To look like this....

I need to give up this...

And these...

And my all time fav., my staple....

And trade it in for this....

with little dressing, no cheese and no croutons {aka boring and gross}...
And give up this....

For this...
You see, it's really not my thing.
I just don't know if I am ready.
I don't think it's worth it.
But I do.
But I don't.
I really don't want to {and won't} give up on all that deliciousness.
So instead, I complain that I don't have that body because I would match rather it magically appear than to do all that. It's a lot easier.
So any secret tips on how to look like that without exercising and giving up all the goodness are welcome. =)
Sidenote: Yesterdays' post was not supposed to be a poor-me-negative-nancy! My life is wonderful, I thought those little things were comical. I appreciate all your kind comments though! If crumbled bread, burnt breakfast and a bright purple wall is the worst part of my day- I'm doing pretty good!
Double Sidenote: Let's talk So You Think You Can Dance for a sec. There is just way too many contemporary dancers. Sometimes I get it and like it, sometimes I don't. It's getting to be a little much- where are the hip hop dancers??