Thursday, March 11, 2010


I realize this is almost a week late, but I have been way too busy stuffing my face at restaurants and soaking in the sun that I have had absolutely no time to write about my days. Now no one is here to keep me company, it's pouring outside, it's 10:30 in the morning, I am eating cheese and crackers, watching Regis and Kelly and I might still be in bed, so I think I can find some time to update.

Friday night was my last day of work. Yip-EEE! I was kind of stressing because I wasn't sure if we were going to hug good-bye or if I was just going to leave like normal. This thought was kind of taking over my day. Do you hug when it's a mutual dislike?? When she doesn't even day "hi" or "bye" to me?? The answer is yes. I went with the flow, followed her body language and went for it. Not only was there a hug, there were tears. From her, not me. Which makes the whole situation quite comical, I think. Clearly it was not because she will miss me, she will miss everything I do for her. This is the second employer I've had that has done this to me. Newsflash: If you treated me better I wouldn't be leaving- it's your own fault. As she was shedding tears, we were out celebrating. I know, that sounds really mean, but there's freedom in being released from a bad position, sorry. We went to a delicious restaurant right across from our place called The Grill Smith.

"Cheers to no more work while in Florida!"
My wonderful visitors, Grammie, Auntie Liz and Mama Grace
The melt in your mouth filet mignon (note: Mama Grace was paying it would be wrong to choose a cheap meal. She might think differently.)
Smiles of pure happiness.
I'm beyond happy to be done.
He is beyond happy that he won't have to hear me complain
Although I am quite confident it won't take long for me to find something else to complain about.
We will pretend all complaints were left behind with the job.

The next day we drove to Winter Haven to visit the snow birds, Rudy (my great-grandfather) and his girlfriend. Yes, he has a girlfriend. Yes, they met online. Yes, that qualifies them as being "hip". They both lost their spouses and found each other through the internet, they have been great for each other and have been "dating" for years.
This past Christmas while watching Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, I realized for the very first time, that Rudolph's girlfriend's name is Clarice....ummm..that's Rudy's girlfriend's name! How funny is that?? That discovery pretty much made my Christmas season.

As I mentioned in this post, Rudy enjoys going to Hooters with "the guys". Proof that I was not lying--not that you wanted any proof because personally it is a tad disturbing to think about--here is the sign up list. We were given a tour of his retirement community and in the clubhouse there was a sign up sheet for various activities. A van filled with elderly men on a field trip to Hooters= "Delightfully Tacky". Hmm good choice of words.
Please take note of the last signature on the list. Lee really looks forward to this outing.
I really need to figure out how to put arrows and text, can someone comment and teach me please??

We went out for lunch at a new little diner down the street. Little did we know "Chat-A-Whyle" was not only the name of the diner, but a huge hint of what we had to look forward to.
We waited for our food for at least an hour. Thanks for the simple suggestion and apparently fair warning to chat awhile.
Apparently it takes a long time to make a ridiculously-tall-entirely-too-big-to-fit-in-any-normal-size-mouth sandwich. Customers love waiting that long for their food only to find they need to disassemble their sandwich so they can at least get one part of their mouth over the top.

We went back to Rudy's house and celebrated my Grammie's 65th birthday a little early while she was in town. He made his famous apple pie and it was delicious.

The end of our day consisted of Grammie, some bread, this big guy and a bunch of his friends.
I am going to pull a LOST moment on you and leave you hanging.
This story involves a video and deserves it very own post.

Don't be too overwhelmed with the suspense, feel free to use your imagination and stay tuned.


  1. Download Picasa for adding text to pics (it's free!) or you could just do it in Paint, but it's easier on Picassa :) I don't think you can add arrows in it though.

  2. I use Picnik. It's free and has SO much fun stuff to do :) It's worth a try!

  3. I love your blog! You are a very cute couple and it looks like you have a blast together!

  4. Wow, that is super excting! I'm glad you got out of a bad job situation : ) I'm excited to follow your new life as a housewife...I can't wait until I can be one, too!

  5. Just came across your blog... so cute, and your husband and you are so adorable together! New follower :)

  6. I am a new follower to your blog! did anyone ever to you that you look like Candance Cameron from Full House? :>)))

  7. I'm glad your done with that job, You deserve to be treated what your worth.

    I'm glad you had a fun busy weekend with your family.

  8. You are beyond funny, J! This made me laugh out loud!!! =) Enjoy your morning TV!

  9. Jordan Rudy is so cute! I can't believe he goes to hooters...too funny. And can you please post a video of the geese?! Did you video the geese with your grammie??
