Another 2 weeks have come and gone and I'm back at it with a bullet point post.
I am on a roll.
Go me.
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This weekend we finally cashed in some gift cards we had and went out for dinner at Longhorns.
It's been a while since we've been out to a real restaurant!
It was delish, as always.
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Yesterday was my little brother's first ever football game.
I was so nervous for him- worried her would get hurt {Friday Night Lights anyone??}, worried he didn't really know what he was doing, worried that he was doing it more for my other brother and my dad- but he was totally amazing.
I hate to say we were all shocked...but we were all shocked.
He scored three touchdowns and two 2 point conversions.
My little brother, the video gamer couch potato, did that.
I was beyond proud of him!!
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If your husband asks for these cupcakes
Ain't nobody got time for 50 step cupcakes.
Next time I see "premium" I will know that it's not for me. I'm perfectly content baking "average" cupcakes.
Maybe, maybe, in my housewife, newly wedded bliss life I would have been more enthusiastic about such things.
Four years in and with a toddler, the last thing I want to do is line the pan, melt the butter, mix the graham cracker, cover the bottoms, mix the cake mix, put a little in each one- not too much not too little, carefully drop in marshmallow mix-avoiding the sides of the liner, cover the marshmallow mix, bake, frost, sprinkle graham cracker crumbs.
I'm good, thanks.
And the end result?
Something you'd love to hear after wasting an hour of your life....they taste like s'more poptarts.
Never making cupcakes again.
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In other news, this dinner was so yummy!!
I had planned on making pineapple fried rice and while I was at the store I found this sauce for the chicken.
Can't wait to have it again, it's just what I wanted!
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Tomorrow starts a new link of with some of my favorite blog friends!
I'm looking forward to it!
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We've been having cool fall weather and it's been wonderful!
Also excited for the fall shows to kick off- Ellen starts today!
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Adalyn fell at a friend's house and hit the side of head/ear on a coffee table.
Through this we discovered that ears can bruise.
Probably something we should've known and that is most likely common sense and something we really did know deep down, but initial reaction was a bit surprising.
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I'm trying to grow my hair out again. I've made it through the dreaded flip-out phase {praise the Lord}, but now I'm in the always-in-a-pony-tail-phase-so-might-as-well-have-it-short-and-cute phase.
But at least her hair is growing fast and I can make one of us look good
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Two weekends ago we finally finished unpacking/cleaning out basement.
It's not what I envision the end result to look like, but at least for now it's presentable and no longer embarrassing.
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We are getting the siding done on our house and new windows put in.
I feel like it's taking for.ever.
In the meantime, I feel "trapped" at home even though we would be home anyways and I'm unusually exhausted because I know I can't nap. It's a bit ridiculous how the mind works.
It will look so good when it's finished and I'm looking forward to putting up the fall decor!
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My first official overnight trip away from Adalyn is booked.
I'm freaking out about on the inside.
And a little on the outside.
I have 2 months to process/prepare.
She's almost 2, I realize this is also filed away in the "Ridiculous" category.
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I'll finish this off with another Timehop memory- a year ago today Adalyn took her first steps!!
So incredibly crazy how fast time goes by!
Something I think I'll always be in disbelief of.
join in on the random shananigans: