Saturday, April 21, 2012

4 Month Recap

You continue to amaze us with how quickly you are growing and learning new things.
This month was filled with new milestones!
It seemed as if every week there was something new you were doing!
I know there are many more to come and I savor and keep note of each one that happens along the way.
Our love for you grows deeper as each day passes.
It is always so bittersweet to watch you grow.

At your 4 month check up you were:
15.3 lbs {75th Percentile}
25 1/8th" {75th Percentile}
And your head circumference was in the 70th Percentile.
You are a healthy growing girl!
I was so proud of you when you got your shots this time around you barely even cried.
It was such a relief to me because it was the saddest thing watching you get your first set of shots.

You are wearing size 2 diapers in disposables and we have started up with cloth again as we start to get situated into our new home.

You are still a happy baby, but you are no longer the super laid back baby that you use to be. 
You are a complete wiggle worm.
Picture taking is no longer an easy task.
Your newest feat.
You will not sit still, you're always arching your back and trying to stand up.

It's technically still winter and we were able to go to the beach for the first time!
The weather was in the 90s for a few days and it's been so fun to see you in your adorable little summer clothes showing off your chunky legs and spending lots of time outside.
We went to Ogunquit Beach with Mimi we had lunch and took a walk on the Marginal Way.
I am planning on taking a few more trips there this summer- it's always so pretty! 

You've been doing so well with solid food. I had a feeling you were ready and you totally were. You are loving it! We've been making our own baby food and giving you a variety of different fruits and veggies and I can always tell when you love something because you cry when I'm not fast enough or when it's all gone.

Can you say Drama Queen??
This is the reaction to Bananas, Pears and Avocado with Bananas.
So far Bananas have been your number one favorite.

We waited for Daddy to try some peas for dinner.
We thought for sure we would get a reaction out of you since most babies don't like peas.
We certainly did get a reaction...
Just not the one we thought! You loved them!
These were a little thicker too and you did great.

So far the only food you haven't really cared for is carrots.

You still have 6-7 oz of Similac Sensitive every 3-4 hours in addition to fruit or oatmeal fro breakfast and a veggie for dinner.

You are still a pretty good sleeper. You do sleep through the night still, but you continue to wake up a few times for your paci. I just give it back to you and you go right to sleep. This is typically after 5-7 hours of you sleeping though...usually only 3 hours of mommy sleeping!

After coming home from the beach you slept on your belly for the first time.

You couldn't seem to get comfy so I rolled you over and you went right to sleep.
It only lasted about an hour though, and then you woke up and freaked because you thought it was tummy time. Eventually I think you'll like to sleep like this though.

Currently, you prefer sleeping on your right side still.

This month we stopped using the swing.
You weren't enjoying it like you used to- you were always trying to sit up and you were just too big for it.

I really really miss those swing naps. On accident I usually call naps in your cribs "crap nibs" and that's just what they are! Crappy and too short! Thankfully they are slowly starting to get longer. You usually take a morning nap and an afternoon nap. Sometimes a nap on mommy or sometimes a third cat nap depending on how long they lasted.

Currently, you prefer sleeping on your right side still.
You love sleeping with your love, Ellie. But this month I decided to start using the giraffe I bought when I  was pregnant. It has lavender beads in the belly, we microwave it and you love to cuddle up with it and it always puts you right to sleep at night time. It's the best and you seem to really enjoy it. It's so cute how you always wrap your arm around it.

You laughed for the first time!! I have been waiting for this moment as I had been seeing other mom's with babies just a little bit older than you post about their little ones laughing.

I was bouncing you in your Jumperoo and you thought it was so funny. I was so thankful Auntie Ali and Mimi were there to see it and catch it on video!

Uncle Ryan came to visit for his Spring Break
He hasn't seen you since Christmas time and you have changed so much!

We also had Angie and Emma visiting. You got too meet your second cousin and her little girl
I remember meeting Emma when she was just a baby and it is so crazy how quickly she has grown up!
You both need to slow down!
In a couple years I think you two will have a lot of fun together.

I originally knew you were ready for solid food because you were always eyeing everything we ate and you looked like you pretending to be eating it as well. Now that you have started solids you have become even more aware of everything we are eating...and you are not. One night you were staring at us eating Jax and I decided to let you lick it and you thought it was the greatest thing ever!
Then I let you hold it, and you were so fascinated by it.

Such a big girl!

Later this night you started pooping in the tub for the first time!
We knew it was bound to happen one day and today was the day!
Daddy quickly transferred you to the potty and you finished your business- I have the cutest picture, but I'll spare the online visual this time for your own sake!

You are the happiest girl in the mornings.
You usually wake around 6/6:30 and I bring you into bed with me.
You have your bottle and we go back to sleep until about 8:30.
It keeps getting earlier and earlier and I'm not exactly a fan of that, but I do love your smile when we wake up.
You also have the sweetest smile when I give you your good morning kisses.

You and Roxie love looking out the windows.

You discovered your feet
And you quickly realized they're like built in toys
And you'd rather play with your toes than sleep.

You are always smiling and we can get you to giggle every once in a while

With all the drooling and constant hands in your mouth I've been checking your gums to see if any teeth were coming and today I saw them ready to pop!

Just two days later they made it through!
I can not believe you're old enough to have teeth!
Not only did your teeth pop through- you also rolled back to belly for the first time.
I was changing your diaper and you started going to go to the side and I said to daddy that I think it will happen soon and sure enough- you did it!
I have a video of you doing it, but no pictures yet so instead here's a random favorite of mine. 

Was your first Easter.

Nana & Papa were visiting

You had your first Mum-Mum and drank water out of your first sippy.

You went to your first wedding.
It was my friend from High School- you looked adorable and you did such a good job!

You went in the church nursery for the first time!! I was freaking out, but you did great! It was more of a practice run, we still have a few more weeks before you really start going {tears for momma!} but I think you're going to love it. 

And that's the best shot we got as your "first nursery picture" because you are the wiggliest worm of them all. 

We went to the Boston Aquarium for Auntie A's birthday and we got to visit Daddy at work and have lunch with him.

Unfortunately this exciting month ended with another first-your first sickness. 
That night you came home with a high fever that last a little over 24 hours, that then turned into a bad cold. 
You took lots of tubbies {which always make you happy} and lots of snuggles {which made me happy}. 

Even through your cold you still loved your new swing at The Farm!

We love you so much and we are sorry this month had to end with your first sickness!
I know it's the first of many to come for you, but I know it will always break our hearts- especially when there is only so much we can do to help you!

Feel free to slow down the growing and you're more than welcome to stick to one milestone a month. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dance Dare

My family loves the Ellen Show.

The past couple weeks she's had something called "Dance Dare".

Basically what you do is dance behind people's back without them knowing.

Tuesday night we celebrated my sister's birthday- she wanted to go to the aquarium and the mall.

While at the mall, I thought it would be fun if we did the "dance dare".

They were all excited until it came time to dance.

We had about 40 minutes until we had to meet for dinner and I think about 30 minutes was taken up by fear.

They quickly learned this looks a lot earlier on the Ellen show than it is in real life!

We had some perfect opportunities, but they chickened out.

We did laugh a lot though and we had so much fun doing this!

We learned some lessons, they are determined to be more brave next time and I am hoping to join in on part 2 !

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Calorie Counting

At the beginning of the year I joined the bandwagon and started to do "myfitnesspal".
It's been really great for both me and my family.
I've lost 10.5 lbs just by watching my calories.
I was pretty naive and eating a ton of calories.
I am still shocked at the amount of calories some of my favorite meals are.

I haven't gotten to the whole exercising thing, yet. 
It will come.
And should be soon.
But currently, I am just too lazy.
I am determined to start though.
Some day.

The fact that I am losing with just counting my calories, 
I often wonder how much more I would be losing if I was working out too..

And that's about as far as it gets...
a wonder.

But here's the thing with calorie counting- they give you the option to have self control, to make the wrong choice or the right choice.

They allow you to choose just how good you want to be.

If the serving size is 12 chips, do the two folded ones count as one regular one?

Do the broken ones not really count?

As I was getting some fries ready for dinner {I'm still in the counting calories phase- eating strictly nutritious food comes after the daily exercises phase} I checked the serving size. 

15 fries for 150 calories or whatever it was.

But here's the kicker...
There are all different sized fries.

15 of what size?

It's the test.

How disciplined do you really want to be?

Is the serving size 15 baby fries or do two of those count as one?

I think I could have 30 of the little ones...but that might be pushing it.

So you better believe that this calorie counting momma emptied out the bag and picked out the longest fries.

It's a matter of making the most of your calories. 

But if you want a more drastic change on the scale I would suggest going with the smaller option.

Just sayin'. 

Monday, April 16, 2012


Since Adalyn and I were both born in November it's been extra fun to compare pictures because we were pretty much the same age around the holidays/seasons etc.

My Grammie gave me an album with a few baby pictures in it and I have been meaning to do a little comparison.

With Picnik closing in just a few day- I was extra motivated to finally start {and finish!} last week.

I truly think Adalyn is the perfect mix of both Mr. B and I.

She doesn't really stand out as looking like either one of us specifically.

But so many people tell me she looks like her daddy!

I just don't see it.

She definitely has his eye color.
His brow line.
His serious look.
His length.

Sometimes when I look at her I totally see my baby pictures, so maybe if people saw those they would start saying she looks like mommy?!

Maybe I should start carrying those around with me.


Sort of.

For the most part the only people that tell me she looks like me are a few strangers here and there in the stores.

She has my nose,
My eye shape.
My cheeks and dimples.
My rolls.

So anyways, I may or may not be a little tired of everyone telling me she looks like Mr. B and this may have played a part in my motivation to finish these comparisons as well.

It's not that I mind her looking like him, I just don't think that she's that much of a spitting image that people need to tell me all the time, ha! 

So anyways, depending on the angle, in some pictures she does look a lot like me. 

Don't get me wrong, I am well aware that Adalyn is MUCH cuter than I was. 
{Mr. B felt the need to share this with me and I wasn't sure whether to feel offended or not...}
Regardless of who she really looks like, one thing is for sure-
she is the cutest biggest blessing we could ever ask for! 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

2 Month Recap

  I have never wanted to pause life more than I do right now!
  I can't believe you are almost 5 months old and I am just now getting to your 2 month post!!!
  You reach new milestones each day- some small and some big- and I don't want to forget any of them.
  We love you more and more each day, and with each day that passes you get more and more "fun".
  You truly light up our world and we are so so thankful for you!

At your 2 Month check up:
Weight: 12 lbs {75th%}
Height: 23.5" {80th%}
Head: 75th%

You got your first set of shots and it was the saddest thing ever.
For both of us. 
I even had tears in my eyes, which I totally didn't expect!
You were a trooper though, took a nice nap and woke up a happy girl!

We dedicated you to the Lord.
We are so honored that the Lord chose us to be your mommy and daddy.
It is a big responsibility and we gladly give back to God what he so graciously blessed us with!
We are thankful for prayer, the Bible, friends and family to support us, keep us accountable and guide us as we do our best to raise you to be the best you can be for Jesus!

You are doing well on Similac Sensitive.
You eat about 5 ounces every 3-4 hours.
And you are packing on the sweet little rolls.

You sleep through the night and just wake a few times for your paci.
You go to sleep after your bath and bottle around 9:30/10.
You love love love tubby time.
And you wake for another bottle around 5:30/6.
You take that bottle in bed with mommy and sleep until 9 or 10.
You are always the happiest girl in the mornings.

You became a lot more alert and were smiling away at your doll.
You've seen this doll many times before, but this night she was the most exciting thing for you.
And two days later you discovered Gia in your room.
Again, she has been there the whole time but you just noticed her..
and loved her!
You love to stand- your legs are really strong.
You've also noticed your hands and try so hard to get them into your mouth

You used the exersaucer for the first time and did great!
You didn't last too long, but you did enjoy it.
We got you a special pillow to help support you and you thought it was the comfiest thing!

You are wearing mostly 3-6 and even a few 6 months.

Nana bought you a cute outfit for Valentine's that was size 6 months....
And too small!
The buttons unsnapped every time you moved your legs.
It was pretty funny!

The winter weather has been so "warm" we've been taking a few walks outside!

02. 05.12
The Patriots were in the Superbowl
I sent this picture into the local news and they showed it on TV!!!
I had no idea and completely missed it :(

We celebrated Daddy, Auntie Olivia and Papa G's birthdays

Mimi and Papa G got new puppies
And a new playmate for you and Roxie

You wore your cute little jeans for the first time

You celebrated your first Valentine's
 And slept in your first big girl PJs from Mimi

You love bright colors and toys that light up.

You are getting stronger every day.

You love to smile

You love to sleep
You take 3-4 hour naps in your swing in the morning and the afternoon.

You spend every day with mommy, but we got to go on a special date to Rachel's bridal shower.

Your first time sitting like a big girl in the highchair

We got ready for your first trip to Colorado and you helped mommy pack to move to our new place

You are typically a very happy baby, and although you can't tell in the pictures- this month was actually our hardest with you!
There were days when you would randomly start screaming bloody murder and we could not figure out why.
You seemed to be showing some signs of separation anxiety even though it was a bit early.
I left you at the farm with Mimi to get a manicure and pedicure with my friend and you screamed almost the whole time. 
It was so not like you!
Then it became more than that, you would go to sleep and wake up around midnight screaming in pain.
I think you had acid reflux for about a week??
I took you to the Dr., before we left for vacation, to see if you had an ear infection..but you were healthy!
Thankfully this phase only last about two weeks though!

We were so thankful you returned to your normal self.
It was really sad to see you in pain and not know why or what to do.

We love you so so much. 
You are growing up way too fast.