Today's Top 2 over the Undomestic Momma is: Random things about yourself. I hope you will still be my friend....
1. I am SO afraid of caterpillars. Honestly, I don't even want to talk about them. They give me the heebie jeebies...big time. I hate how they are furry, have a million little legs and stick to you. Yuck. Ok I am done, I can't write anymore I already feel them crawling on me. Which could lead to a number 2. I am a hypercondriac, but we will save that for another post and bring you to my real random number two.
2. I had one giant tooth for a good year and a half to two years of my life. Unfortunately it didn't look any better when the second one came in. Maybe even worse, if you can believe that. They were big. They were separated. The other teeth decided to grow behind them instead of next to them. THANK THE LORD FOR MY PARENTS AND BRACES. Can I get an Amen?!

Since the theme is random, I am going to throw in some other random points as well....
1. Did anyone watch DWTS last night? Was Jake not hilarious?!? He was extremely funny looking, but the tux, bow tie and high waters totally fit his personality. I thought he was surprisingly good, but so funny. It makes me laugh when I replay it in my head, they showed Vienna laughing too- how could you not, really?
2. Still on the topic of DWTS, Kate needs to go. She is really just making herself look worse. She was also hilarious last night, but for different reason. She was so bad. She looked like she just wanted to stop the show, run out the back door with tears streaming down her face and curl up in a corner and hide. I don't blame her. Also, if you're arguing with your dance partner and he quits on you too, I think that says a little something about your personality. She really needs to learn how to communicate her feelings more effectively, clearly her current way of dealing with situations doesn't exactly fly with most people. I know she has an unusual/messed up life, but she is starting to bother me because she takes everything so seriously and personal. She needs to have fun, let loose and stop overemphasizing that she's doing everything for her kids.
3. Another DWTS note, because obviously I think I am a professional critique. Nicole from the PCD...how is this even fair?? She is a dancer! She choreographs. She has workout/dance DVDs. She got two 9s the first week and two 10s the second week- c'mon. I would be so mad if I was another contestant. Last night she said "we even added some PCD moves into this routine"...umm..if you have your own moves I think you're a dancer. Chest pumps and booty dips../you're still a dancer. I think it's funny how a few seasons ago the judges were so mean to Mario Lopez when he was so good and now Nicole is the same way and a dancer and they are treating her so much better. I still love you Mario.
4. Pamela Anderson drives me crazy! Why must everything be so sexual? She can't even stand like a normal person for .1 second, she's all over her partner, she's got her head tilted back, her body constantly moving, she's winking, licking her lips..seriously?! Ew.
5. Thanks for putting up with that vent session. I guess writing it out is just like when I tell Mr. B - I get no response but I continue to talk anyways. Except this time I am hoping for a little response or agreement from you. Please?
6. All of a sudden my name has become so popular. So popular as in I have seen it in 3 shows in the past two weeks. For me, this is a big deal. There is a girl Jordan on Amazing Race, Jordynn on 16 and Pregnant and a woman named Jordan on Castle. I will let the Castle woman pass this time, but I don't know if she really counts because she was a little too old to be named Jordan and that makes it little unbelievable to me. She is just a character, while the others are real girls. I will appreciate the fact that they even made it a girl's name on Castle though. Jordan is making it's way to the girl side - woot. woot.
7. Today is our dating anniversary, after 8 months of us dating in denial, Mr. B asked me to be his girlfriend {at Target-I know, so romantic} and it became "official" 51 months ago.
8. We are flying home to NH this afternoon!! Mr. B has a bunch of interviews over the next 3 days and we are looking at a potential place to live when we move in May. Please pray that the Lord would lead us and open up doors where needed. We are trusting and walking by faith through this whole process, it's not easy, but it will be rewarding. It's a humbling experience- that's for sure! It's also refreshing knowing that God has a plan and a purpose and He will work everything out- even when we don't know anything about what the future holds.
9. Here is a hint to my project. I will post about it tomorrow. You know this is almost as exciting as when MckMama posts a picture and leaves you hanging, don't deny it.