Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Monday, January 14, 2013

New Year. New House!!

I have so much to catch up on.

I feel like I am too far behind that it will never happen, but I'm determined to do the best that I can in the next few weeks! 

Although I am so thankful for my phone and the fact that I can take a kazillion {not really because I seem to run out of storage all.the.time} pictures on a whim, I am always bummed that I don't take more pictures with my real camera. 

So these are pretty much all instagram catch ups, but it will do!

We celebrated Adalyn's birthday in Texas!
We had so much fun visiting with Mr. B's family! 
I love Texas! 

I loved our Christmas card this year and meant to post it:

Christmas was fun this year and makes us extra excited for the years to come!

We had a big snow storm and played in the snow.

A few days after Christmas we BOUGHT OUR FIRST HOUSE!!!!

We've been working hard on getting the house ready. Thankfully we didn't buy a fixer-upper like Mr. B wanted, but it was outdated so we've been working our hineys off with the help of our awesome families!
  It's come a long way in a short amount of time and we are exhausted!! 
It feels like an unending process, but I know it will be worth it!
 It already is! 
And of course, I really should've taken better before and after pictures. 
So bummed about that. 
Like, really bummed. 

That old saying "Don't blink"....
it's true.

Two of my maternity sessions from Captured. had their babies and I experienced my first newborn sessions.
Handsome Nathan...

And beautiful Emilie...
I fell in love.
It was so much fun and I can not wait for my other newborn sessions!!

Today the weather warmed up and we were able to enjoy some fresh air in our new backyard.
It was a nice break from all the house stuff and I can't wait until the warm weather is here to stay!

I'm going to try reallllly hard to stay up to date on here!
Looking forward to what God has in store for us in 2013 and we are thankful for the new exciting steps that have already been taken so far.
This year will be about making our first house a home and I'm looking forward to documenting it!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekend Rewind

I found this toy on craigslist for $5 and she loved it!
Later that evening Auntie A & J came over so Mr. B and I could go out for dinner for an early anniversary celebration!
We put her to bed and enjoyed a delicious dinner! 
And we managed to not talk about Adalyn the whole time. 
We had a wonderful night out!
I love my hubby.

Somebody turned EIGHT months!!
And looks like such a big girl!

We enjoyed another beautiful day on the lake. 
We had fun being anchored at the sand bar and enjoyed time with new friends and family!

And we also got the sweetest text from Uncle CJ
Love that little man.

We went to church, out for lunch with some friends and spent some time at the farm.

Enjoyed some applesauce

Her new favorite face to make..

Then Mr. B went to see Batman. 
{my heart breaks for the victims and their families. I can not even imagine. I am praying for peace and healing to all of those involved.}
Adalyn and I stayed home, had an early tubby and bedtime {Love Sunday nights!} and I edited some pictures from the day of her in her cute little romper.

Love summer weekends and I am sad that they are quickly coming to an end!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Weekend Wrap-Up

I was packing up our bags for the lake, I peeked around the corner to check on Adalyn to find her climbing the stairs! Of course, I had to take a few pictures of her climbing them before telling her no. 
She was so nonchalant about this.
Stairs? Pshh, what stairs??
We celebrated a belated end of the school year lunch with Uncle CJ. I can't believe in a month he will be starting Junior High!!

After lunch, Mr. B got home early and we headed up to the lake.
We took a little boat ride before dinner.
Papa had a work call while we were out so we killed some time in a fun bookstore with Nana.
Nana took care of the bedtime bottle and stories.
Adalyn loves books.

It was a beautiful morning and we headed to the boat after breakfast

This picture is actually more typical of what she looks like in her life vest. She's not really a fan and I can't say I blame her!

Roxie on the other hand...
 This is pretty much her heaven on earth.

Later that afternoon we met up with my family to have a little celebration for my aunt and uncle's 50th.
We went out for dinner and headed back to our family campground for gifts and dessert.
This was Adalyn's first time at camp!

We finished the night with the usual tubby and some crazy post-pony hair!

We went to church, then out for lunch with my family and grandparents.
Adalyn loved watching the fan above our table.
And I love that picture of her and her Great-Grandpa.

We've been in a heat wave the past few days so we've been keeping busy in the water.
After lunch we spent the day at the farm and went swimming.
I love this picture of my dad and Adalyn. 
It makes my heart happy every time I look at it.
She had a lot of fun swimming with Papa G!
Sweet memories will be made in that pool.

We love our busy weekends with family.
And we love the good sleep that follows.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Weekend Rewind

I long weekends with beautiful weather and time with family.
It doesn't get much better than that!

Saturday we went up to the lake to spend the day on the boat with Mr. B's dad.
His mom will be here for the summer in just a couple weeks! 
She was sad she wasn't able to make it, but we certainly missed her and look forward to her arrival!
The weather was perfect! 
Adalyn got adjusted to her life jacket- although it wasn't the most comfy thing! 
 We had lunch, visited, napped, cruised and enjoyed the beautiful weather on the boat!  
We are looking forward to doing this a lot more this summer!

Sunday we went to church and I finally faced the fact that I have a big girl and her time has come to move on to the nursery. She used to sleep on me through the sermon, then she become too loud and squirmy so we've been in the Mother's Room where she usually falls asleep on me on the rocking chair for a little. But the past two weeks she's done nothing, but smile, squawk and play. Which is fine, but not worth me missing there sermon for when I know she would love watching and playing with all the other kids. It's just another step...{wahhh}
 After church we went out for lunch with the family, then to the farm to play in the pool and enjoy some more beautiful weather.
We finished up the night with a memorial game of wiffle ball!

Excited for our bonus day with the family, we enjoyed delicious food and more beautiful weather on Memorial Day!
 Complete with more outside time, climbing, swimming, sleeping and smiling.

Oh yeah and we can't forget this cuteness that was spotted today....

And a special thanks to everyone who has or is currently serving for our freedom! 
And to the families who love, support and also sacrifice so much.
We truly are proud to be Americans.
And so thankful for the freedom we have.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Fast Forward Friday

Ok, so I think one of my least favorite parts of blogging is coming up with a title?
Anyone else??
I feel like I'm back in school sometimes!

Anyways, I am so behind on blogging...once again.
I always go back and forth on how important it really is.
I think it's really important, and not always easy, to prioritize it correctly.
For me personally, as much as I love documenting and looking back at the different seasons and milestones, it's so much more important for me to be in the moment.
I take so many pictures of Adalyn, and believe it or not even though I have thousands of pictures, I have to constantly tell myself to just enjoy it.
To savor it in my heart and memory.
She will be smiling away at me and it's the sweetest thing, I take out my camera to capture it and then she stops and I get annoyed because she's not doing it anymore.
 I need to enjoy and not always share it.
In saying that, I am so so thankful for the awesome camera we have and all the pictures I do have of her.
It's goes by so fast and I am so grateful to look back and reminisce.

I do find blogging important too. 
Especially as my memory quickly disappears. 
But it needs to be when I have time because I have greater much, more important things to be spending my time on-like my quiet time with the Lord, time in the Word to inspire and encourage me to be a better wife and mom, time I should be using to clean and cook- making our home a home and serving my husband after a long day at work, time to soak in each dimpled smile from Adalyn and the wonder and excitement she gets from the littlest thing, time for trash tv and naps, and time for my attention craving dog. 
I really just need to work on my time management.
In all areas.
 Money management too! 
{Too many "good deals" add up to, ya know?}

A couple weeks ago I said I wanted to blog after every weekend-HA! Apparently I was lucky I did it once. So I am just going to do a quick recap so we can fast forward to this weekend and start over again.

Things I'd like to blog about, but don't have time to embellish on each thing! And it is probably going to be so long and I will be surprised if anyone makes it to the end, but it's mostly for us to look back on.

Pretty much the whole month of May has been rainy, so we try to enjoy the few beautiful days that we have! Last Saturday we got to go on a family walk and play at the park. Auntie Ali got to join us!

Two weeks ago I had a wonderful Mother's Day! 
It's such a special day to celebrate moms and God's faithfulness to us! A mom is something I have always wanted to be and it's still so  surreal that I am one. 
I got a sweet card from Adalyn and Mr. B and I am waiting on my mom necklace! We went to church and they gave out some flowers, then we went to Texas roadhouse with my family. They have highchairs that slip into the booths and she liked being close to us and of course she enjoyed their yummy rolls! We came home, napped, took some pictures, face-timed with Mr. B's parents, enjoyed the beautiful weather at the farm and finished the night with Coldstone where I got the "Way-too-many-calories-slightly-embarrassed-to-tell-you-what's-in-here".

On Monday Adalyn and I went to my parents because my Grammie and Grampa were over visiting. 
They don't have a crib there so it's one of the few times she still sleeps on me and I soak it all in!
We were supposed to get Carrabba's on Sunday night-my dinner of choice! But we were still full from Texas Roadhouse so we ended up getting it on Monday night and it was delish, as always! I get the Pollo Rosa Maria- if you've never gotten it, do it!
 Complete with a cannoli, another favorite of mine.

And then I gained 10 pounds.

Mr. B had a business trip to CA and was going to be gone for 3 days. I was torn if I would be a big girl and stay here by myself or if I would go to my parents {aka the farm, by the way}. I would go there not because I needed help with Adalyn, but because I am pretty much a 10 year old girl and get scared of bad guys. I decided I would spend one night there and two nights here. But I ended up staying there all 3 nights...and losing a bet and owing a back scratch to Mr. B. {ugh.} He didn't think I would stay here alone. I could've.
We found a great deal with coupons on a pack n play at Babies R Us. We shared a room and slept great. We looked like dog hoarders. And Roxie finally had a friend...that she thinks is her own personal stuffed animal.
We played on our favorite toy. And enjoyed cheese puffs. 
So did our bib.

The weather pattern for May is rainy weeks and beautiful weekends. I suppose it could be worse! 
Last weekend was no different- and we enjoyed it while it lasted!
Started off our morning going to a few yard sales. Here are some of our fun finds!

Followed by a little disappointment in the quantity of the water I put in and some playtime in her new pool.

And of course, a walk and more ice cream.

We live in a townhouse in a nice development that is fairly quiet, but we don't have our own backyard or anything so we usually go to the farm on the weekends to relax, play and enjoy some time outside. So our days at the farm are usually like this...

And starting tomorrow it will consist of some weekends at the lake and on the boat with Mr. B and his parents!