Monday, March 26, 2012

Pause Please.

The other day Adalyn fell asleep on me and she was holding on to my watch and I couldn't help but see the irony.
These past few weeks I've really been wishing I could pause time.
Pause Adalyn growing.
Just for a little.
I just need some extra time to soak everything in a little bit longer.
With vacation and the move I am feeling a little overwhelmed.
Painting, unpacking, redecorating etc is all going on at the same time my little baby is growing up.
I'm with her every day, we play and cuddle every day, but I feel like I can't fully enjoy it with everything that needs to be done.
I just want to pause her growing, finish the house and then we can carry on.
But it doesn't work like that.
So I am trying to find a balance.
I want to get back into cloth diapering.
Back to making dinners every night.
Back to keeping up with the laundry.

The fact that I never got to make a pregnancy photo book, or a 3 month update and now she's 4 months..and I haven't done that post yet either...
it's all overwhelming and flying by!! 
I just want to get caught up, but I don't know if I will because I don't want to miss out on the now while focusing on writing about the past. 
I am so so thankful for pictures and my iPhone- that part of her life is more than documented!
So I am thinking my best bet is to make a daily list of just a few projects to do each day and try and catch up that way. 
Hopefully that will work! 


  1. Ugh, this just about made my cry!! :( WHY do they have to grow up so fast?!?!

  2. I KNOW! I think that pretty much every day! These girls are at SUCH a sweet age! And even though I know I will love the stages to come I feel like she is getting so big and I'm loosing that tiny baby! :-(

  3. Those eyes and that smile, freakin adorable :)

  4. You have done an AWESOME job capturing her at all the cute stages - good job mama!! :) I totally will soon be able to relate to the growing up fast thing.... Your little lady is just too cute for words!!

  5. I love her name so much. And those pictures are precious!
