Saturday, May 26, 2012

American Idol Finale

In case you missed it....
the unintentionally hilarious spotlight stealer.

Oh and hooray for Philip!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Fast Forward Friday

Ok, so I think one of my least favorite parts of blogging is coming up with a title?
Anyone else??
I feel like I'm back in school sometimes!

Anyways, I am so behind on blogging...once again.
I always go back and forth on how important it really is.
I think it's really important, and not always easy, to prioritize it correctly.
For me personally, as much as I love documenting and looking back at the different seasons and milestones, it's so much more important for me to be in the moment.
I take so many pictures of Adalyn, and believe it or not even though I have thousands of pictures, I have to constantly tell myself to just enjoy it.
To savor it in my heart and memory.
She will be smiling away at me and it's the sweetest thing, I take out my camera to capture it and then she stops and I get annoyed because she's not doing it anymore.
 I need to enjoy and not always share it.
In saying that, I am so so thankful for the awesome camera we have and all the pictures I do have of her.
It's goes by so fast and I am so grateful to look back and reminisce.

I do find blogging important too. 
Especially as my memory quickly disappears. 
But it needs to be when I have time because I have greater much, more important things to be spending my time on-like my quiet time with the Lord, time in the Word to inspire and encourage me to be a better wife and mom, time I should be using to clean and cook- making our home a home and serving my husband after a long day at work, time to soak in each dimpled smile from Adalyn and the wonder and excitement she gets from the littlest thing, time for trash tv and naps, and time for my attention craving dog. 
I really just need to work on my time management.
In all areas.
 Money management too! 
{Too many "good deals" add up to, ya know?}

A couple weeks ago I said I wanted to blog after every weekend-HA! Apparently I was lucky I did it once. So I am just going to do a quick recap so we can fast forward to this weekend and start over again.

Things I'd like to blog about, but don't have time to embellish on each thing! And it is probably going to be so long and I will be surprised if anyone makes it to the end, but it's mostly for us to look back on.

Pretty much the whole month of May has been rainy, so we try to enjoy the few beautiful days that we have! Last Saturday we got to go on a family walk and play at the park. Auntie Ali got to join us!

Two weeks ago I had a wonderful Mother's Day! 
It's such a special day to celebrate moms and God's faithfulness to us! A mom is something I have always wanted to be and it's still so  surreal that I am one. 
I got a sweet card from Adalyn and Mr. B and I am waiting on my mom necklace! We went to church and they gave out some flowers, then we went to Texas roadhouse with my family. They have highchairs that slip into the booths and she liked being close to us and of course she enjoyed their yummy rolls! We came home, napped, took some pictures, face-timed with Mr. B's parents, enjoyed the beautiful weather at the farm and finished the night with Coldstone where I got the "Way-too-many-calories-slightly-embarrassed-to-tell-you-what's-in-here".

On Monday Adalyn and I went to my parents because my Grammie and Grampa were over visiting. 
They don't have a crib there so it's one of the few times she still sleeps on me and I soak it all in!
We were supposed to get Carrabba's on Sunday night-my dinner of choice! But we were still full from Texas Roadhouse so we ended up getting it on Monday night and it was delish, as always! I get the Pollo Rosa Maria- if you've never gotten it, do it!
 Complete with a cannoli, another favorite of mine.

And then I gained 10 pounds.

Mr. B had a business trip to CA and was going to be gone for 3 days. I was torn if I would be a big girl and stay here by myself or if I would go to my parents {aka the farm, by the way}. I would go there not because I needed help with Adalyn, but because I am pretty much a 10 year old girl and get scared of bad guys. I decided I would spend one night there and two nights here. But I ended up staying there all 3 nights...and losing a bet and owing a back scratch to Mr. B. {ugh.} He didn't think I would stay here alone. I could've.
We found a great deal with coupons on a pack n play at Babies R Us. We shared a room and slept great. We looked like dog hoarders. And Roxie finally had a friend...that she thinks is her own personal stuffed animal.
We played on our favorite toy. And enjoyed cheese puffs. 
So did our bib.

The weather pattern for May is rainy weeks and beautiful weekends. I suppose it could be worse! 
Last weekend was no different- and we enjoyed it while it lasted!
Started off our morning going to a few yard sales. Here are some of our fun finds!

Followed by a little disappointment in the quantity of the water I put in and some playtime in her new pool.

And of course, a walk and more ice cream.

We live in a townhouse in a nice development that is fairly quiet, but we don't have our own backyard or anything so we usually go to the farm on the weekends to relax, play and enjoy some time outside. So our days at the farm are usually like this...

And starting tomorrow it will consist of some weekends at the lake and on the boat with Mr. B and his parents! 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

All About the Bows

I've had a few people ask me about her bows so I thought I'd do a quick post and let you know where they're from. 

Some of them I've bought, some I've made and some I wish, and know I could make, but I'm too lazy!

There are so many I would love to buy- there are a million and one cute ones on etsy, but it kills me to spend a lot of money when I know I can make it. So for now these will do!

Ones I've made:

Needed- fabric/ribbon, thread, lighter, hot glue gun, alligator clips and elastic/headbands- all sold at Hobby Lobby, Michaels or AC Moore.
These ones are some of my favorite! 
Bought some satin from Hobby Lobby {it's $2.99/yd and you can get 40%off}, cut in a few different sized circles, carefully burn the edges, hot glue them together, hot glue a bead in the middle and then glue it onto an alligator clip and clip it onto the elastic.

Felt cut into circles, folded in half and hot glued onto a felt circle, then glued to a clip and clipped to a headband.

{excuse the peas} This was a gift bow from my baby shower that I saved and made into a hair bow. Glued it to a clip and clipped to a headband I already had {I purchased a pack of these headbands at Target in the bobbypin/hair elastic section} I got a lot of comments on this bow and unfortunately it was on the floor at my parents house and the puppies destroyed it :(

Grosgrain ribbon- followed instructions through youtube {there are so many instructional videos for all types!}. Make a bow, wrap some thread around it, glue a little ribbon around the middle to cover the thread, heat seal the edges of the ribbon with a lighter, glue to a clip and clip to a headband! I found this headband at Hobby Lobby and really like the material. These are so easy to make and ribbon is not expensive and comes in so many varieties!

Babies R Us:
They were on clearance and came in a pack of 3. These are the same material of the Hobby Lobby one that I liked, it's like a sheer stretchy material and comfy on her head.

Flower headband also on clearance.

Burlington Coat:
These were my favorite! Unfortunately she's no outgrown them-the headband got too tight. I actually replaced one of the bows- a zebra print- with the hot pink bow. That was part of a barrette she got from my Grammie that was from the Christmas Tree Shop for $1.00, I think! So I took it off of that clip and slipped it into the headband.

I was happy when her hair grew a little and I was able to put some clips on the tiny longer strands that to switch it up a little. I have a bunch of these in different shapes, colors and sizes- they were cheap and came in a pack of 5 or something.  I recently got some cute ones from the Carter's outlet too that are the snap-barrette kind. 


This is the only one I've bought from Etsy. I love it- it's seasonal, but will last her a long time and of course Mr. B and his family approve! I don't remember the name of the seller, but if you're interested let me know and I can look it up and send it to you!

Children's Place:
Her most recent headbands that she pretty much wears all the time now! I love the pink and orange one- it matches so many of her bright summer outfits! These are 2/$6 they pretty much always have a coupon too so you get it for even less! They are nice and stretchy and don't leave marks on her head either. 

Other fun head accessories- dollar spot!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

5 Month Recap

Every month flies by, but this month went especially fast! 
Your 4th month went by at the perfect pace.
I think because it was filled with so many milestones. 

This month was rainy for the most part so we spent lots of time inside playing. 
And the milestones that you reached were small, but of course still important!
It was more improving a lot of the milestones you've already reached. 

You bring us so much joy and we love watching you grow!

I weighed you about halfway through the month and you were 17 pounds. 
You wear 6-9 and 9 month clothing. Most of the clothes that are just 6 months are pretty snug. 
We switch between cloth and disposable. You are wearing size 2 disposable, I bought size 3 in the nighttime ones because that's all that was available- they fit you, but they're a little big. 

You still have beautiful blue eyes and light brown hair that is very fine, but getting longer.

You entered your 5th month with a high fever followed by a bad cough. It was the saddest thing. I ended up catching what you had, but thankfully you healed a lot faster than I did! 
We spent lots of time cuddling and  some time in the steamy bathroom. 

You love your sleep and you make it very obvious when you are tired and you typically go right to sleep when we put you in your crib. 

You sleep on your side and usually end up on your back in the middle of the night. 
You wake for your paci a few times throughout the night and then fall right back to sleep.
Occasionally you sleep on your belly, but your right side is the side of choice.
You wake between 6:30-7 have your bottle in bed with me and sometimes sleep until 8-8:30, but unfortunately this is becoming more rare. You take 2-3 naps a day that last anywhere from an hour to 3 hours. You're not too consistent with the length of your naps, but you are with the time of day. A morning, after lunchtime, and sometimes, late afternoon nap. I struggle with that last nap because if you don't get it you're so tired by 6:00 and daddy isn't home for another 30 minutes, then you eat too early and wake up too early because you're hungry. But if you do get a late nap in and nap until 5:45/6ish you wake up grumpy and still tired! So we are still trying to figure that out!

We still maintain your bedtime routine regardless of when we put you to bed though. 
You have a vegetable for dinner and then it's tubby time- which daddy usually does.
You still love your tubby time!
We had to switch tubs this month because you started to try and roll over in your other one, so we brought out the duck tub and you're loving the "freedom".

After tubby, I lotion you up and put on your PJs. 
I usually clean your ears a little and put some lotion behind your ears and you love it.
It's the funniest thing- you are so squirmy and the second I start doing your ears you just zone and relax.
Then I give you your bottle- depending on your mood, which is usually a wiggly worm distracted by everything, we watch Mickey Mouse so you can finish your bottle. 
You have a few long strands of hair on each side of your head and your newest thing is playing with that hair on your right side while drinking your bottle. 
You are capable of holding the bottle yourself, but you tend to play with it more, put it over your head, drop it, etc.

The beginning of this month you started sitting up. You've been able to sit, but would usually lean forward and it wouldn't last very long. Now you can sit up, but like to throw yourself back. I knew you were strong enough to hold yourself up, but you just liked flailing backwards so sometimes I put the boppy behind you. 
One day I took you outside for some pictures and you sat great! It clicked! And you've been sitting great since then- although for some reason you sit better in the grass.

You are also starting to roll or scoot to reach what you want. You grab anything and everything in sight. But I have noticed you being more specific with what you want and trying your hardest to get it.
It's been fun seeing you pay attention to the details of things. You are obsessed with tags- now I know why they invented "taggies"! I'm pretty sure the tag is your favorite part on your exersaucer. I've also noticed you now have {use?}peripheral vision- you will be zoning and reaching for something at the same time. 

You sat in the front of the grocery cart for the first time. You did a good job, but you seemed to lean a lot so I'm not 100% sure you were ready. The next week we went to Target and their carts were so much better- you did awesome!
That look you're giving in the grocery store is your new look when we are out. You used to smile at every one, but the "stranger danger" has set in. You are so different when we are out in public than when we are in the house. 

You've really started to notice and love Roxie. You always get a big smile anytime she enters the room.
Even though she tries to lick your face off, you still love to watch and touch her. 

You are a happy smiley baby, but I've come to the realization that you aren't a laugher. Some babies are and some babies aren't- you smile all the time, but you've only laughed a handful of times. You have little grunts as giggles and then get very serious. And your newest thing is holding in your breathe and laugh then letting out a squeal. 
You've become a lot more vocal and you like to screech and scream while you play.

You're ticklish now, too! It's hard to tell if you love it or hate it, but I think it's a mix of both!

You have a new scrunched nose smile that I love

You've really discovered your tongue and you've started twirling it in your mouth

In the morning, if you watch Mickey Mouse you always smile big when he says "Hot dog!"

You love to eat. There isn't too much that you've had that you haven't liked! 
Last month we were surprised how much you liked peas....this month it was a different story!
Could you be any more disgusted??

   Your favorites are still bananas, pears and sweet potatoes. I've also given you a few of the Earth's Best chicken dinners and you loved those. You love finger foods like Mum Mums, crackers, puffs and cheese puffs. 
You are constantly eyeing anything anyone else is eating. 
I enjoy sharing little pieces of my food with you through out our day.

This past week you've enjoyed a little taste of sweets too- some whipped cream at Friendly's and a bite of Papa G's banana ice cream!
And it looks like they were the best things that have ever happened to you.

You also started using a straw sippy cup and you do so well with it. I think it's due to the medicine dropper with your gripe water!

You had two little "pig tails" and we couldn't decide if it was weird or cute.
But you made it pretty clear- it was very cute and made you look like a big girl!

We celebrated our first official Mother's Day.
I wouldn't be a mommy without you!
God is good!

We have lots of fun when we visit the farm- not only do you get spoiled by your awesome aunties and uncle {Uncle CJ is currently your favorite- you always smile for him!}, but
Papa G and Mimi spoiled you with some fun toys.

A couple weeks this month you were not like your normal self- it was like you went back to being a newborn...minus the sleep! You were taking short naps, not sleeping through the night and eating all the time- including a few times at 2 in the morning! I was convinced {and praying!} it was the 6 month growth spurt and not the "new you". And then it happened. Overnight you turned from baby baby to older baby and were back to being you...but bigger. You can definitely tell when you compare pictures from the beginning of this month to the end! 
Everything happens so fast.
Seriously, don't blink.
Thanks for being so sweet.
We love you to pieces!!!!