Showing posts with label Blessing Box. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blessing Box. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Blessing Box

This week we had our first snow of the season.
I'm always blessed by Adalyn's joy and awe in the simple things.
This is such a busy time of year and I love taking the time to just stop and watch her. 
A great reminder to be still,
be present
and be thankful. 

How have you been blessed this week? 
Grab the code, link up and be a blessing to others by sharing a way that you've been blessed!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Blessing Box

I haven't blogged in ONE month.




I feel like I am constantly playing catch up. 

But I'm slowwwwwwly starting to get on track, but man, oh man, I don't like being behind on everything. 
And I mean everything.

Anyways, a belated blessing box post: Adalyn's birthday!!

We had two parties for Adalyn this year- a friends party and a family party- both Curious George themed.

The past couple days I have been working on getting her pictures edited and organized from her friend party and I'm reminded of how blessed I am to be surrounded by such sweet families and friends! 

Her party was a blast!! 
There will hopefully (but possibly not because I'm a slacker) be a post with more details.

This party wouldn't have been the same with these awesome people.

I always prayed/dreamed of the day I'd have "mom friends" and "Adalyn friends" and I'm so blessed that that dream has come true!

Grab the code, link up ad share how God has been blessing you!

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blessing Box

Last weekend my mom whisked me and my sister away for my birthday to the Women of Faith conference in CT.

This was my first official time leaving Adalyn!
I had left her one other time before in February, but that's when Mr. B and I had the stomach bug and my mom came to rescue her so I feel like that time didn't really count seeing as how my time away was spent with the toilet.

Mr. B happened to be away this weekend too so I was leaving Adalyn with my dad and my brothers. 
Cue slight panic attack.
But here's the dad is
Of four.
So I'm pretty sure he can handle a couple days with a toddler. 

My eyes only watered when saying goodbye and the rest of the time I did great!
Oh yeah, and so did she.
And my dad. 

It definitely helped that I was busy with awesome worship by Gateway Worship

great speakers
Angie Smith- blogger celebrity. 
She's our good friend... she just doesn't know it yet. 

Cece Winans brought down the house.

Junk food was consumed.

Unfortunately extra sleep wasn't had. 
That's a definite complaint I have about these conferences.
Hello WOMEN of faith.
MOMS of Faith.
TIRED moms of faith who would love nothing more than to sleep in in a nice dark hotel room. 
C'mon now. 
Can I get an amen?!

Anyways, the next day consisted of more speakers, more awesome worship and a little Third Day concert. 

We finished off our time away with a yummy steak dinner at Texas Roadhouse. 

It was a fun and refreshing time away! 
There's a first time for everything and now I think I can handle a full weekend away sans Adalyn. 

My dad also did a fantastic job at keeping me updated which helped a lot!
He was always texting me pictures, videos or sharing little stories.  
He was in heaven and it was the sweetest thing.
Through this time away I realized how much of a blessing it is for me to give this time to others to be with Adalyn without me- it's nice for everyone. 
It was a special time for them and they all loved it! 

We ended up getting home a little earlier than expected so with that and daylight savings I was able to soak up time with my girl before bed. 

We spent the night at the farm and then I got to wake up to her excited for church and singing her favorite worship song.
{She stopped singing when I recorded, but started back up :) }

Talk about blessed, right?!

Blessed to have an awesome dad who was so very willing to watch Adalyn and soak that one on one time with her. 
Blessed by that time away with my mom and sister.
Blessed to be surrounded my so many women of faith {no pun intended...}
Blessed by a time of worship with so many believers.
Blessed by the words the Lord put on the heart of the speakers.
Blessed by these opportunities! 

What have you been blessed by this week?? Grab the code, link up and share! 

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Blessing Box

This week there was a good Shutterfly deal and, like always, I waited until the last minute to take advantage of it...and didn't finish in time.
{in my fantasy world I'd like to have a bunch of photo books ready and waiting for every deal- a girl can dream, right?}
So yesterday and today, I've been trying to put together Adalyn's Second First Year Book.
I know.
And while we're at it...
Yes, my header is from when she was 4 months old.
 Yes, my bio says I can't wait to be a mommy.
Yes, she's weeks away from turning 2.
I keep begging for time to slow down so I can catch up, but it's just not happening.
Rude, I know. 

As I was working on her book I was reminded of how grateful I am for facebook.
Although facebook is filled with some negatives, this week I'm focusing on the blessings of it. 

Anyone that is friends with me on facebook knows that I post a lot of pictures.
Like, a lot. 
But it's such a blessing to have a simple way keep family and friends connected and up to date with Adalyn.
Many of them have only met her a hand full of times, but I love that they feel like they know her because of the awesomeness of technology and Facebook.

Not only is it a blessing to those that aren't in our every day life,
it's also a blessing to me to be able to have everything organized and documented.

I'm so thankful that I have all the pictures with notes, stats and captions
 because Lord knows my memory is only getting worse. 
Mommy brain, anyone?
It's the pits, right?!

So even though I'm ridiculously behind and struggling to catch up I've been so thankful that I was consistent with Facebook and that it's been so helpful with getting me back on track!

How have you been blessed this week?
Grab the code,  link up and share!

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blessing Box

My post for today is short and sweet. 
Simple and profound. 
Hard and true. 

God is good. 

I encourage you to dwell on that today. 
To rest in His goodness.
To be blessed by His goodness. 

Life can be tiring.
Circumstances can be draining. 

Strength and renewal can be found in His goodness. 
In His Mercy.

He is good. 

I'm blessed. 
I'm thankful. 
It's what gets me through. 

It's one thing to think He is good, it's another to say He is good, but it's another thing to truly know and believe that He is good. 
It brings so much peace and comfort.

So just a friendly reminder to remember His goodness today.
It's so easy to take for granted.
It's so easy to be distracted.
It's so easy to become overwhelmed with situations.
It's so easy to be controlled by our flesh, by our feelings. 
But all that fades away when you 
rest in
and embrace how good He is. 


Grab the code, link up and share how God has blessed you this week!

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Blessing Box

This week I was blessed with a weekend away with my little fam!
I was hoping to post about that, but I'm too tired to edit all the pictures tonight so I'll {hopefully} post about it later this week. 
Which pretty much translates into never, but we will see what happens. 

So today I'm just going to post about the blessing of an impromptu night with my family. 
I am so blessed {and thankful and love} living close to my family! 
Last night we went outside for a little and ended up playing in the leaves.
Adalyn had a blast!
I love these sweet moments filled with fun and family. 
It doesn't get much better. 
We are so blessed! 
There's so much joy in the simple things. 

Grab the code, link up and share how God has blessed you this week! 

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