Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Giraffe Birthday Bash!

I decided to condense this post and stick to the surfacey details and mostly just pictures of Adalyn's first birthday.
It was getting too long when I added in my complaints the behind the scene details.

So I'll have this jumbled one, a DIY one and a whiney lessons learned one. 

I went back and forth on a theme for 9 months a while and finally decided to go with giraffe.
{this is the only picture I have of the invite (made with Picmonkey) right now. My Grammie framed it- it wasn't mailed out with a wood border ;)}

Her nursery kind of took on that theme when I got the Melissa and Doug giraffe and the obsession continued from there.

Two other contenders for a theme: 
1. Mickey/Minnie Mouse 
2. Farm.

I decided I'd save those for when she can fully appreciate all the details.

I knew she would appreciate a giraffe theme and it seemed easy enough to put together.
I found a few things on Pinterest, but didn't see the exact style that I wanted.

I went out to a few stores and just bought what I thought would look good.

My main colors: Pink, dark brown giraffe print and cream burlap.

Main Table: Cinnamon Kettle Popcorn, Snack Mix, Cupcakes, Peppermint Pretzels, Strawberry Waffers, Pink MMs and Rice Crispy Cake
{Popcorn Boxes from PartyMonkey}
{Giraffe Scrapbook Paper and Ribbon from Hobby Lobby}

Main Food Table: Chick-Fil-A Nuggets {easy, everyone loves them and yummy leftovers! I may or may not have shed a tear when I ate the last one.}, Chips and dip, Bean Dip, Veggies and dip, Caramel Apple Dip, Cookie Dough Bites and a triple layer cake. 

Kids Table: I wanted to have a little table for Adalyn and her friends- yogurt melts, pirates booty, animal crackers and some giraffe coloring pages.
I was in love with the ribbon topiaries!

Drink Table: Pink lemonade with mason jars and paper straws{can't go wrong there!}. I also served bottled water. 
I don't usually keep the drinks so simple, but this was prettier :)

Other Misc. Details:
{Monthly and favorite pictures}
{$1 Giraffe favors from AC Moore}
{Kids Table}
{Love the canvases I have of her}

Cake Time: So thankful I took cake pictures a few days before her party because she was so unimpressed the actual day! 

I love the middle pictures of her elbows just resting on the tray. 

It's only her first birthday...whatev.

She is one loved little girl! 

It was a great day and we are so blessed by our family and friends! 

 {Adorable outfit from ebay} 
Can't believe she is one.  

Technically since I'm two months late to posting this she's almost 14 months and that's even crazier.

And she already looks older.
Gah, slow down little lady!!!

More details to come...

Monday, January 14, 2013

New Year. New House!!

I have so much to catch up on.

I feel like I am too far behind that it will never happen, but I'm determined to do the best that I can in the next few weeks! 

Although I am so thankful for my phone and the fact that I can take a kazillion {not really because I seem to run out of storage all.the.time} pictures on a whim, I am always bummed that I don't take more pictures with my real camera. 

So these are pretty much all instagram catch ups, but it will do!

We celebrated Adalyn's birthday in Texas!
We had so much fun visiting with Mr. B's family! 
I love Texas! 

I loved our Christmas card this year and meant to post it:

Christmas was fun this year and makes us extra excited for the years to come!

We had a big snow storm and played in the snow.

A few days after Christmas we BOUGHT OUR FIRST HOUSE!!!!

We've been working hard on getting the house ready. Thankfully we didn't buy a fixer-upper like Mr. B wanted, but it was outdated so we've been working our hineys off with the help of our awesome families!
  It's come a long way in a short amount of time and we are exhausted!! 
It feels like an unending process, but I know it will be worth it!
 It already is! 
And of course, I really should've taken better before and after pictures. 
So bummed about that. 
Like, really bummed. 

That old saying "Don't blink"....
it's true.

Two of my maternity sessions from Captured. had their babies and I experienced my first newborn sessions.
Handsome Nathan...

And beautiful Emilie...
I fell in love.
It was so much fun and I can not wait for my other newborn sessions!!

Today the weather warmed up and we were able to enjoy some fresh air in our new backyard.
It was a nice break from all the house stuff and I can't wait until the warm weather is here to stay!

I'm going to try reallllly hard to stay up to date on here!
Looking forward to what God has in store for us in 2013 and we are thankful for the new exciting steps that have already been taken so far.
This year will be about making our first house a home and I'm looking forward to documenting it!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Etsy Props

I'm just about done with Captured. for the season!
It's all been completely unexpected, a lot of fun and also overwhelming at times.
I have a few newborn shoots through the winter and I'll pick back up in the spring with new priorities, packages and prices. 

I've had the honor of capturing these sweet mamas.

And soon I will be capturing their sweet squishy babes.
So excited!!

I'm really looking forward to it and also really nervous at the same time. 

I'm on the hunt for some baby props.
Not really looking to spend a lot of money, so if any of my awesome readers has an etsy shop, or knows someone who has one, and if you're looking for some advertisements/publicity/photos in exchange for an item please send me an email {thesmellylife@gmail.com}. 

Hoping to have Adalyn's details up soon!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

365 Days.

Absolutely unbelievable.
It's completely crazy that this was 365 days ago.
Every detail still seems so vivid. 
I don't know how it went so fast, but I do know that it was the greatest 365 of my life. 
Filled with so many memories.
So much love.
So much joy.
So much thankfulness. 
Overwhelming in all the right ways. 
Overflowing in all the right ways. 
A complete blessing. 
Our miracle. 

A celebration then and a celebration now. 

So thankful for this precious life, 
for the Lord for choosing us to be blessed with this sweet girl.
I still can't believe I get to call her mine. 
Happy Birthday, Adalyn Faith!
These have been the best 365 days and we look forward to the next.
We love to watch you grow, to develop a silly personality and see you turn into the person God so uniquely created you to be! 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Shutterfly Giveaway: Everyone's a winner!!

Surprise, Surprise I said I'd post the winner on the the 15th. 
And it's now the 19th....

I did choose the winner on the 15th, I've just been so busy with this

and this
Yes, my little baby is {almost} one!!!!!

So I haven't had time to post the winner. 

The good news is I have a new Shutterfly Freebie for everyone!

First the winner of the $50 credit is 
Which was Kiley!!
Kiley, I don't have your info so send me an email so I can get the promo to you! 

Shutterfly is now offering a new type of card to purchase. 
Treat is Shutterfly’s exciting new greeting card brand that 
makes it easy for people to create and send one-of-a-kind greeting cards. Treat cards are perfect for holidays, birthdays, congrats, thank yous and every occasion in between. It’s crazy fun. It’s super easy. And it’s totally personal.

So use this promo {TREATBLOGR) for a FREE card today or tomorrow! A thank-you, Thanksgiving or just because- whatever you choose! I can't wait to make some personalized thank-yous for Adalyn's party! 

*This is a sponsored post, but I really do love Shutterfly!*

Monday, November 12, 2012

Shutterfly Giveaway!!

I love Shutterfly.

I've had pictures printed, cards printed and photobooks made through them.

They almost always have some kind of sale which makes this overthetop photo-taking mama very happy!

Shutterfly is also so good to bloggers- two years ago they offered a special deal and we were able to send out our first Christmas card!
I can tell you that this year it will be filled with our new baby. 
And that fur baby?
I'm not sure she is going to make the cut this time around. 
We will see...

And now they are offering one of you a 
$50 credit!!

There are so many cute Photo Christmas Cards to choose from!!

Here are just a few of my favs from just the 1st page:

I'll probably end up doing one of the cards with multiple pictures because I am so indecisive and it's too hard for me to pick just one!

I can't believe Christmas is just around the corner!

Leave a comment {if you don't have a blog leave an email so I can contact you if you win!} letting me know one of your favorites- if you can pick just one- and you'll be entered into the giveaway! 

They have great deals on other holiday products too, so be sure to check them out!

I'm ending this giveaway on a very special day...
November 15th. 

Which just so happens to be my birthday ;)

I'll close it at 4:00PM EST. 
And announce the winner that night. 
A gift for you on my birthday.
Yes, it's a free gift...
but it's the thought that counts, right??

Although I really do love shutterfly and these Christmas cards this is a sponsored post and I'm thankful for the opportunity and promos they offer!