So on Monday when I said I will post my anniversary weekend "tomorrow", tomorrow actually meant Friday. Apparently in my world Friday comes right after Monday. Except that isn't the world I live in, although that would be a nice world, wouldn't it?
So today's post is 2 in 1 because there's something else important I needed to share today!
So anyways, over a month ago...
Mr. B sent me an email telling me to pack a bag for two nights and he would be sending me other hints through out the day.
I was actually super surprised which is really unusual because I like to be ::ahem:: in control of most situations.
We had decided that funds were tight this year and we weren't going to do anything too expensive.
Aka- a card and take-out will be just fine. Seriously.
But just like my tomorrow meant Friday, having no money meant we have money.
I'd like to point out that our fridge has pretty much looks like this ever since this anniversary weekend
but that is...irrelevant.
So our stuff is packed, we drop Roxie off at my parents' and we drive about an hour away to a beautiful little town called Portsmouth.

We got take-out at the Ninety-Nines and made our way to our final destination
{yes, I know it is primarily an old people restaurant, but I love their cheese and crackers!}.
We stayed at the Sheraton Harborside hotel for two lovely nights.

In the morning, Mr. B made me an appointment at a hair salon to get some blondies back!
I was so excited!
I told the stylist to make me as blonde as possible with x amount of money...
The whole time the stylist was calling me "blondie" making me think it was super blonde. about "light brownie".
It's still lighter than it was and I like it a lot, but it drives me nuts when they don't make it as light as you want and when they give you the impression it's super light... only to look in the mirror and be disappointed, put a fake smile on and say that you love it.
{Which I am really bad at by the way}
But she did a really good job of making it look natural, which I love.
And I forgot to bring a straightener so it was perfect to have my hair styled for the night!

We had breakfast and walked around the shops.
I wasn't in the blogging mindset at the time, so most of these pictures are from google images,
but we did take few of our own.
This was our first night away from Roxie, I was tempted to buy these awesome socks I found.
Mr. B refused to pay for such things.

They also had homemade dog treats that looked like whoopie pies and they were called "woofie pies"- so creative, right? And if I would've had my blogging brain on I so would've taken a picture. Sorry.
The magnet I really did want to buy because, you know, I am now one of those people. It seemed fitting.

We had lunch by the water, walked around a little more, went over to the outlets, and then headed back to get ready for the night.

Here we are waiting for.....
Brian Regan!!!

My parents' bought us tickets for our anniversary.
This part of the weekend had been planned for a few months and
we were so looking forward to it.
Brian is one of our favorite comedians. He is so hilarious and totally clean, which is great.
I tried to post a video, but youtube was being weird. If you want some good laughs go check out some of his clips. It's hard to pick a favorite, but the pop tart one, ironing board, eye dr, and UPS ones are really funny. And well, pretty much all of the other ones too!
We had such a great time, I have never laughed so long and hard - we were seriously laughing for at least 30 minutes straight {which is painful btw}. We would catch a quick break and then he would start another hilarious joke. He has funny facial expressions too, which totally make his act that much more funny. Straight up smiling for 2 hours = so cheeks!
Anyways, he's funny and we loved it- can you tell? I am not sure I said it enough...
We finished the night with Blink's Fried Doe which is the best.
This is the only picture I could find on google, but I prefer mine with cinnamon and powdered sugar. Just in case you were wondering.

Sunday morning we slept in {aren't hotel shades the best ever??}, went out for lunch, went to the outlets one more time and came back to our sweet little puppy and a relaxing evening. Even though we really didn't have the money for this, we made some great memories and it was the perfect way to celebrate our first year of marriage. Even if we won't have groceries for the next few months....
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Mr. B, Mama Grace & I are headed on a crazy adventure tonight.
Mama Grace is big into current events and politics and I'm...not.
Sometimes I feel bad because I literally have nothing to contribute to any conversation relating to such things.
Unless of course, it was covered on The View. That's where I get my current events. A little embarrassing, I know.
Mama Grace has been talking for months about a big rally that is going on in DC that she really wants to be a part of.
Unfortunately, no one in Mama Grace's life is as passionate about such things as she is.
So no one else wanted to go.
Last weekend, she decided she was going to go by herself.
She would hop on a bus that is supporting this rally, it leaves at 10 at night gets in at 7 in the morning and then leaves that night at 8 and gets in at 4 the next morning.
Oh, that would be Mama Grace.....
Mr. B...
and me- that's who!
Yup, please pass me the Daughter of the Year award.
I am going.
My exact words when she told me she was doing this was "Wow, that sounds like helllllllll." And although I still stay true to those words, I couldn't let her embark on this journey by herself.
So I made a deal, if they pay for my ticket, we will pay for Mr. B's and go.
Done deal.
We are going.
And they paid for both our tickets.
No complaints.
Except for the fact that we are dreading the whole try-your-best-to-sleep-on-a-bus-for-8-hours-for-two-nights-and-waste-away-your-relaxing-weekend-while-changing-your-underwear-in-a-tiny-bus-bathroom-with-thousands-of-tea-party-political- junky-weirdos thing, but other than that it should be fun interesting.
It is for a good cause, it is what America needs, it is standing up for what we believe in and honoring our country and those who give up their life for our freedom so... I think we can handle it.
The blogging brain is back in action and I am planning on documenting this extravaganza.
Please pray for safety {no bombing- my biggest fear at the moment!} and that the Lord would heal our land!

This is the longest post ever. If you made it this far, congrats and thank you!!
Enjoy your weekend!