Thursday, October 27, 2011

One Question

How come when you're pregnant and whale-like you drop ever.y.thinggggggg?!?!

It could very well be more annoying than the nausea, throwing up {yes, at 36 weeks I am still getting sick} and heartburn.
It's definitely a close call.

And a symptom no one warns you about.

The other day I was at the Dollar Tree and I had about 5 rolls of ribbon....

and guess what?

The pile collapsed and sent every.single.roll every which way down the aisle.

I wanted to cry.

And lay on the floor for a little while I was crawling around picking them up.

But that would've been gross and weird. 

I did pause before picking them up just in case someone would walk by and feel bad for the helpless pregnant woman.

But no one was around {which made it even more tempting not to take a break on the floor}.

So pretty much anything that can be dropped-and requires you to bend your big fat butt over, while making obnoxious grunting noises and consequently taking your breath away making you feel like you just walked a mile- will be dropped.
It's all apart of this pregnancy journey, I suppose....


  1. i'm sorry but i am totally cracking up picturing you crawling around on the floor picking ribbon up.
    that is one "symptom" i can say i never had!
    i'm so excited for your little girl to come out so you can automatically not be nauseous anymore-it's kind of a miracle after 9 months of puking! you will love it :) you're so close-hang in there!

  2. You are too cute!!! Butterfingers:-)

    Pssst I am letting all of my google followers know that I changed my domain to Please update your reader if needed :-) Thanks hun!!!

  3. oh my. I can completely relate!! :) I have definitely done the "stop and wait" method to see if someone else will pick something up for me. My kiddos at school got to where they knew I was going to ask them to pick something up, so they just went ahead and did it. At this point when I drop something, I pump myself up in my mind before squatting down to get it, reminding myself in my head "this must be a good work-out for labor". Oh the joys of pregnancy!
