Thursday, March 29, 2012

Can't get it back....

Yesterday was a cold yucky day.

Adalyn and I had a PJ day and just relaxed. 

While she took a {long} nap, I finally started and finished my pregnancy photo book.

I had a free code for a photo book at Shutterfly that expired yesterday so I really wanted to get it done.

Oh yeah and the fact that she is going on 5 months is a little motivation too! 

So I completed that, I had a coupon for a photo canvas that also expired yesterday so I ordered that.

And this morning I woke up and I realized I never took a single picture of Adalyn yesterday!!

It happened.

I have taken a picture every day so far and yesterday the day got away from me.

I missed it.

I can't get the day back.

I am sooooo bummed!!

I am sure this is the first of many more to come, but ughhhhhh.

On a good note at least I finished some important things on my to-do list! 

But, ughhhhh.


  1. Ive been considering ordering a photobook from shutterfly - where do you find the coupons? Do you love their products?

  2. This is too funny you're posting this...the other day I had a near meltdown because I had my first day of no picture. My husband took a picture of the two of us, but that means I didn't take it. ME, the MOMMY. I almost cried. And I blame my iphone being full! I'm usually really good about getting out my big camera every other day but I ALWAYS get one on my iphone. Every. Single. Day. But not that day. David suggested going to wake her up to do it! HA! I said no way...the picture of the two of us will have to do! I just can't believe it happened!!!
