I can not believe how quickly you are growing. The phrase"don't blink" is no joke!! I will probably say that every month and I will probably be in denial every month. Watching you grow up is so very bittersweet. I try not to focus on the bitter though- there are so many fun milestones that you have reached, and that you are going to reach, that make it so exciting to watch you grow.
{Although I wouldn't mind if it went by just a tiny bit slower!}
This month you had your first trip away from home.
We went up to the mountains and stayed in a big house to celebrate Grammie and Grampa's 50th anniversary and Christmas.
When we arrived you were hungry and decided you were big enough to feed yourself.
You don't always hold your bottle, but sometimes you like to.
Your hands just kind of hold onto it- I don't think you really know what you're doing, but we can pretend.
You are still on Similac Sensitive and doing really well on that.
You eat 4-5oz every 3-4 hours.
Each family had themed Christmas PJs and ours was reindeer- you looked so cute!
The house that we stayed in was older and our room was freezing so I was sure to bundle you up nice and good to make sure my little reindeer stayed warm!
We were so excited to wake up with you on Christmas morning, although, to us, every morning is like Christmas with you!
On December 27th you had to have your hearing re-evaluated. You didn't pass your hearing test at the hospital on one of your ears when you were first born. Typically that is due to extra fluid in the ear and it goes away- we were praying that was the case for you!
You were such a trooper with all the monitors stuck to your head and your ears and buds put in your ears!
You needed to be sleeping for them to perform the testing-which I thought would be tricky-but you did a great job. You woke a few times because it was uncomfortable, but quickly fell back to sleep. The testing lasted about 2.5 hrs and you passed!
After all the Christmas traveling and festivities I decided it was time to get more serious with our cloth diapering.
You've made it really easy on us- you are really consistent with your poop schedule{every three days} so when it's a "poop day" I usually put you in disposables. You are in a size 1 and you wear them through the night also.
I also decided it was time to move you to your crib. I knew you were going to enjoy it because you really like sleeping flat rather than at an incline. So on December 31st we swaddled you up and said goodnight.
I am so thankful for the Angelcare Monitor or I would not be as comfortable doing this! An alarm goes off if you stop breathing and I get to check on you through the video monitor. You did a great job and you've been sleeping through the night ever since we moved you there!
And usually between 5-6am I bring you into bed with us for some extra sleep after your bottle.
For a while I would have you wake up around 10pm and feed you with hopes that it would fill you up and you'd sleep through the night. I was starting to notice that if I did that you were then overtired and would be up until 1/1:30am. That was not gonna fly with me-so I decided to try a new schedule. You have your long day/afternoon naps and then you usually wake around 6:30/7. Daddy comes home from work and plays with you until 8:15/8:30 and then I give you a bath.
You love tubby time! After your bath, I lotion and swaddle you, feed you your bottle and you go right to sleep in your crib around 9:15/9:30 and wake between 5-6. So far it's been a great schedule that seems to work week for us all!

You love to cuddle and sleep with Ellie the Elephant.
It's so sweet.
You crack us up with all your funny faces! You are so expressive and I think it will be even more funny the older you get.
[PS- that mark on your forehead is because daddy accidentally made me drop my phone on your head. That was our very first accident with you-thankfully you whimpered and fell right back to sleep and the mark quickly disappeared}
You are a very laid back, easy going baby.
You got some new toys for Christmas that you've really enjoyed playing with
I saw another baby girl in church that had a bow in her hair and I thought that since you have hair in the back and not really in the front that it would work.
You weren't very impressed with that.
We were happy that Tim Tebow got a touchdown and they would be going to the playoffs.
You weren't overly excited, but we appreciate you going along with the celebration.
Your neck has gotten a long stronger and we decided to give the bumbo a try.
I'm pretty sure you were counting how many seconds you could stay up.
You did a great job but you weren't quite ready yet.
Your neck is strong, but your torso isn't quite strong enough to hold you up.
Thankfully, you love your carseat.
I can always count on a smile when I buckle you in.
On January 12th you had your first snow day at home.
I don't think you got what the big deal was.
You've recently started to get spitty.
And you don't really know what to do about it.
You get the hiccups all the time- just like when you were in my belly.
You get them at all times of day- usually 5-6 times/day.
Gripe water has become our life saver.
This stuff is magic and we don't go anywhere without it.
You're great during church.
You're usually awake during worship and asleep during the message.
The difference in one month...
At your 2 month appointment you were in both the 75th percentile for your weight and your head circumference and you were in the 80th percentile for your height.
It looks like you're taking after your daddy in the height department- meaning when you're 5 we will probably be the same height.
Your eyes are still blue like your daddy's.
You weigh 12 lbs
You're 23.5 inches
You have the most kissable squeezable cheeks.
We love you so much, baby girl.
We are beyond blessed every single day.
You truly make our days brighter.
And our love for you is so overwhelming.
Your smile is contagious and melts our hearts every time.
As sad as I am to see you grow, I can't wait to see the milestones you reach next month!