Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Cold Rainy Day + Comfy Couch & Blanket + TV +
The Most Addicting Box of Cheez-Its =
A Great Day.

Edit: Almost Wordless Wednesday--Has anyone had the Four Cheese Cheez-Its yet?? They are my fav and SO good. I left the box out on the couch from my afternoon snack yesterday, and I could not resist them this morning. Even if it was only 10 AM. Temptation would be an understatement. I failed. big time. But thoroughly enjoyed the party in my mouth.

And for the record- I completed my Bible study first today =)

What's one of your addictive snacks?

Edit 2: Just watched DWTS Results. Miley Cyrus??? Wow. I hope she can be tamed. I was scared a little. That was crazy.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Return of The Smelly Life- Misc. Monday

Ok, I am back!
I think....

What better way to reboot the blog than joining in miscellany monday with lowercase letters by carissa. The perfect theme for Mondays. People keep telling me to update and well, I'm honored and a people pleaser so I have no other choice but to update. This is good way to start blogging again until I can think of other things to write about.

I hope it will hold you over.

1. I may not be interested in blogging because I now have cable and a DVR and tape anything and everything. I even tape shows for other people. Why? Because I can.

2. I have only 3 days left to complete my 5 day Bible Study. I have already wasted 4 days. I really need to be more disciplined because I don't want this to be like homework. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned number 1...makes me feel more guilty for number 2.

3. Our place is finally decorated and homey! Home tour video will be coming later this week- depending on if I take a good video or not. I always feel like I do a good job staying still while taping and then when I watch it back I pretty much get motion sickness. I don't understand what happens. So video or pictures coming soon!

4. I don't know what I would do without craigslist. By far one of my favorite inventions. ever.

5. Money goes so fast. It's the worst when you move and life is crazy and you're finally settled in and wonder where all your money went. Not that this is happening to us right now or anything...but so I've heard.

6. Where is all our money?

7. At least our place looks pretty.

8. I have only cooked once since we have moved in. We moved in May 5th. Between take out and eating at my parents {oh, how I have missed that!} it's been really nice.

9. I wonder where our money is.

10. I made a mistake and put the "Roxie money" back in our account since we weren't picking her up on the way anymore. Bad. Bad. Idea.

11. Where is the "Roxie Money"?

12. I'm so surprised Maine was in the top 5 for Miss USA. NH and Maine aren't exactly known for their beauties.

13. I still need to watch Survivor finale, I forgot it was on. Good thing I have a DVR. But I already know who won because of Regis and Kelly. I am kind of surprised...

14. I found a bureau on Saturday at a store that sells used items. It was $12.99. I wanted to buy it. Ah-mazing deal. Mr. B said no, then decided yes last night. I went today and it was sold. Of course, why wouldn't it be?? So bummed.

15. I think I have the longest miscellany monday so I am done now. Time for my Bible study which I should have done before this. Next time...for real.

16. My little brother and sister slept over on Friday night. My little brother misplaces two red box DVDs. We can't find them anywhere. We are gonna have to pay $50 for The Chipmunks and Bandslam. Awesome.

17. I wonder where our money is...

18. Time for to finish start my Bible study and cook dinner.
I am actually cooking dinner tonight.

Time to get back in the swing of things!
Happy Monday!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lost It

So umm...
once blogging is put on hold for about two weeks it is really hard to get back into the groove.

I lost the blogging momentum.

It might come back one day.

It might have been left in Florida.

It might be hiding because of the cold winterish weather here in NH.

I might have too many things to buy and decorate that the blogging part of my brain is being taken over.

It might have been killed due to the smoke smell that lingers everywhere in our new place.

I don't know.

For now, I will be searching for those creative juices
while I continue painting and decorating.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Help! Need some tips!

Well, we made it!

Mr. B graduated.

He has begun {and loves} his new job.

We are all moved into our new apartment, but still unpacking because we have to much junk wonderful items that need to find a place.

We just got internet set up yesterday.

I haven't blogged or read blogs in like a week.

How I made it through, I don't even know.

I still have too much to do to even be thinking about doing such things.

But, y'all {I have never said/used that phrase before and I know it's weird because I am not from the south, but it's a lot easier than spelling "you all". Okay, maybe not a lot easier, but it is easier. So I thought I would give it a try and see how it felt. Personally, it felt good- I liked it. Now, I know at this point it would have been easier just to write "you all", but thought some explanation would be needed for future reference.} are so good at giving advice so please send some more my way.

We have one problem.
Smoker smell is hovering everywhere.

The landlord painted the walls.

They steam cleaned the carpets.

We washed the carpets.

There is new flooring in the kitchen.

The living room is wood.

The bedrooms are carpet.

I have tried febreeze, yankee candle, good air, odor genie...

It's still lingering.

Not as strong, but it's there.

Any tips??

We might rent a huge air purifier thing, it's $40 for the day, will that work??

Please, help!

The place is great and slowly coming together and looking pretty,
but this smoke smell is not enjoyable.

Thank you!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Roxie Take Two

We found a new puppy.
She was born April 15.
She looks just like the other pup we were supposed to get.
That's her on the bottom laying on her back.

The new breeder is a million times better.

We are bummed we have to wait another month.

We pick her up June 10.

I hope time flies.

She's really cute.

I feel weird calling her Roxie.

We never met the other puppy, but had some pictures and referred to her as Roxie.

We like that name so we are using it again.

Even though we never really got to use it in the first place so it's not really again.

Regardless, it feels like it's again.

I hope in a few days it will feel normal.

I also made a dog bed that says Roxie, so there is really no other choice.

We are excited and pray for no complications this time around.

Thanks for all your kind comments, it meant a lot to us.

38 days and counting.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A little busy

We are a little busy the next few days.
Please excuse the MIA, we have some kind of important business to take care of.
Mr. B graduates and the move to NH begins,
nothing major.

Everything major!
I know, that was like a 4th grade joke.
Please pray for safe travels!

Have a great weekend!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Sweet Pot-enis

I apologize, I realize this is slightly inappropriate, but I could not resist.
Last night we met Smelly Sr. for dinner at Longhorns.
This is what my sweet potato looked like.
I had to laugh by myself because I didn't want to get Mr.B's attention and
make an immature scene.
So I decided to be sly, take a picture and make an immature scene on my blog instead.
Surely you will all laugh with me, right??

My first thought when I saw this, may or may not have been, this will be great blog post, actually it may have been the second thought because the first was oh my goodness, is this a joke, why isn't anyone else noticing this, where is the Candid Camera Crew {except that doesn't exist anymore}?
I think our waitress may have noticed,
I sort of felt that mutual connection of immaturity with her
over the potato that looked like a twig and berries.

It's these little silly things in life that, in the normal world go unnoticed, but to the blogger make the day complete.
I still laugh when I think about it.
Call me a perv, but this sweet pot-enis is hilarious.
{Yes, I made up that name all by myself}.

Happy Friday!!