Friday, September 24, 2010

Show Us Your Life: Master Bedroom

Today over at Kelly's Korner, it's Show Us Your Life: Master Bedroom.
I wouldn't exactly call our bedroom a "Master" Bedroom, but seeing as we are the "masters" of the house, we can just roll with that title.
We just rearranged our bedroom a couple days ago and I like it so much better.
It is amazing how a room can feel so different just by doing that.
You know that feeling when you know a room isn't reaching it's full potential? Well, that was me with our bedroom- a change was needed.
I wouldn't say that it is now reaching it's full potential, but we rent this place-it's not our forever bedroom and there is really no need for it to reach it's full potential.

How's that for a motivational speech?

It also doesn't help that Roxie's crate takes up about 1/4 of our room. For real.

So anyways, here are the before pictures in horrible lighting and quality:

You walk into our room and see this, very little room between the door and the end-table/bed.

To the left you see this side of the room {my clothes are in the armoire}:

We added an accent wall {same color as the living room wall}

Looking from the opposite side of the door {Mr. B's clothes are in that little closet}


We decided to get rid of the end tables, they were a waste of space and were used for about 3 sips of water before bed and other misc junk.

We moved the bed against the wall to save some more space. That's where I sleep and I don't mind- I never get up in the middle of the night, and when Ben leaves for work I kind of take over the whole bed anyways so for the most part I don't even notice a difference.
{Totally irrelevant side note- I do sleep on the outside on the weekends since I am the one that wakes up with Roxie in the morning. Just in case you were wondering.}

Yes, that's an empty frame. I've had it since High School, it was hanging in the spare bedroom with a bunch of old pictures in it. I took the pictures out, painted it to match our room and now I am looking for some new pictures to fill it with. This could be one of those projects where this remains on the wall like that forever and just becomes a unique piece of art- circle with various shapes inside. Who knows.

Btw, bought that armoire off craigslist for $50.

The other side of the room Let's pretend that it's opposite day. so that wall that is "accented" really means pretend it doesn't exist. So let's just ignore the fact that it has one tiny picture on it. Kthanks.

I also had this chest in my room in High School. It was periwinkle, we painted it brown while in Florida and made it our coffee table and now it is in our room and is a little storage unit. I am hoping to be crafty and buy some fabric and padding to put on the top to tie in with our room. But know how home projects go.

Roxie's Master Bedroom.

How's the for creative? Let's stack our end tables and hope it looks like some sort of shelving unit. Call me a genius, if you really want to. I don't mind.

View from the door and puppy.

View from the kitchen.

We moved the shelf that we had in their out to the little "hallway" between the two bedrooms and it is just what that empty space needed.

{{Maybe I should call Roxie Waldo from now on...she seems to make it into almost every picture.}}
I am not sure I want to keep what's inside the basket, hence why it is currently unopened.
I am also printing a wedding picture to put in the frame instead of an engagement one.
That is what everyone signed at our wedding that has been hiding in the closet because I had no idea where to put such a "bold" piece of work. Hindsight, totally would've left a pen for people to sign with. A black marker is a little much.

So that's our little room. I am pretty sure this post is bigger than it.

Go link up and show us your bedroom!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: DUI

Driving under the influence...
of apple juice.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Top Two Tuesday: Hair Products

Today's topic for T2T is yo top 2 hair productssss.
This is pretty easy for me seeing as I am cheap and I also don't do a lot to my hair.
Mama Grace on the other hand, uses a million different hair products and I am sure she could hand out a whole list.
Thankfully, I am blessed with thick, soft, straight hair so it's usually pretty easy to handle.
I am honored to inherit many wonderful traits of my mom, but I thank the Lord above that I didn't inherit her thick coarse hair.

Anyways, my two every day hair products are:

{one} Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine. I put this on after I towel dry my hair {and sometimes after I blow dry it} and it makes my hair all silky and soft. You have to be careful not to put too much in though or it will look greasy.

{two} Chi Straightener. This is a fairly new product for me and it has changed my life. I bought it this summer off of craigslist {of course!} from a salon that went out of business. It was brand new, in the box and selling for $65! I had a real cheap conair straightener before, and this is like 109089078947 times better. I am amazed every time. Of course now I can't wait until my hair is long enough to curl, but for now this does the job and I love it and use it almost every day. My hair is naturally straight, but this makes it nice and flat, it makes it appear longer which I am all for. On the days that I don't have time or energy to straighten it, I am amazed at how big my hair is- I forgot!

{A perfect example, of tired ol' me in Texas. I went to bed with my hair wet and in a bun, woke up with crazy hair as seen on the right. Didn't feel like showering {don't judge}, and abracadabra or however it is spelled, in less than 10 minutes I look like a clean fresh new girl. As far as smelling like a clean fresh girl, we will leave that up to deodorant and perfume. My blog name is Smelly Wife after all. What can I say, sometimes I feel compelled to live up to my blog alias.}

What are your top two hair products?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Misc. Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters
{one} The fall TV line-up officially begins tonight! Super excited about that...although I wish we had two DVRs because I don't think I will be able to record everything. Hmm does that say something about me? Is two the limit because if you need to tape more than two shows at one time then you may watch too much TV? Good thing we at least have two TVs so that I can tape some shows and then watch another in bed. Phew! Glad that is figured out. Priorities, people.

{two} This weekend I decided we needed to rearrange our bedroom. I just couldn't stand the lay out any more. With a room so small there wasn't too much we could do. I convinced Mr. B, we changed some things around and it is like a completely different room and we now have way more space. More space also means more decor needed. Hey, I'm not complaining about that one.

{three} Proverbs 26:11 "As a dog {unless you are a boxer named Roxie} returns to their vomit..." A couple days ago Roxie drank a bunch of water too fast right after eating and ended up throwing her food up. She looked at it, sniffed it and walked away. While cleaning it up I said to my mom, "ummmmm isn't she supposed to eat this so I don't have to clean it up??" Last night, Roxie did the same thing and threw up her food in a few different places and I hear Mr. B in the kitchen "Roxie, eat it! Eat it!" ha! I know you may think we are being lazy, but dogs eating their throw up is biblical afterall so we are just trying to raise her right ;)

{four} The weather here has been I love fall so much. It has been mid 70s sunny and a cool breeze. So refreshing!

{five} We bought a second car this weekend. It feels so good to finally have a car again. Even if I don't have any where to go, just knowing it is sitting there in the driveway if needed brings a smile to my face. A sense of freedom. In a couple of months we will see what the expenses of two cars does to this smile and sense of freedom...

{six} Tonight is the first night of the women's Bible study at my church. We are doing Kay Arthur- The Covenant. It is apparently really in depth and not a finish-5-pages-of-homework-an -hour-before-the-study-type thing so it will definitely be challenging and take discipline, but I am really looking forward to it.

{seven} I can't think of anything else to say, but I didn't want to end on six.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Show us your life: Living rooms

Today over at Kelly's Korner it's Show Us Your Life: Living Rooms.
This will work out nicely since I don't think I ever did a tour of our new place.
Our living room is fairly small.
Our whole apartment is small actually.
But it is perfect for us in this season of our life.

Everything in our house is pretty much from craigslist or ikea or something from a clearance section.
Gotta love great deals!

The front door leads right into our living room.
Right when you walk in this is what you see.
The living room leads into the kitchen.
Sidenote: If you can see in the back, the color scheme in the kitchen is teal and black. This is due to the fact that our kitchen came with a beautiful teal and black backsplash which ended up setting the color tone for the living room too. We tried giving the living room a different color scheme-I like the warm green, red, orange, yellow colors-but it really clashed since you can see the kitchen curtains and colors from the living room. Therefore my fall decor kinda clashes too, but fall is my favorite so who cares, right? Right.

To the left is our coat rack and shoe bin, TV and Roxie's little area.

The wall was a little bare in the corner, so I found this mirror on clearance at Home Goods for $12, then I bought the peg coat rack from the Mill Store and had Mr. B spray paint it with paint we already had. It's exactly what that spot needed and we were very pleased.
{And yes, I use all those purses depending on what is needed for the day-a big and brown, a medium that matches with everything and a small that matches with everything and also not pictured is a tiny Vera Bradley wallet thing that is my quick go-to.}

We love our TV stand from Ikea. It is actually a bookcase, that is sideways and mounted to the wall. We saw it like this on display and fell in love. Mr. B still needs to hide the cords underneath. One of the many projects that will get done "one day". We would really like to get a bigger TV for in here too, we are farther away from our TV in this apartment than our one in Florida so now this feels a little small. But of course it will do for now and is pretty much the last thing on our list to buy.
I also just got that monogrammed plate while in Texas, it was my first time in and my first purchase at a Hobby Lobby. {Technically I didn't purchase it, my mother-in-law did- thanks Mama K!} I always read about how much everyone loves that place- now I see why and I really wish we had one up here!

This is my favorite little basket I bought at Marshall's for like $7.
It comes in handy and matches our decor perfectly.

To the right is our couch.
And where you will also be greeted by a cute little pup who is currently wondering why I am flashing a "toy" all over the living room.

You will also find the most comfortable couch in the world.
This was an amazing craigslist buy- it was in excellent condition and came with a leather ottoman for just $250! Definitely one of my best craigslist buys...and trust me I have had a lot.
It is the perfect shape that we needed for our size/style living room- we love it.
We moved the ottoman into the spare room to give Roxie and the baby I watch more playing space, but it looks nice in here too.
{{Someone's little nub made it into the picture...}}

That window next to the couch is Roxie's favorite spot and where she is known for sucking on the blind cord while people watching. {Also my favorite spot to people watch- I usually don't suck on the blind cord though. We live right across from a park and a pond so it's really hard not to people watch.}

Happy Friday!!
Go link up- I love seeing everyone's different decor.

**It's a cold rainy day here, I think I should probably shower before it's already time for Mr. B to get home and I look like a nasty lazy wife...but I may or may not change into a new pair of PJs after my shower...aren't those the best days?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Caught looking at my pumpkin

{{Click on the pic to make it bigger}}

and yes I spelled pumpkin wrong on the pumpkin, but it was already saved
and I didn't feel like doing it all over again. I do know how to spell, really.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Top Two Tuesday: Things to accomplish

Today's topic for T2T: Things you want to accomplish before the end of the year.

This is a very easy one for me.

1. Make a little smelly baby. We really want to expand our family, and I want nothing more than to be a mommy. In His timing we know it will happen....but we would like it to be "accomplished" before the end of this year. Please?

2. Money. First, we need to tithe correctly. This is something we really struggle with, but are determined to do. We really need to start tithing right when we get paid. If we don't....somehow the money disappears. We then end up paying a huge lump sum, which is zero fun let me tell you. It's a lot easier to write a check for $100 then to write one for $1000. The fact of the matter is- it isn't even our money to begin with so the whole mentality of not wanting to give right now because then we can't have such and such needs to be thrown out the window. We are so blessed and we need to give back. first. Secondly, along the lines of money I would really like to:
1. Get back to and stick with the "cash life"
2. Put some money into savings
3. Who am I kidding? First it would be nice to have money in our checking account, then have extra to be able to put in savings.

I feel confident we can accomplish these! We have 3 months left...we better get on it!

What are some things you would like to accomplish??