Saturday, March 20, 2010

That explains a lot...

When it's time to use these babies, I always find myself thinking, "Yup, sounds about right. That explains a lot." Justification, if you will.

Happy Spring!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Show Us Your Life- Missions

Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner

Over at Kelly's Korner it's Show Us Your Life- Missions. I went to a Christian high school and we were blessed with the opportunity to go on mission trips during our spring breaks. I am excited to give you a glimpse of these awesome experiences.

My sophomore year we went to Mexico and we teamed up with a Christian organization. This was a unique missions trip because the focus wasn't so much on serving the poor on the streets, but rather about coming along side these people, supporting them and praying for them. The Lord used us to refresh and rejuvenate this organization.
This is where they slept. A giant circus tent with a bunch of twin beds. There was a tent for women and a tent for men. Married couples had little trailers for them and their families. Our team also slept in here. I had to sleep on the complete opposite side of my friends {I may have been a little scared}.

These were the bathrooms. A challenge to see how long you can hold your breath.

The shower.

We played with some of the children whose parents are part of the outreach team.

And held their cute little babes.

We ate real Mexican food....just a little different than Moe's or Taco Bell.
This includes rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

We went on a "Jesus March" through town. They have a microphone and speakers they bring with them, they sing worship songs through the street and then they stop at a corner and preach.
This was a great experience. It wasn't exactly life-changing, but it was amazing to see God's people so devoted to preaching the gospel. And as always it puts your own life into perspective. Why did I complain about something silly like the lack of water pressure in the shower at my house, a big, clean, bathroom with hot water and soap? What am I doing for God's Kingdom? Would I devote my whole life like these people?

My junior year, I went to Romania. On this trip we all had host families. The team was separated all through out the town and we lived with different families from the church we were working with. This was Mr. B's first year at the school and he joined this trip as well.
The very beginning of "Ms. J & Mr. B"

We went to a children's home where we sang and made some crafts with them. These children really touched my heart. Many of them were left on the street. Many of them had mothers in prostitution. So many precious, innocent, happy faces.

We gagged enjoyed all the Romanian delicacies. Lots of soup made with God only knows what. Wedge of warm mushy cheese, little hot dog type thing and yogurt for breakfast every morning. I need to stop talking about it because it makes me sick thinking about it.

Some beautiful Romanian children on the streets.

Some of us from the team went to a little church, we led worship, prayed and preached.

These are the children from their Sunday School.

There's cute babies all over the world. I'll find them wherever I go!
This trip was my first trip where I really got to interact with the poor, with the "outcast". I got to love on children that are not loved by their parents, we got to show them the love of Jesus and see their faces light up with the littlest things. So touching.
I also got to connect with the most awesome man who 5 years later became my husband. That's a plus.

My senior year we went to the Ukraine. We stayed at a really nice place called the "Nehemiah House". This is a building that host many conferences and pastors around the world and on this trip they hosted us. They have nice rooms, nice bathrooms, kitchen, a little store, a computer etc. it's an awesome place.

This was a Big Brother/Big Sister trip. We were paired up and each assigned an orphan that was "ours" for a few days. So fun. This is me and my friend Rachel with our orphan, Maria.

We had a field day for our orphans filled with face painting, games, balloons and candy.

Mr. B with this adorable little orphan and Maria.

So cute.

Towards the end of the week we went into a gypsy village and had a bbq outreach. We played with the children while the leaders shared the gospel with their parents.

I told you, I find cute babies anywhere.

One of my favorite days. We were given the opportunity to go to a children's hospital. These newborns were found on the street and many of them were very sick. So sad.

We had another field day at a school. These are some of the students.

Then we said good-bye. We dropped them back off at their orphanage and drove away...
with many tears.

My freshman year of college, I went to the community college. They were having a spring break trip to Biloxi Mississipi where they teamed up with Salvation Army and Habitat for Humanity to build new houses for Katrina victims. I went. This trip was so out of my comfort zone, to this day I can't even believe I went. I knew I am a girly girl, I went on a trip to work with tools and build houses. It's quite comical, really.

It costs me like $50 or something because it was sponsored by the school. My spring break was different than all my friends', I figured I might as well go. I prayed about, applied, got interviewed, got accepted and there I was building houses.

I slept here with 20 other girls from different colleges. Not that it mattered because I didn't even know the girls from my own college.
But it didn't take long for them to become my friends. This was by far the scariest moment of my life. If you ever need to make friends, I suggest doing something you have in common, like being on a wet slippery roof sweeping off the water so you can begin nailing in shingles and you are both shaking out of fear you'll slip right off and die. It is sure to bring you together.

It's a lot easier to pose with a hammer than to actually use one.
FYI: I'm a Red Sox fan, but the Chief hat was on sale for $3.

Nothing new...just nailing in some shingles. No big deal.

Cutting some siding for the house. I still don't believe it either. Me + Table Saw....Ha.

The siding is finished.

Each one of these trips has allowed me to grow and strengthen me into the woman that I am today. I am so thankful and blessed for these amazing opportunities that have opened my eyes to so much more than my normal everyday life.

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27 (NIV)

Happy Friday!!
Congrats and thanks if you made it all the way to here!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Checking off the important things...

It's all about priorities.

We may be doing things out of order, but at least the major things are getting done. We are in the homestretch now and little pieces are s . l . o . w . l . y coming together. It is exciting, but also testing our faith and patience at the same time.

Shred Update: Completed Day 4!!! The soreness in every.single.part of my body is finally starting to go away. When I woke up this morning I couldn't believe it-- Oh my goodness I can almost walk like a normal person. I am already seeing a difference and I'm feeling good. Proud of Mama Grace for sticking with it and finishing Day 4 too!!

Random 1: So sad for Sandra. Seriously, Jesse??
It's so amazing/disgusting/heartbreaking that even men who have such famous, amazing, talented and beautiful wives are still looking for something more. I do not think it's right to cheat on anyone, but how in the world can you cheat on Sandra Bullock?! For that nasty tattoo girl, no less. I would assume his tears during her kind speeches where she called him "my rock" must've been tears of guilt. I hope none of these rumors are true, but it's not looking that way. Seriously????

Random 2: It's a nicer day in NH than in FL!! Is this a joke?! Today's high is 68 and in NH it's sunny and 70. It's 10 degrees below normal today. Where, oh where is the hot sunny Florida weather??

Random 3: Thanks for all your puppy names! We finally agreed on a name and have decided to name her Roxie- cute?? =)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Puppy Love

Meet the newest addition to our Smelly family.....

Our little fur baby.
How cute is she?!?

She is a boxer.
She was born March 1.
We are picking her up May 3rd on our move back to NH.
We are so in love with her and can't wait to meet this adorable furry little lady.
I can't stop smiling.
I might be a bit obsessed and already have her as the wallpaper to my phone and desktop.

There is one problem though...
Mr. B and I can not agree on a name.
Maybe even causing an argument that results in the silent treatment.
Very mature, I am aware.
I am so thankful our kids names are already chosen because
I do not like this game.
I won't even tell you the name I love because it has already been shot down. hard. and. fast. by multiple people. including my husband. regardless of that fact that I love it.

Please send me your suggestions! We need help.
I have looked at a bunch of websites, but nothing has really jumped out, except for the one unmentionable.

Some guidelines:
I like 2 syllable names.
Unique- not very popular.
Could be something Springish, like a flower or something (not Daisy), since we are getting her in May.
Can't be:
Anna, Maggie, Bella or Jasmine those are already family dog names.
Ella, Stella, Layla, Lilah anything close to my {future} daughters' names.

In the running:
Selah {Say-La}
Gracie (too weird because that's my maiden name??)

Not totally in love with any of those though and I know the perfect name is out there, I just haven't found it yet and maybe YOU know it. Please give us some ideas =)

Thank you!

PS- About to go conquer Day 3!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Meet The Grace Family...

Forgot today was Top 2 Tuesday over at The Undomestic Momma and I wanted to join in on that fun too! Today's topic is celeb styles and my top 2 (there are so many it's hard to choose!) are Carrie Underwood and Jennifer Aniston. Of course this is more than just choosing their styles, it's their whole package-- hair + body included.

1. Carrie Underwood. If I could look like any celebrity it would be her. Love her personality, she is so sweet (like I have talked to her and know her in person), she is gorgeous, love her hair, love her voice, love her.

2. Jennifer Aniston. She is a natural beauty. Her dress up look or casual look, she looks amazing and pulls it off either way. If only it was that easy in real life. Also love her personality (Now her personality I actually know-unlike Carries'- because she hung out with my friends Regis and Kelly yesterday and I was pretty much in the room with them).

Original Post:

The Grace Family....

The Grace Family isn't complete without mentioning the wonderful addition to our family. These lovely ladies moved in with us 6 years ago:

The most awesome family any girl could ask for. I miss this crew so much.

Two weeks from today we will be reunited for Easter. Can't. Wait.

P.S - Day 2 of 30 Day Shred- Complete!! Tomorrow will be my official graduation to Day 3.

I am confident that our love is deep enough that the initial shock and hatred towards me for posting these pics is quickly forgiven. Mom and Sarah, please know this was out of pure love and because you are missed that much ;)