Monday, April 11, 2011

Misc. Monday: Weekend Recap

{one} Friday the weather was finally beautiful {and I think it might be here to stay, but I don't want to jinx it so pretend I didn't say anything} and we spent lots of time outside. The little boy I watched fell asleep on the swing and it looked so uncomfortable, but so cute and apparently not too uncomfortable or he wouldn't have been sleeping.

{two} As the evening came it was getting a little cooler, but everyone {may be a slight exaggeration since I am just talking about the 4 people at Hayward's} wanted to still believe that it was warm and summer-like. I was laughing as I sat in the warm car, parked next to 3 other cars filled with women whose significant other was buying them the first ice cream of the season. Okay, so I don't really know if it was their first of the season, but it was mine and I was thankful for my wonderful husband to stand in the semi-chilled air to get me my black raspberry ice cream with chocolate jimmies. Delish. 

{three} Jimmies = sprinkles for those of you who are from a different part of the country. I think when we were in Florida, they didn't know what jimmies were. For the record, I only call the chocolate ones jimmies and the rainbow ones are sprinkles. And on the same record, I only like chocolate jimmies, not a fan of sprinkles. I love jimmies so much that I've bought a container and eaten them with a spoon.

{four} I don't know why I am bragging about that, I don't really think that is something to be proud of. And to add to this list of honesty I will also add that on Saturday I got another black raspberry with chocolate jimmies. This one was soft served though so it was completely different and doesn't count as the same as Friday.

{five} I was blow drying my hair and I had a little knot that I needed to comb out. While I was combing I apparently put the opposite side of the blowdryer to my head and my hairs got caught in the fan. It smelled. It was painful. I had to rip those hairs out! There was no other way!! So frustrating. This is why a. I just put my hair up in bun on top of my head and b. I miss my shorter hair. Lesson learned: be more careful, the blow dryer is a weapon.
 And of course when it happened my initial reaction was to take a picture in case I need something to blog about. That's how exciting my life is. 
P.S Ignore the lint in the fan area as well, ok. Thanks.

{six} Today is supposed to be 75, but it's cloudy so that doesn't really count. I was hoping to get a lot accomplished, but there is something about cloudy rainy days that just paralyze you and make you glued to the couch, still wearing your pjs and watching silly abc family movies all day.
 Okay, maybe the weather didn't make me DVR the movie or press play...but still.

{seven} Today is my little brother's 21st birthday. Sooo crazy!! Happy birthday little bro {who doesn't read my blog and is most likely not even aware that it exists}!! 

He's turned into some crazy mountain man since living in NC.
The only thing we can do is love and try to look past it ;)

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's That Time of Year Again

When the sun shines all day,
and there's no clouds in the sky,

and the weather warms up,
and all the snow is melted,
and all the obnoxious {primarily white trash, but who's to judge} people find their way to the park.

And Roxie and I sit on the couch by the window
and stalk. 

Apparently stalking isn't complete without something in your mouth.
We have upgraded from the blind cord to a beef wrap.

It could be because the plastic part of the blind cord is no longer there because during the winter months when there were no people to watch we don't just hold the cord in the mouth, but tend to chew it. off.
Or it could be because she is bigger now and requires something a little larger to help in with the stalking process. Who knows. She appeared to be satisfied and people watched like this for about 20 minutes.
Looked a little uncomfortable to me,
but to each their own, right?

So today we are thankful that we could have a window open {not quite warm enough for multiple windows},
and let the fresh air in.
Even if it also means letting the sounds of screaming parents, and sometimes their kids, 
into our living room as well.

Spring is just around the corner,
even though it officially arrived a couple weeks ago. 
NH missed them memo.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Silly Sisters

Just thought I would brag about my lovely little sisters who are filled with many talents:

So proud.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Big Fat Joke

This guy...
and his shadow = a big fat joke.

Whoever invented this accurate test for the winter season is quite possibly a joke as well.

How do we even know if he sees his shadow?

Last I knew groundhog's didn't talk unless they were Disney characters, of course.

So on April 1st, we woke up to this....

On Wednesday it was sunny and 55.

What a tease.

 Punxsutawney Phil should be fired. 

End of story.

So today we are sad.

And SO ready for spring.

Wishing we could be out for a walk.

And longing to be back at the Dog Park enjoying some friends and the sunshine.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

A New Kind of Lazy

Ok it is time for a new post because I am long overdue once again 
 I have lost 4 followers during this lack of posting time. 
This is not cool. 
I feel bad.

In my defense I have come to my blog multiple times trying to write a post, but had zippo energy to actually form a decent one. So I didn't. Is that a good argument or what??

So for my "decent post" today I thought I would share a little tidbit on my life this morning.
 You may want to pay close attention if your self-esteem is a little on the low side today or if you are thinking you are being really lazy etc because I think I might make you feel better about yourself.

I just spent 30 minutes watching a new workout DVD. 

Yes, watching.

I typically watch any new workout I buy to make sure I like it.

Because you know, I would hate to find out by actually doing the workout. 
That would be lame.

So I watch it, see if I like it, see if I think I would be able to do it, get an idea of how sore I would be, any equipment I would need, does it require a shower know a good solid run down of the workout before I actually do it. 

Also, if that didn't make you feel better, I will be honest enough to tell you that I usually don't watch and do on the same day. Especially if it's midweek or later, if I watched it on a Tuesday there is a slight {really slight} possibility that I would be able to watch it and do it after. 
But today is Thursday. 
Who starts a workout at the end of the week?? 
Not me.

So I watched it.
I liked it.
It's certainly doable. 
And I will begin on Monday.
You know, along with the healthy eating and Spring cleaning.

If you feel compelled to make me feel better with one of your lazy actions, feel free :)

If not, I understand and I hope that in some way my laziness has brightened your day. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

No Photos

No Posts.
Big Problem.

{Sung to the tune of Kenny Chesney}

The device that uploads/stores our pictures is currently dead.
Although I am praying that it's really just in a deep sleep.
I'm quite confident not all of my pictures are backed up so this would be sad.

In the meantime, I don't know how to post without pictures.
I feel like I have nothing to say without them.
So I don't.

For a quick random update:
I'm not too impressed with DWTS, I fast forward through like every one.
Jenelle on Teen Mom is completely ridiculous.
We are back from vacation and the winter weather is still lingering in NH. Not cool.
I have a new favorite hobby that's been keeping me busy. It starts with an S ends with a G and the middle part is EWIN. {that's about a creative as I can be without pictures. Now you know why they're so important.}

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Another Line Crossed

I've reached a new level in the {fairly new} life of a crazy dog obsessed person...

I'm on vacation and I miss my pup.

It will be a week tomorrow.

So pathetic, I know.

It's just a dog.

But she's so cute.

And I love her.

And miss her.

I'm a loser.

And I have reached a new level with the whole weirdo dog lady thing.

Hmmm to be proud or not? ;)

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