On Friday I might have seen some dark clouds rolling in so I decided to head to carpool early to beat the rain.
I might have been 5 seconds too late.

There might have been a complete downpour. Cats and Dogs would be an understatement.
The baby and I might have been SOAKED.
5 minutes later (the time I usually leave), it might have looked like this.

I might be a genius.
I might be ecstatic that today is my last Monday working.
I might say "this is my last {insert day of the week}!!" every day this week.
I might be smiling because it's the last time I clean someone else's house and the last time I do their laundry.
I might also be super excited that my mom flies in tomorrow night.
It might have worked out perfectly that I now don't have to work her last few days here and when Mr. B has spring break.
It might still be windy and cold (50s-low 60s) in Florida and I feel bad for those here on vacation.
This might be what I get for saying I hated Fl and it was too hot. But that was 3 months ago and around Christmas time, give me a break. I take it back.
I might have thrown fits and complained when I was a little girl until I was 20 years old when my mom made us clean the whole house when company was coming over. I never understood why every nook and cranny needed to be cleaned.
I might have protested that it's just a lie to everyone, the house is never that clean and they will love us anyway regardless of the sticky-God-only-knows-what-that-is-and-how-long-that's-been-there spot in the fridge.
Mr. B and I might have spent the weekend cleaning our apartment for when family visits. This might have included my everyday cleaning like the pantry, the fridge, the bathroom cabinets, the shower liner and the closets.
Our apartment might always look that clean, but just in case we occasionally miss a spot, a good deep clean every once in a while might be a good idea.
I might be really bummed, I just found out I missed the new show The Marriage Ref last night. Looks like a funny show.
I might not be a fan of change. This morning when I went to watch Regis and Kelly (love beautiful baby week!) it was Fox News Good Day Tampa Bay. Umm...do they know that they are completely messing up my day and I might not know what to do with myself or how my day will go on? Regis and Kelly is now on at 10, which is the same time as Bonnie Hunt. It was hard enough adjusting to Ellen being on at 4 down here instead of in the morning like in NH. To switch this on me too is just too much.
I might be able to look past it though because it's my last Monday and that's all that matters!!!
Happy March and Happy Monday!! 5 more days til Friday!!
Special shout out to Mr. B's wonderful Aunt Tracy for being my 50th follower and taking care of my dislike for odd numbers :) Thank you!!