Wednesday, March 21, 2012

3 Month Recap

Adalyn Faith, 

 It blows my mind that I am writing your 3 month post as you are quickly approaching 6 months.
 Not only because it proves how far behind I am on documenting your life, but also because it is going by so so so so fast. And yes, I will say that every time I do a recap. This time I am writing it late, but posting it at the right time so it at least appears to be in the right order and timeframe of your life. 

You truly bring your dad and I so much joy and an overwhelming sense of love each and every day. 

As each day goes by, you experience many "firsts" and this month was no exception- you were busy!

We brought you to the Dr. the day you turned 3 months to make sure you didn't have an ear infection before we went on a plane and vacation to Colorado. You hadn't really been acting like your normal self, you were a lot fussier than normal and then you would have bouts of screaming for no apparent reason, but it seemed like you were in pain. Most people say colic usually ends around 3 months and for some reason it seemed like yours was just starting. Everyone told me that when the 3 month mark hits it feels like you can breath again and it's a completely different baby. Well, they were right about the different baby part- but it wasn't in a good way! Thankfully this only lasted about two weeks- ended right before we left for CO- who knows what it was, maybe a little acid reflux and a growth spurt. You were totally healthy and weighed in at 13.9 lbs.
Sometimes I think you're in disbelief, but we love your chunky thighs and sweet rolls. 

You're wearing mostly size 2 diapers, you squeeze into a few left over size 1 from time to time. 
We are on a break with cloth diapering because we've been busy with packing up the apartment and getting ready for vacation. 

I've packed away your 3 month clothing and now you're wearing some 3-6 and mostly 6.

This has been a great winter and it had warmed up quite a bit so I decided to put on your little jacket and head on over to the park! It's so convenient living literally right across from the park. 
It was your first time on the swings! You didn't really love it or hate it, you just kind of hung out and enjoyed it. 
Over time you started to get the idea and you enjoyed it! 
You liked watching your shadow while you swung.

Daddy is going back to school for his MBA and sometimes you like to help with his homework

You went on your first airplane. It was a direct flight and 5 hours long. I was a little nervous about how you would be- 3 hours I thought we could handle, 5 hours + a 2 hour time change- I was a little worried. But you did great! You started the trip to the airport sleeping, we made it through security and people watched until our flight, you fell asleep on the runway {after pooping and not being able to be changed, of course!} you slept for a couple hours, watched some baby einstein when you got a little antsy and played on the tray table. 
You were awesome! Even when we landed and sat on the runway for 20 minutes! It wasn't until we were heading to our luggage that you completely lost it, and continued to lose it while we waited, on the 45 minute drive to Grandma Anne's and pretty much all the way til bedtime. You stopped crying a few times for a rest, but you were so done with the day and so overtired. Completely understandable.

The rest of the time in CO you were better than I could've ever expected! You were happy, smiley, let people you didn't know hold you and best of all you slept great! Better than at home! 

You are normally a good sleeper- you typically go to bed around 8:30/9 and only wake a few times for your paci. You wake for a bottle around 6ish and go back to sleep until 9ish. In CO you would go to bed around 7:30 and pretty much sleep through the whole night without needed your paci back in, you would wake around 5:30/6 for your bottle and then go back to sleep until, sometimes, 10! I had to wake you up one morning and you acted like a little teenager! 
You give the sweetest smiles when I kiss you good morning.

You used a high chair for the first time at a restaurant. 
You ended up doing this quite a few times while we were out and you did great! I was bummed I didn't bring our chair cover with us...but oh well! 

At this point you weren't on solid food yet, you usually eat about 6oz of Similac Sensitive every 3-4 hours. 

You still love your tubby time. We do it to keep you clean, but also as a routine before bed. 
You are also obsessed with your hands in your mouth. 
You have been sucking on your thumb a lot lately, but it's more for play rather than for soothing.
You still use your paci for soothing, but if that's not in your mouth than you can pretty much always find your hand or your thumb! 
You're also super drooly so it's possible you could be teething already!

We were so excited to see you in the pool since you love the bath so much.  You went in with daddy and you loved it! I think you could've stayed in much longer! You will have lots of fun this summer at the pool at the farm!
After the pool you were wiped out, though!

You are obsessed with doing "crunches". I tell you over and over again that 1. Everyone loves chunky babies and not to worry about a 6 pack right now and 2. RELAX! 
Seriously, every time we put you on the ground you do this.

You can sit up for a few seconds too.

And you're not really a fan of tummy time.
And you usually just roll back over to your back.

Was your 100th day!
Best 100 days of our lives!

You are full of funny facial expressions

Your first time at the movies. Yes, you're a bit young, but you are a Grace girl and I am sure there will be many more in your future!
We went with Mimi, Uncle CJ and Auntie Ali and we saw the Lorax while on vacation. You did great- you watched about 20 minutes of it and slept the rest of the time!

We moved into our new townhouse and you slept in your big girl crib for the first time!
You slept great!
We stopped swaddling you at night when you were about 2 months and we moved you into the sleep sack and a little after 3.5 months we stopped the sleep sack. It didn't really seem long enough for you and you preferred the freedom without it. 

Was your first nap in your crib. You love sleeping on your right side.
I'm pretty sure it lasted about 20 minutes.
Your swing naps were usually 3-4 hours twice a day.
But you're growing too fast and quickly becoming too big for your swing so I started to transition you to your crib for naps times.
I still have you nap in there from time to time just to give mommy a little break to get some things done.
I know our days with the swing are quickly coming to an end though.

You love to be "walked"
It's the cutest thing hearing and seeing your little feet take steps.

You love when we go to the farm, you get to go on the swing and your aunties want to play with you.
Auntie Ali plays with you too, I guess I need to get more pictures with you and her!
They are always on some sort of schedule with who gets to hold you next.

You like the exersaucer at the farm too, but you usually don't like to stay in there for longer than 15 minutes or so

Our new place has great sidewalks and neighborhoods to go on walks- so with the warmer weather we've been doing that quite a bit.
The new playground is like a whole 5 minute walk and by the time we get there you are almost always sleeping!

St. Patricks day and your first time eating cereal. You liked it more than the pictures portray!

It was also your first time in the Jumperoo which you loved!

Was the one year anniversary of when we found out you would be joining our family- Our little miracle!
And you wore the bib we surprised Nana & Papa with when we told them in St. John

I love spending my days with you. Even though you can't talk yet, I always appreciate your company!
My laundry, cuddling, grocery shopping and everything in-between buddy!

We love you so so much! Your smile {and dimples} always brightens our day.
It also looks like your pretty blue eyes are here to stay!

Feel free to slow down whenever.


  1. Such a cute, cute post! I love her doing the crunches, ha! That cracked me up! And don't feel bad, I am behind on Ella Grace's monthly updates...I thought I would start doing better as her first year went on but seeing as how she will be 1 in a week and I just now posted her 9 month post can see there is no hope for me, ha!

  2. Aww, I loved reading this because Emily is in her 3 month right now and I see her doing ALL of these things! I love all the bows and flowers you have for her. She is such a beauty! And looks like her and Em were exactly the same size too! Also, I love seeing you wear your baby k'tan, I haven't worn Em facing out yet, but since I see you did, I am going to try that way next! After all, you were the one who convinced me to buy it! :)
