Monday, August 13, 2012

Babies Don't Keep

There's a poem by Ruth Hulbert Hamilton, that replays through my head most days. 
Out of justification/excuse, but also out of truth. 

The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow,
But children grow up, as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.

~ Ruth Hulbert Hamilton

I feel behind on everything.
It seems to be the consequence when you choose to enjoy your sweet baby 
or choose to do other things like tv,pictures or pinterest during nap time. 

And that's okay. 

Those things can wait. 

Because as soon as you think your baby has grown...
 she grows even more the next night. 

So in the meantime, I will continue savor each moment and beg time to slow down.

Because babies don't keep.


Mallorie said...

Oh I hear you momma. I have a picture of EC I took the other day and there's something about it, she just looks so OLD. Not baby like...but like a kid. Then in the next picture she's back to being my sweet BABY again. It's just a glimpse into her growing up right before my eyes.

That last picture of you two is AH-DORABLE. seriously. so cute. I love how her little hand is on your back. Precious.

cait said...

oh lady, I am SOOO with you. I adore that poem!! I have been wanting to print and frame it for the house for a while now...but it hasn't happened. That's fitting, huh?! ;)

and she is GORGEOUS!!!

Refrigerator Memories said...

I LOVE that last picture of you two! Adorable!

Modern Camelot said...

I've always loved that poem, one of my favorites.

Anonymous said...

cute baby...