Monday, May 16, 2011

2 Months Late

No, I am not talking about my lovely little lady friend.

I am talking about our vacation to St. John that was 2 months ago that I never blogged about.

We seriously have rain in the forecast for the next 10 days, 
I was thinking it was time for a nice sunny vacation with a palm tree....
and then I realized I already had one. 

But of course, I am always up for another one!

When we reached the islands we started ort journey off on a very claustrophobic car ferry to get us from St. Thomas to St. John.

We safely arrived and enjoyed a delicious dinner while soaking up the sun and the views.

I finally fit in with the clan {except I am technically cooler than them now because I have the iPad 2, but we won't go there...}, I got my late Christmas present from my in-laws right in time for vacation. Literally the day before our flight, Mama Grace and I waited in line for 5+ hours!
Thank you Apple for timing it so perfectly. 

The rest of the weekend we enjoyed the beautiful crystal clear blue blue ocean.
The water really is this blue- I didn't even edit it!

We experienced breath-taking sunsets every night from our balcony.

We went to a you-have-to-go-to-this-burger-joint for lunch.
It was called Skinny Legs and it was only appropriate to get a picture of my Mr. B and his very own pair of skinny legs. Looks are deceiving- he was very reluctant and embarrassed, but we couldn't miss out on this photo-op.

Scenic views were around every corner..

I'm not a huge swim in the ocean fan, but this clear water made it a little more appealing.

We enjoyed some yummy dinners out on the town. 

Some relaxing days by the pool.

A snorkeling excursion through some caves.
But my lack of enjoying swimming in the ocean is multiplied by 20 when it comes to snorkeling and hearing myself breathe in the water. Aka the sound of the death.  
So I quickly went in and quickly went out. My excuse, and it was a legit one, was the salt water was burning my face like crazzzy. 
Pretty much felt like acid burning off the layers.
And I don't exaggerate that much.
So I just relaxed on the boat and took pictures :)

We enjoyed our last night at our favorite restaurant all sun-kissed and relaxed.

Ahhh vacations are SO nice. 

Thanks to my wonderful in-laws for inviting us and making this fabulous vacation possible! 

Also, please say a prayer for my sister-in-law today. She is being induced this afternoon- praying for a safe delivery and healthy little niece! 

Friday, May 6, 2011


My brother is came home from college last night
and he was telling us of a commercial they have down south. 

In NH they don't sell a soda called "Sun Drop", but apparently they do in North Carolina. 

And apparently said commercial reminds my brother of me.

I laughed.

I was a tiny bit horrified.

And I would be lying if I said I wasn't proud or slightly flattered.

PS Lilly is a lion head rabbit. Her siblings are arriving this weekend!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Newest Member

Meet to the newest member to my parents' little Saving Grace Farm...

Can you tell what it is??

It's so hard to understand and capture the cuteness of this little furball in pictures. 
Her name is Lilly and she looks like a little cartoon character/stuffed animal.
She has 2 sisters and 1 brother that will be joining her in 2 weeks.

In other farm related news, this is a normal site to see- right?

Just 3 goats on a trampoline with a shark-like puppy sneaking up on them from underneath. 
I'm thinking this will be the new activity this summer.

The light brown one on the right might be giving us some new additions soon too. 
We won't know if she is pregnant until just a couple weeks until she is due, which is the end of May.

I may or may not be really bitter if she really is pregnant. 
And got pregnant on her first try with Mr. Goat.
But that would be so silly to be jealous of a goat, right? 
Yup, my craziness has gone to a whole new level.

It's funny listening to my parents wonder if she is pregnant....

I think she is acting different...
I think her belly looks bigger....
I think her teats look a little longer....

Been there, done that.
Every month you think you see something new. 
There have been many months when I thought for sure my teats were longer too...

Happy Friday! 

Thursday, April 21, 2011


So I know it's about time for a new post,

but I've got nothing to say.

I can't think of anything to write about.

So when in doubt, stick to the random-are-you-seriously-writing-about-that-list.

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These are my American Idol favs. I vote for them every week with a simple text.

I truly believe one of them will win. I think my love for them is pretty close, but I think I would have to say I love Scotty just a tiny tiny bit more. He is so good and makes me laugh.


Isn't Lauren totally DJ from Full House??

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I really need to paint my nails. This is what they currently look like and it's driving me nuts. 
 Fingers look weird sometimes. I am hoping it's all fingers and not just me...

Also, I splurged before vacation {which reminds me I never blogged about- wohoo there's another post!} and I bought my first bottle of O.P.I. Actually, I bought 2 bottles because it was buy one get one 50% off so I had to. And now? I'm hooked. I already bought a new color and I can see this quickly becoming an addiction. Technically, I am already addicted to buying nail polish- but it's different when the bottles are $1 and when they are $8.50. So I will try my best to contain myself.
 I also bought the O.P.I no chip stuff and the top coat quick dry and get doesn't seem to work with other brands. 
Is that sneaky or what?? 
So of course I have no other option, but to buy the good stuff now.

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I really need to go do my hair. My straightener has been on for over an hour now.

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I also should put away the laundry that has been sitting in the basket since Monday. Just for the record- it is folded. If that makes any difference, I don't know. But it makes me feel a little better about myself.

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I keep watching Extreme Couponing and wishing I could kind of be like that. So I googled double couponing in NH and....Shaw's does double couples!! 
Shaw's is always the more expensive grocery store, but they do have some great deals sometimes and if I can double a coupon then I will be making one tiny step closer to becoming a good couponer. 
So I am gonna try and start that soon and see if it gets me anywhere. 
They are the only grocery store in NH that does it and thankfully they are the closest to my house so I hope it works out!
If you don't know if any around do it- google it!

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Today is Maundy Thursday and we are having a service at our church tonight. I can't recall ever actually doing anything on this day. Typically we had a Good Friday service at school and then of course Easter Celebration at church, but I don't think I have ever done anything in remembrance of "Holy Thursday", the Last Supper, the darkness, the pain, the weight of the world, etc. I think it will be a great time of reflection, truly remembering what this holiday is about and what really took place for me. We have been doing a book club at the church called "One Thousand Gifts" and the premise is basically about finding joy and thanksgiving in your every day life, in every situation. {Highly recommend this book btw!} She gave many example of Jesus always giving thanks in every circumstance, one scripture in particular was Luke 22:19 "And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying " This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me". Even when Jesus knew he would be crucified He gave thanks.  It's pretty humbling.  And inspiring. And I encourage all of you to reflect and give thanks during this time as well. For taking our place. We have so much to be thankful for. 

Look at that...something real came out of the random list about nothing. That wasn't even planned! 

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Not So Little Sister

Saturday was my little sister's 14th birthday.

She gave me a hard time for blogging about my dog's birthday and not her.

Completely understandable, of course! 

But I don't typically blog on the weekends 

and yesterday I was busy.

So today my post is dedicated to my wonderful little sister.

The little sister I prayed for. 

The baby I was always eager to help my mom take care of and quickly became the mother hen.

14 years later this baby sister is quickly becoming one of my best friends.

How is this even possible??

How is she going to be a freshman in high school next year?!

My baby sister?!

She is turning into a beautiful Godly young woman.

I am so blessed to be a part of her life and watch her grow.

And also watch our relationship transforms to even more than just sisters.

Although we are 10 years apart and still have our differences, I know our friendship is special and will only be strengthened as the years go on.

Happy Birthday, Ali!

I am so thankful the Lord answered my prayers when I was a little girl and blessed me with such an awesome sister! 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Birthday Puppy

It's hard to believe my not so little pup turns one today!

She was obviously wayyyy smaller than this when she was first born, but it's crazy to see how much she's grown in just the 9 months we've had her. 

She wasn't a huge fan of the hat.

But she did love her Zu-Zu Pet. 

Even though my family always had a dog,
I was never really a dog person growing up. 

And she has now made me into a crazy dog person.

Even with all her water drool.

We are so blessed to have her as part of our little family.

Sorry for the crazy picture overload, but I'm pretty sure if you've caught on that I'm weird and obsessed :) But I needed to document this for her puppy book.

J/k I don't really have a puppy book. 
Well not an official one anyway...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Extreme Couponer

I am not.

I feel like I have the heart,

and I find the joy in couponing.

I do get excited and think of it like a game.

I have a special coupon binder.

I almost never miss out on steals from Walgreens and CVS.

But as far as being a true grocery couponer, I guess I am missing the drive.

I've been watching TLC's show "Extreme Couponing",

I think it's inspiring 

and pathetic, all at the same time.

I think extreme might even be an understatement for some of these people.

I admire a stockpile.

I admire all the money saved- ridiculous amounts of money saved.

I am pretty jealous.

I do wish I could save that much money.

I feel like the stores around here don't have those crazy sales or double or triple coupons.

Maybe they do, I just need to investigate more.

Here's the other thing though, do these people even buy normal groceries? 

I feel like I try and use my coupons on things that are on sale and that we use.

Key words: that we use. 

Not all grocery staples are on sale all the time.

After watching the show a couple days ago, I was making lunch and I needed some Miracle Whip.

I didn't have any in the fridge, and I was all proud of myself as I went to look in the pantry at my little 


Knowing that one day it was on a sale and I had a coupon and I snatched the good deal.

I take it, feeling a little cocky {yes, I am was home alone, but you can still have those feelings by yourself}.

I'm all ready to open it and then I catch a glimpse of the expiration date.

December 2010.


How do these people buy 77 items of something and have it last forever?! 

So this awesome deal that I once purchased quickly became a waste of money!

Moral of the story- stick to stocking up on paper goods and toiletries. 

I'm pretty good at that.

Are you a couponer???

What grocery store do you get your good deals??