Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Remind Me.

Remind me again why I complained about Florida's warm weather????
Why I wanted to move so badly??

When I could relax at this

And do this

And wear this

And eat this {outside}

And walk this 

in the winter.

Oh yeah....
It's because I wanted to be with this

My wonderful family.
{We miss you Ryan, even though you don't read this...and probably don't even know it exist!}

And they are worth the 5 months of frigid cold weather. 

I might just need a little reminder every once in a while ;)

Although, I am still not sure why I complained about the Florida weather....

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Cards + Puppy = HARD!

This will our first time sending out Christmas cards and let me tell ya, I am pretty excited about it!
I didn't want to send any out last year because I thought it would be weird to just send a picture of me and Mr. B.
In my eyes it's an official family when their is a dog and/or a baby. Don't ask me where this logic comes from because I have no idea. I do realize that it doesn't really make sense, but oh well.
To me the picture is less awkward if it's of us and a dog.

Clearly, I have never tried taking a Christmas picture with a dog because in my head it looks a lot better than what we accomplished.

Ahem..I mean we have so many great photos I don't know how we will ever choose...

Could she look anymore depressed??
She's now refusing to even open her eyes. Probably pretending it's over.
And then of course, the ever so awkward thinking this pose is the cutest. The straddle-the-dog-look-like-your-giving-birth-slash-your-husband-has-some-funky-long-legs-is-he-wearing-woman's-boots pictures.
And oh yeah, guess what? We have about 6 pictures of this pose. I guess that's what happens when you have your younger sister take the pictures. 

Never mind all the other pictures of us with the lack of smiles, over cheesing or double chins...

Ali really did a great job though, especially considering what she had to work with! We do have a few goodies that we are trying to decide on. But as you can see we are now considering doing a picture of just us and then adding one of Roxie on the side. Kind of defeats my whole ideal Christmas Card scenario, but after this little photo shoot I now see that whole idea when out the window. fast.

I was extra excited for Christmas cards this year because not only did we have a cute puppy to put in the picture I saw that Shutterfly had an awesome promotion going on for bloggers! I have used Shutterfly many times to print photos, they usually have some awesome deals going on and they are always great quality and fast shipping- can't beat that!  I also love the photo calendars, I have given those a few years in a row and my grandma and mom both LOVED them and still use them just for the pictures!  Photo books are another great option for gifts! I made one a couple years ago for the family that I nannied for of the time spent with her babies, it was cool to flip through and see how much they've grown! 

This Christmas season Shutterfly is giving away 50 free holiday cards!! If you haven't done this yet, you still have time! Go check it out! They have so many great designs and 
I have lots of favorites, my problem now is: 
A. Choosing the right pictures...I guess getting a good picture would probably be step one.
B. Getting the chosen pictures to fit correctly in whatever design I choose.

Here are some of my favorites:

It's going to be hard to choose, but I better hurry up before Christmas is over! 
Time is flying! 

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sick Husband

Yesterday morning I woke up to Mr. B looking at his phone to check the time. 
1 AM. 
There's nothing quite like the feeling when you feel like the alarm is near and realize you have 5 more hours left to sleep.

Aren't you excited?? I mumbled to him. 

Not at all, why?

It's only 1!

I just threw up.

You did?? In the bed??

I am a fairly light sleeper, I am still in shock that I slept through him getting up out of bed, his throw up noises that are loud enough for the neighbors to hear and him being out of the bed for almost 20 minutes. That is so not like me, so I guess I was really tired! 

And with that shock came dread.
You know what I am talking about....
when your husband is sick.
The drama.
You know the pathetic look in the eyes.
The moaning.
The faint voice.
The I'm-too-sick-to-even-pet-the-dog. {true story.}
Oh the joys of sick men.
I tried so hard to not to give him my cold last week. 
Because I can't stand the sick husband syndrome.
I was successful!
But now...now this stomach bug comes out of no where.
I was totally blindsided.
So not cool. 

{Although, I will admit I would pick the stomach bug over a cold since it is just a 24 hours show.}

And don't worry Mama K, I still took good care of him regardless :)

So I told the babies, well technically the parents' of the babies, that they probably shouldn't come over.
What I lost in money from not working I spent on groceries.
I know, makes total sense right?
I know it really doesn't, but I got some good food so it was worth it. 
So Roxie and I headed to the store to buy some gatorade, soup and crackers.

Of course, seeing as the bill totaled a little more than just gatorade, soup and crackers I may have purchased a few things for me and the pup including some her favorites - bully sticks. 
Bully sticks don't make you cool, Roxie. 
Get it..it's looks like she's smoking?
Oh which reminds me, having Mr. B home made me realize how much I talk to Roxie through out my day.
Talk about pathetic. 
Maybe I should blog more...

Thankfully the throw up only lasted through the night and ended in the morning. 
So I spent my day cleaning, bleaching and lysoling. ev.er.y.th.ing.

I also made some baked liver treats for Roxie.
And a roasted chicken for me.
This is one of our favorite things, it's Perdue Oven Ready and it's so easy, tasty and moist!
No worries, I didn't eat the whole thing.

Through out the day he ended up transitioning from the bed, to the couch, to some sort of cocoon type thing in the couch?

Before he made his way back to bed he was kind enough to take a picture of Roxie giving me a "hug".

From what I know of my dad and talking to other wives, I have a feeling I'm not alone.
Anyone else with me??

Of course we love them to death and take excellent care of them, but we still dread those words..
I'm sick.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Did It Again....

I have fallen into the blogging rut once again. Ugh.

This new baby that I watch makes me work for my money, and yes, I have been lucky enough to usually not have to work for my money. I'm still not even working hard, but I am working... So anyways when he is napping I prefer to watch my shows or read other blogs than to spend that time picking my brain for something somewhat worthy of posting.

I feel like I have a million things I could blog about, meant to blog about, but actually getting it out there is the tricky part.

I have also been little a lot obsessed with an early Christmas that Mr. B and I received from his parents:

I still don't even know what I am doing and the pictures come out so good.
I love it! 
I also love that Mr. B is gone most of the day so I get to play with it,  because let me tell ya- this is not an easy gift to share. 
As soon as I figure out how to upload them onto my computer you can see some of my most recent pics.
Because I know you're probably dying to see some....right?
That's what I thought.

We spent Thanksgiving in Texas with the in-laws and had a wonderful little vaca. 
Unfortunately I have little to no pictures to prove that. 

I can't believe it's December 1st!
We are getting our Christmas tree this weekend and I can't wait. 
The big debate is fake vs real, of course. 
I want fake with a pine yankee candle and Mr. B wants to cut down our own somewhere...

I'm also in a cooking rut. 
Nothing really sounds good and I have zero energy to make anything.

I love the Christmas season.

I am extra thankful to be living in a state that feels like Christmas during Christmas.
Although it is pretty warm today {51}, I am hoping to see some white on Christmas!
Christmas time in Florida was just way too weird last year. 

This is a very boring and random post, I apologize. I just had to put something out there to get the ball rolling...

Tomorrow's post will be about a bet that Mr. B and I have going on that involves a 4G iPhone.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Misc. Monday: Birthday Edition

{one} Today at 3:30PM I officially turn the big 2-3.
I know it's not really that big of a number, but I have the power to make it big on my blog :)
This is my tired young {just 17!} little mama and I on November 15, 1987

{two} We had a nice little celebration on Saturday night which included a chick flick with the girls- Morning Glory- dinner at Long Horns with the family and then we all went and saw the movie Unstoppable {so good btw!!}. And sadly, there was not one single picture taken. So we can just put it in the books that my 23rd birthday will most likely be forgotten....

{three} I am in a weird phase of my life right now. In Florida we were part of a little newlywed group through Mr. B's college and we were able to connect and make some friends there. Then we moved back to NH and now my family = friends. We belong to a small church with no young married couples, we don't have any children yet so there is really not much extra activities in which we could meet new people, and the people at the dog park...we won't even go there because they are just on an entirely different weirdo level. And trust me, I know I am weird. So you can only imagine what they are like. Now don't get me wrong, I love my family to death. I am so thankful to live close again and be actively involved in each others' lives. I am so thankful that we were able to go out and celebrate, but as I looked around the table, and saw that I was celebrating with my parents, my 11 year old brother, 13 year old sister, my grandparents, my pastor and his wife, my husband and my childhood bf with no other "friend party" to go to next, it brought {a brighter} light to this transitioning phase that Mr. B and I are in. Friends are important and I hope we will be able to connect with some new ones in the near future.

{four} Speaking of friends, I would like to thank Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of facebook, for allowing me to find 20 notifications awaiting me at just 10 AM. Thank you for creating a place where people that I haven't talked to in many years and even people that I have never talked, can wish me a happy birthday and make me feel so loved. Ha, it's great! 

{five} I am about to hit some stores and see if I can find anything! I got some lovely charms for my bracelet, beautiful christmas decorations, flowers, a movie, candy, pjs and a bunch of gift cards and cash... so off to the stores I go!  This is technically my second time going, the first time was pretty unsuccessful. Don't you hate it when you can't buy anything and you see so many things you want to buy and then when you actually have the opportunity you can't find a thing...but then of course, you buy something that you don't even love just because you can. Such is life :)

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Need a laugh?

Roxie's glamorous photo shoot:

Monday, November 8, 2010

Misc. Monday

{one} Winter is near. I checked the weather for the week and there it was...

{two} I have been enjoying these cold rainy days relaxing with my pup and watching TV and movies.  I am soaking in my last few days before my new job which will require me to wake up "early". Boo. But the extra income will be very helpful!

{three} Speaking of TV, I am a sucker for reality shows and I pretty much find a new one that I love every day.  My new fav is Giuliana and Bill and my most recent find is Mario Lopez: Saved by the baby. Ha! Super creative, right? 

{four} I need to start the Shred again. Shocker, I know. I have 6 days to shred some before I go jean shopping! Ugh. Jean shopping is the worst. I am torn if i want to just buy a bigger size and have them fit or shred some then buy a new pair then go back to my normal self within a few weeks and not have them fit again. I know, I know I should probably tone down the optimism.
But seriously, let's be real...

{five} This is totally random, but I can't even believe this is real...I just saw a commercial for this
 cha cha cha chia obama style....really?!? I mean really?? This could be an SNL skit.

I might be reconsidering my birthday wish list...
just sayin'.

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters
go link up!