Monday, April 26, 2010


Florida had some crazy thunderstorms last night.
It started around 8:30 and by 1:30 AM it was just plain ridiculous.
I guess we just couldn't leave Florida with out experiencing a southern storm.

Not gonna lie, I was scared.
I hate big storms like that.
Not sure what exactly I am scared of... getting struck by lightning, the thunder collapsing our apartment, a fire, having to evacuate and having no bra or pants on....I know these fears are about as ridiculous as the storm, but hey, we all have our problems.

To give you a little background, I was the child that went running into her parents' room during a big storm until I was 13 15 18 21. Yup, I was the leader of the scared pack to my 9 year old brother and 11 year old sister. Maturity at it's finest.

Well last night was the first major storm {that has scared me} since we have been married.
Let me remind you that Mr. B will sleep through anything {another reason why we are getting a dog}. In a few areas he is more mature than me, an example of this is he is fearless of thunderstorms.
And apparently he is not familiar with the how-to-cope-with-a-wife-who-is-scared-of-the-big-bad-thunder routine.

Last night went as follows:
{SUPER loud thunder}

Ms. J:{Waking Mr. B} Babe....I'm scared. There's like a hurricane outside.
{I felt like we were in The Rainforest Cafe/the movie Twister....maybe this movie had an influence on my fear??}

Mr. B: Oh {rolls over to the other side....back against me}

Ms. J: Are you kidding me?! Why would you do that? I just said I was scared!

{more loud thunder and crazy lightning}

Mr. B: Oh, I didn't hear that. {rolls to his back and falls back asleep}

Ms. J: Are you for real right now? Husband of the Year... I said I was scared!

Mr. B: You are? Sorry, I didn't hear you say that.

Ms. J: Yes you did, you already said that to me!

Mr. B: It's fine, just go to bed {remains on back and begins to fall asleep}.

Ms. J: Oh my goodness! I am so mad at you right now.

Is it that complicated?! For some reason when your 22 and scared of thunderstorms you aren't taken seriously....

He finally came closer to my side and put his arm around me after I got really mad, hit his arm and yelled at him and then we argued about who is really asleep right now. He thought I was sleeping because surely I would not be freaking out like that if I was awake and I was convinced he was sleeping because surely he wouldn't be choosing not to comfort me if he was awake.

The storm ended around 2AM and I finally fell back asleep. Safe in his arms.
Who knew that would be such a difficult task.

We went over the rules for future expectations during the next storm.

Some video clips I took of the storm after being woken up 1:30AM.
I realize this post might be more dramatic without showing what the storm was actually like, but just in case- here it is for some special effect.
Of course, the real big thunder always came after I stopped recording.
The wind was so strong, look at those palms.
The lightning was like a strobe light outside.

{In the beginning, I was an idiot and tried recording with the door open and, believe it or not, got really wet}

{Yes, I was nervous the lightning would strike me holding the camera up against the window}

Make me feel better....
anyone else scared of t-storms??
Or do you think they are cool?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Single Digits

We have reached the single digits until the day we move!!!
In 9 days we will be on our l o n g drive back to NH!!
This also means we are in the single digits until we pick up this little cutie!

We sold our couch on craigslist for $490.
We technically paid only $25 for it. That's a decent profit.
So that was pretty exciting.

This is our new couch for the next week.

When we moved the couch there was a nice surprise waiting for me.
I was wondering where all my hair things went. Double Exciting.
Apparently I like to take my hair out while on the couch.
We also delivered the couch and the people found our remote stuck in the middle. Awesome.

Today is spent filling more of these and cleaning everything.

Today is also our last single digit month anniversary. We are celebrating 9 happy months of marriage. We have a lot of new changes coming up in this next month, and I am so thankful to go through it all with the Lord as our guide and my best friend my side.

Happy Saturday!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Show Us Your Life- How We Met

Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner
Girl is 16 and works as a cashier at a grocery store.

Boy is 15 and works as a bagger at that grocery store.

Girl goes to small private Christian school with Boy's mom and sister.

Boy goes to public school.

Girl thinks Boy is a cute little boy.

Boy thinks Girl is a smokin' hott chick.

Boy never bags for Girl because he is too young to work past 6 PM.

And also because Girl was always the cashier for the express lane which she hated because she had no bagger, no one to talk to, dealt with the smokers and the million varieties of cigarettes and people who had way more than 10 items.

Boy asks mom and dad to transfer to the Christian school.

Boy claims it was for Girl.

This is neither confirmed nor denied by Mama K or Smelly Sr.

Girl still doesn't believe Boy, but it makes the story better.

Boy transfers to Christian school August 2004, his Sophomore year.

Girl is a Junior.

Boy and Girl don't become friends until April 2005 on a school missions trip to Romania.

The Christian school took missions trips during winter and spring vacations.

Girl was supposed to go to the Ukraine with her friends, but was moved to the trip to Romania.

The team was divided into pairs and lived in various houses with members of the Romanian church.

Boy lived with the teacher.

Girl lived with her mom.

Everyone else was paired with friends.

Girl and Boy began friendship due to this common bond of getting the short stick to live with chaperones.
Yes, Boy actually thought Girl was smokin'.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Girl and Boy returned from trip and become inseparable.

The prom was a few weeks after the return.

They went with a group, but partially as couple.

Yup, makes no sense.

Boy and Girl took the most awkward prom picture.
Boy and Girl became best friends.

Boy never had a girlfriend before.

Girl never had a boyfriend before.

For a short time 8 months, they were a little scared, took it slow and remained in denial that they were, in fact, dating and boyfriend and girlfriend.

Boy made it official with Girl in December of 2005 when he casually said, "So will you be my girlfriend?" while they were shopping at Target.

Girl said "yes".

Boy and Girl went on a missions trip April 2006 to the Ukraine.

Boy and Girl went to the prom with a group, but as a known couple in May 2006 .

They took a much less awkward picture.

After dating for 4 years,
transferring together to two colleges,
and a semester of a long distance relationship
in July 2009 Boy and Girl tied the knot.
Their wedding song was "Then" by Brad Paisley.

"And now you're my whole life, now your my whole world.
I just can't believe the way I feel about you,
Like a river meets the sea,
stronger than it's ever been.
We've come so far since that day,
and I thought I loved you then."

The Girl Creative

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Weekend in Naples

Almost 3 weekends {yup, I'm way behind} we spent the weekend in Naples to get spoiled by visit my grandparents.

We stayed with them in this beautiful place.

We had dinner at a restaurant on the beach.
I had a delicious filet mignon and Mr. B got the blackened grouper.
{This is the same restaurant where Mr. B proposed.}

We hitched a ride on the little tram thing that brings
us from our place to the restaurant/beach.
This is vacation after all, we shouldn't be expected to walk anywhere.

I had a horrible night of sleep that had to do with this:
I'll save that story for another day.

We woke up to this million dollar view {literally}.

I relaxed in the sun and learned how to be the best puppy momma in the world.

While they played tennis.
{Grandpa said it was his life dream to be in a blog post.
I am so honored to have made that dream come true for him.}
I also learned that Mr. B is all talk when he comes home from tennis class telling me how great he is. I was also enlightened as I watched Mr. B's amazing tennis skills.

We took our picture with this really old beautiful tree.
And later read the sign stating not to sit, stand or lean on it because it is so old.

We got our picture taken with Jesus.

We went out for another delicious dinner.
Two years ago we took this same picture as a happily engaged couple.
Today we took it as happily married couple.
Time flies.

The weather and sunset were perfect.

Until Sunday.
But that's ok because it was perfect to curl up with a book.
Say our goodbyes.
And meet up for lupper with Ben's awesome aunt on our way home.
Love mini-vacas.
Especially when they're free.
We were spoiled.
We are blessed.
We had a great weekend.

** SINGLE DIGITS until Mr. B graduates!!**

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Yes, C-Man is doing "Call me".
Let me know if you're interested.

Yes, this was a long car ride.
Yes, this is completely normal.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday: Fav Items under $15

Today's Top 2 over at the undomestic momma is:
Favorite items under $15.
This was so tough to only pick two.
I failed.

1. These flip flops I got last summer from TJ Maxx for only $10. The bottom silver is ripping, but I love them and I will wear them until they are completely unwearable.
They look cuter with my feet in them, but not when I'm sporting the chipping-half-nail-polish-haven't-painted-my-toes-since-January-because-I-am-too-lazy-and-hate-when-my-stomach-gets-in-the-way-trying-to-reach-them look.
2. T-shirts from Target. Wear these things like everyday they are like $5.99, I got them on clearance for $2.98. Love them.
{{excuse the absurd amount of wrinkles}}

{I forgot the website I got this picture, but googled scoop neck tee}

3. Softlips. Love this stuff.

4. Chick-fil-A. Tuesday nights are kid's night at our Chick-fil-A aka our dinner just about every Tuesday {and that would be tonight-wohoo!}. Mr. B gets the Chicken Sandwich Meal and I get a free 6 piece kids meal {with the polynesian sauce- love that stuff}. $6.42 and delicious. Sometimes, if we are feeling adventurous, we go on the weekend. Just recently I crossed over into the mature adult world and started getting a sandwich meal too {which may explain the need for the 30 day shred} and it's still an amazingly delicious meal for under $15 for the both of us. Every meal is finished with "that was so good".

DWTS sidenote: I hate to put this so closely to the wonderful, mouth watering chicken sandwich,
but I can't resist


What are your favorite items??

Monday, April 19, 2010

No! No! I Mean...Yes!

Two Years ago...

We took a trip to visit my grandparents in Naples.

Mr. B and I had been talking about getting engaged.

I couldn't stand surprises.

While Mr. B ran into a store I peeked at his phone to see if the ball was truly rolling.

The ball was rolling.

I found the number to the ring store in his recent calls.

My finger accidentally touched the screen and called the number.

My heart sank down way below the ground, I was shaking and keeping an eye out for his return to the car.

I called myself approximately 10 times to get the ring number as low on the recent calls list as possible.

Jim and Pam from The Office got engaged.

I joked around that it was foreshadowing.

Mr. B quickly assured me, in all seriousness, that he is really sorry, but the ring wasn't finished yet and it wasn't going to be happening this weekend.

I believed him.

I believed him so much that as he was showering I was searching through all his bags.

I found nothing.

I believed him.

From then on I was so oblivious to all other clues.

My grandparents decided last minute not to join us for dinner.

I saw my grandpa hug Mr. B before we left.

I didn't blow dry or style my hair.

I wore the ugliest outfit.

I will never get over that.

I wish Mr. B told me to look better.

I still hold a grudge.

The sunset was perfect.

Perfect for a proposal.

I was convinced he was not proposing.

I decided it was okay that the ring wasn't ready and that I would rather get engaged back home in NH surrounded by family and relayed this information to Mr. B.
He said, "So now would be a bad time?"

I did the nervous laugh and acted like I didn't hear what he said-"wha??"

He repeated himself.


Pushed his chair back.

And got down on one knee.

I was in disbelief shouting "No! No!"

He was saying "Will you marry me?"
People in the restaurant probably felt sorry for the poor kid who was being rejected after proposing in front of everyone.


I then shouted, "I mean, yes! Yes!"

Mr. B was nervous.

Saying "no" sent him into nervous overdrive.

He handed me the box with the ring inside instead of putting it on my finger.

I laughed.

I told him he needs to put it on my finger.

The people in the restaurant clapped and took our picture.
I couldn't eat my dinner because I felt sick to my stomach.

Mr. B took offense.

The sickness was out of pure excitement.


I hated my hair and outfit, but was thankful that my nails were beautiful.

That's more important anyway.

My hand was the focus of the night and the weeks to follow.
It was an ugly odd number date.

I tried to look past it.

I was going to marry my best friend and that trumps an odd number.
In the end I was surprised.

He pulled it off.


Happily married for almost 9 months.

Mr. B graduates in 12 days.

We pick up our first puppy in 14 days.

We move in and begin our official grown-up life in 16 days.

So blessed and thankful to look and see how far we have come.

We really do complete each other.

Two years ago, on April 19 2008, I made the best decision and said no, no, yes to spending the rest of my life with my best friend.