Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Baby Update

I have been slacking on these pregnancy updates, I think my last one was at 28 weeks or something!
I have been faithful with my weekly pictures though! 

My maternity pictures were at 34 Weeks, here's 35 and 36:

So first off- I am officially full-term!! Wohoo!! 


The due date countdown is in the TEENS!! 

A couple weeks ago I posted about when I went in for my 34 Week checkup we discovered that Adalyn was breech and a scheduled c-section may be needed if she remained that way. 

This was actually good news for me because I really wanted her to be born before Thanksgiving because Mr. B's family is coming to visit and my brother is coming home from college for the week. If I was due any other month I would be trying every trick in the book to try and get her to turn, but in this case....I'm hoping she stays put.

Well...at my 36 week appointment I thought for sure she was still breech or transverse, the Dr. felt her and agreed, then we had an ultrasound to double check her position and to our surprise she was head down. I'm not gonna lie...I was a little bummed! I wasn't convinced she was realllly head down though. Her head was down, but she wasn't low low and in position, ya know? So I felt like she could turn again.
Mr. B thought I was just in denial. 


I had my 37 Week appointment and she was transverse again! This girl...between moving all around until I have someone feel my belly to flipping all around and being very unpredictable- she definitely keeps us on our toes!  

So tomorrow I have my 38 Week check up. We will see where she is at. If she is still breech or transverse then next Wednesday we will check one more time and I will have a c-section on Thursday the 17th. {{NEXT WEEK!!!!}}.

I am really at peace with whatever way is needed, as long as she is healthy and safe! I actually think I am more nervous for natural delivery than a c-section! 

I am really anxious for my appointment tomorrow because I have definitely felt like something is going on, I just don't know what. I have just been feeling weird lately. Not like we need to go to the hospital weird, just not normal.  She is still moving around all over the place and it's hard for me to tell her position. But I have also been so sore "down there" and I feel like I have done some hard core inner thigh workout. And I promise you, I so have not.  So I don't really know what's going on, but after my appointment tomorrow if she is turned and is head down I will certainly be trying every trick in the book to get her here before Thanksgiving. 

Other pregnancy updates:
Tums are still my best friend- although I feel like my body isn't reacting to them as quick and good as it once was so sometimes I take Prilosec instead. 

I am still getting sick about 3 days a week and it is getting more miserable and harder the bigger I get. {But the end is in sight!!!}

I have some good nights of sleep and some nights where I feel like I don't sleep at all.

I am always so winded. Especially when getting ready or singing at church. Ha! Who knew singing takes so much energy?!

I am starting to get stretch marks on my stomach. Go figure, I made it this far! 

Her nursery is done!
(and I'll post more pictures another day}

The diaper bag and hospital bag are packed! 

We are very ready and waiting to meet our little miracle!!


  1. You look great!
    The nursery is adorable!
    (Is her crib in the closet?) I've seen that before and always thought it was so cute!
    And you're almost done!
    Hang in there!!!

  2. Can't wait to see that pretty lady! Looks like she is a mover and a shaker which might be fun once she's an outside baby!

  3. You look great! Hang in there! I hope it 's not too much longer until you meet Miss A!!! :)

  4. Best wishes! Good luck! Happy Holidays!

  5. ok so 1. you look awesome!
    2. i cannot wait to see your girl!
    3. the pelvic pain might be a good thing. i had it for a long time leading up to delivery and it was so miserable, but a friend of mine who delivered around the same time never did and hers split during delivery and she couldn't walk for almost a week after! so embrace it haha!
    4. i got stretch marks on my belly at 37 weeks too. you'd think if your belly can stretch THAT much, what's a little more right? so annoying, but just know you're not alone!

  6. YAY! I've been following your baby journey for a while and am so excited for you! Good luck. Just trust that whatever is meant to happen in regards to her due date will. :)

  7. you are beautfiul, and the nursery looks great. I had the same pain down there followed by charlie horse pains in my thighs 2 days before and leading up to delivery of Mckinlee. You are getting so close! I am so thankful to God for answering your prayers for this little miracle. She is bound to be beautiful like her mama :)

  8. She's going to be a busy little girl if she is anything like she is in your belly. :)

  9. i love the nursery! such a funky swanky nursery!
