buffalo. They haven't met Adalyn yet and we also had some little 2nd cousins to meet!
We had a great visit, she loved her great-grandparents and her 2nd cousins and I wish we could've stayed longer!

It's no fun living so far away from people you love!
We are looking forward to our next reunion in October to celebrate Lauren and Nate! 


  1. That sounds like such a fun trip!!

    I love all the pictures with your friends from college, how awesome you all keep in touch and remain so close!

    She is just adorable!

  2. I am so in love with Adalyn's swimsuit! Fabulous!

  3. Looks like fun! Your friend is SO tall! And I hate living so far from family too.

  4. your weekend looks awesome! you are so lucky she kept such a great schedule, I'm jealous!

  5. I know I'm way late on this, but I just had to comment about Erie being in the middle of nowhere! I can certainly agree with this as I went to college just an hour south of there! It's pretty, but not too much around :) Anyways, it's so great that you're still really close with your friends from college!
