Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Blessing Box

It's a good thing I'm committed to this link up or else I wouldn't be blogging!
It's so frustrating because I always intend to blog more and plan on it, but the day slips away.

Anyways, I'm linking up with some of my favorite bloggers that have become my closest friends!
This was originally Natalie's link up a few years ago and we are bringing it back with a new look and new friends.
Copy the code at the end and feel free to join in and share the ways that God has been blessing you this week! 

This week I'm blessed and going to be blessed by the women's bible study at our church.
It started this past week and I'm really looking forward to it. 
We are doing the study on James by Beth Moore. 
I'm always blessed by her studies.
I love the way she transforms simple truths.
The way that she digs into the Bible and finds connections here, there and everywhere is so cool and inspiring. 
I'm so thankful for her to help open my eyes and my heart to things I may not {like I don't want to say never, but never...} have discovered on my own.

I'm blessed by the lovely childcare workers who take the time out of their morning to be in a small room with a bunch of little crazies.
Seriously beyond blessed to have two uninterrupted hours in the morning to focus, learn and fellowship with other women. 
I love knowing she is in great hands, and best of all she loves it and looks forward to playing with all her little friends!

I'm looking forward to:
 Connecting with my group on a deeper level.
Learning the Bible better.
Being challenged.
To encourage and be encouraged.
To hold others accountable and to be held accountable. 

Just like it's a blessing to be a part of a church community and family, there is also so much blessing in being a part of women's Bible study! 

A different--much needed--dynamic to feed the soul! 
It's been about a year since I was last in one, so I'm blessed to be apart of one this fall and I'm looking forward to growing in my walk with the Lord.

Grab the code, link up and share how the Lord has blessed you this week! And be encouraged as you read how He has been blessings others this week!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Blessing Box

Today I'm linking up with some of my favorite bloggers that have become my closest friends!
This was originally Natalie's link up a few years ago and we are bringing it back with a new look and new friends.
Copy the code at the end and feel free to join in and share the ways that God has been blessing you this week!
This week I've been blessed with the blessing of a church family. 
Something I've always wanted and something that I know will continue to grow and be strengthened overtime. 
Included in this is also the blessing to go to the same church as my immediate family. 
I love that we can all worship together on Sundays. 
I love that our family has been extended and we now have a church family outside of just our family.
Was that enough "family" for one sentence? I'm not sure...
We have all branched out and formed our own relationships and it's been wonderful. 
We had been hurt by our previous church, we church shopped a bit and we have been going to our new church for a little over a year.
It is exactly what we needed- for both my family and my little family.
God knew. 
We were craving the community. 
The church family. 
And now we have it. 
On Sunday after church we went to a park and played Ultimate Frisbee with some church friends.
And by "we" I mean Mr. B, my two brothers, sister and dad.
Me, my mom and Adalyn ate french fries and watched.
Just keepin' it real.
Adalyn is so loved at church. 
You can usually find a little group of older kids around her at any moment
and it blesses my heart.
I am so thankful for them, the love that they have for her and also the love that she has for them.

I'm blessed by my group of mom friends from our church.
Another thing I had always craved. 
Not only can we get together and have fun, I know I can count on them for anything.
To have friends to turn to, that can back you up in prayer, is such a blessing
There's so much blessing in church community.
Church family.
Friendships founded on the Lord. 
If you don't have that I'd encourage you to step out, get plugged in and find it! 
You will be blessed! 

On a sidenote: Today is the first day I didn't have to wake up early and have strange men banging on my house all day! HUGE blessing, let me tell ya! The siding is finally finished and I'll post pictures after I get the fall decor/flowers up and it looks all pretty!
Grab the code, link up and share how the Lord has blessed you this week!
And be encouraged as you read how He has been blessings others! 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Blessing Box

Today I'm linking up with some of my favorite bloggers that have become my closest friends!
This was originally Natalie's link up a few years ago and we are bringing it back with a new look and new friends.
Copy the code at the end and feel free to join in and share the ways that God has been blessing you this week!
I've had a post I've been wanting to write about for a while and today is the perfect opportunity.
I've been wanting to write about the 
blessing of worship music
It's a wonderful reminder of truth and hope that brings so much joy, comfort and peace in all different seasons of life- particularly for me, the songs of declaration. 
The song "Healer" is one of my all-time favorite songs.
It was a song that I sang with confidence over and over when we failed to conceive month after month. 
This song was playing in the background as I cried out to the Lord, tears streaming down my face, hands laid on me, begging the Lord to "open my womb". 
Two weeks later, I was pregnant. 
As time drew closer for trying for baby #2 I would get waves of fear and dread.
I didn't want to go through that again.
But that song was always a reminder to me that He WAS my healer, He IS my healer and He will BE my healer. 
I trust in Him.
I do.
Fear + worry= not trusting.
I trust in Him.
There's another Hillsong song, that we sing frequently at our church, that I hid in my heart before we officially started trying.
There's a line in the song that I knew I would need. 
That I knew would've encouraged me last time and I knew it would encourage me this time. 
It's from the song "You are More"
There's so much peace that comes with knowing that He is Lord over ALL our days- no matter what. 
And the best and easiest way to get through this season? With my eyes fixed on him. 
And lastly, a song that is my current fav and started the topic to this post, is a song I heard about a month ago by Chris Tomlin called "Whom shall I fear?".
Every line is so good, but here are a few that I love:
Blessed by His Promises.
Blessed that He was faithful and He will be faithful again. 
Blessed that He holds the world in His hands {notice a theme in the songs??}.
Blessed that He knows my desires.
I hold on to that truth.
I take comfort; I let him hold me- my world, my wants, my needs, my desires, my family-in His hands. 
 I attached the song so you can get the full effect of how powerful this song really is :) 
Check out how God has been blessing my friends:
Natalie at Extraordinary Love 
 Allie at Living the Adventures 
 Beth Ann at My Life More Abundant 
 Mallorie at Happy Home
Grab the code and let your friends and family know how God has been blessing you! 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Misc. Monday

Another 2 weeks have come and gone and I'm back at it with a bullet point post. 
I am on a roll.
Go me. 

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This weekend we finally cashed in some gift cards we had and went out for dinner at Longhorns.
It's been a while since we've been out to a real restaurant! 
It was delish, as always. 

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Yesterday was my little brother's first ever football game.
I was so nervous for him- worried her would get hurt {Friday Night Lights anyone??}, worried he didn't really know what he was doing, worried that he was doing it more for my other brother and my dad- but he was totally amazing. 
I hate to say we were all shocked...but we were all shocked. 
He scored three touchdowns and two 2 point conversions.
My little brother, the video gamer couch potato, did that.
I was beyond proud of him!!

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If your husband asks for these cupcakes
Ain't nobody got time for 50 step cupcakes.
Next time I see "premium" I will know that it's not for me. I'm perfectly content baking "average" cupcakes.
Maybe, maybe, in my housewife, newly wedded bliss life I would have been more enthusiastic about such things.
Four years in and with a toddler, the last thing I want to do is line the pan, melt the butter, mix the graham cracker, cover the bottoms, mix the cake mix, put a little in each one- not too much not too little, carefully drop in marshmallow mix-avoiding the sides of the liner, cover the marshmallow mix, bake, frost, sprinkle graham cracker crumbs. 
I'm good, thanks. 
And the end result?
Something you'd love to hear after wasting an hour of your life....they taste like s'more poptarts.
Never making cupcakes again. 

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In other news, this dinner was so yummy!!
I had planned on making pineapple fried rice and while I was at the store I found this sauce for the chicken. 
Can't wait to have it again, it's just what I wanted!

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Tomorrow starts a new link of with some of my favorite blog friends!
I'm looking forward to it! 

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We've been having cool fall weather and it's been wonderful!
Also excited for the fall shows to kick off- Ellen starts today! 

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Adalyn fell at a friend's house and hit the side of head/ear on a coffee table.
Through this we discovered that ears can bruise. 
Probably something we should've known and that is most likely common sense and something we really did know deep down, but initial reaction was a bit surprising. 

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I'm trying to grow my hair out again. I've made it through the dreaded flip-out phase {praise the Lord}, but now I'm in the always-in-a-pony-tail-phase-so-might-as-well-have-it-short-and-cute phase.

But at least her hair is growing fast and I can make one of us look good

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Two weekends ago we finally finished unpacking/cleaning out basement. 
It's not what I envision the end result to look like, but at least for now it's presentable and no longer embarrassing. 

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We are getting the siding done on our house and new windows put in. 
I feel like it's taking for.ever.
In the meantime, I feel "trapped" at home even though we would be home anyways and I'm unusually exhausted because I know I can't nap. It's a bit ridiculous how the mind works.
It will look so good when it's finished and I'm looking forward to putting up the fall decor!

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My first official overnight trip away from Adalyn is booked.
I'm freaking out about on the inside.
And a little on the outside.
I have 2 months to process/prepare.
She's almost 2, I realize this is also filed away in the "Ridiculous" category. 

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I'll finish this off with another Timehop memory- a year ago today Adalyn took her first steps!!
So incredibly crazy how fast time goes by!
Something I think I'll always be in disbelief of. 

join in on the random shananigans:
lowercase letters