Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Quarter of a Year

Yesterday I woke up next to a smiley 3 month old.

How is it possible that our little Smelly Bean is already a quarter of a year old?!?          
This has been the most difficult month, but also the most fun.
It seemed like she was doing something new every day.
And there's my queue that we've taken enough pictures...
As Mr. B would say " I know where she gets those looks from..."
Obviously him.
I never give dirty looks.

I'm hoping to get her 3 month recap in before vacation, but we will see!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pinterest {I can't think of a more creative name}

So yesterday I re-organized my boards/pins and whew do I feel good!

I feel like there should be a limit or something on how much you pin {but not really because that wouldn't be fun}, but it can get overwhelming! 
And you pin so much you forget what you've pinned! 

Anyways, while doing this I think I found what my username is.
You're never going to guess.


Super creative, right?

I wonder how I came up with that one...

So....if you're on please follow me so I can follow you!

I love following people.

Following people=less work for me. 

Because you know, it's a lot of work to really search for something to pin. 

Plus, the last few times I've tried searching something hardly anything comes up and if it does it barely even relates to my search!
Super lame.
But I think it might be fixed..

So I hope that works! 
If not leave me a comment with your username and I'll find you! 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Crib Conundrum

Currently Adalyn's crib is in the closet.

A closet crib that Mr. B and his dad made.
I have a post in the works explaining the details of that.
It has worked out so great in her small nursery!

I am a little bit sad to have to re-do her nursery.
I love how it turned out and I am hoping I will be able to make her new one just as cute/good!

Her new room will be a lot bigger which is a plus.
It's a weird shape, but long enough that I can have a sleeping area and a play area. 

And it's big enough for....a crib!

So now we are on the hunt for a new crib.

Babies R Us is having the trade in event and it ends this weekend. 
{You can bring in any baby item super old or super new, doesn't matter, and you get 25% off a new product}

So we will be purchasing a new crib for her this weekend!

The question is....
are the convertible cribs worth the extra money??

I don't really like that it jumps from a toddler bed to a full size bed.
I didn't even sleep in a full size bed until we bought one for when we were married!
What if when we buy a house the extra bedrooms aren't big enough for a full size bed, toys, bureau etc. 

Is it better just to have one crib and use it for {hopefully} other babies in our future?
Or is it better to buy a new convertible crib for each child?

So....please share your thoughts!
What crib do you have? 
Do you love it? Hate it? Is it convertible?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Busy Bees

Well I give myself props for having one consistent week of blogging, ha!

I always intend on writing a post, but then...
I don't.

This time around I feel like I have some legit excuses though.

We've been busy bees around here.

1. We are getting ready for our family vacation.

I could really go for some sun, pina coladas, warmth and a tan...but we are going somewhere where this type of apparel is needed...
{btw, found this at a thrift store for $4.99! Excellent condition and from Macy's!}
it's a good thing she looks so cute. 
It eases the pain of a wintery vacation a little bit.

We are excited to see my grandparents though and to have them meet Adalyn for the first time!
Mr.B, Papa G and the sibs are looking forward to skiing too!

2. Getting ready for the big move

We've been busy doing some of this...
as well putting all the crap valuable items inside the boxes.

We will be moving the following weekend we get back from vacation, so we need to pretty much have everything packed and ready to go before we leave! 

And for those wondering what hair style I went with..
that will have to hold you over until I can get a good/not awkward looking self-portrait.

It's much easier to look silly on purpose then trying to look good and looking silly.

Get my drift?
ok, great.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday's Ten

{one} I am so so so excited that The Vow comes out tomorrow! I kind of have high expectations for it which will probably be a bad thing, but with Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams it can't really be bad. 

{two} Roxie was driving me nuts this morning. She has some days where she wakes up and decides she's not a fan of Adalyn. Today was one of those days. She wouldn't stop barking/"talking", she started biting Adalyn's toys, biting my socks, ringing the bells over and over and over. She just needed to play and let out some energy, but I was busy with the baby and oh my goodness...could not stand her.

{three} I am sometimes mean to Roxie during the day and then I feel guilty at night when she is cuddling with us and then the next day...rinse and repeat.

{four} I think Adalyn is going to have blue eyes. I know she still has time for them to change, but I feel like they might be here to stay! Mr. B has bluish/greyish eyes and since brown eyes are more dominant I thought for sure she would....

{five} Baby smiles never get old. Especially when it comes from a little someone that you've made.

{six} I am so excited to move! I bought some moving boxes today and I can not wait to start packing! And possibly getting rid of somethings. I am a borderline hoarder though so we will see what happens. It's times like this when you realize just how much crap valuable belongings you have. 

{seven} I am also excited to whip up some Pinterest DIYs in our new place! And I still don't really know how to find people to follow on there so if you're on it {who isn't?!?} could you find me and follow so I can follow you back? I don't really know how you would find me...maybe jpsmelser?

{eight} I cut Adalyn's nails all the time and she still manages to scratch her face off. This has been a new thing since her hands have been attempting to find her mouth and it's not always successful. She took a little chunk out of her forehead on Sunday and then she scratched her nose twice yesterday and then she woke up and her cheeks were scratched this morning! I'm thinking I might need to cut and file them- so I did that today and I hope it helps! 

{nine} I am trying to blog more again- I have been pretty successful this week! I think the key for me is to plan ahead/have "themed" days. 

{ten} I had a cute idea planned {thanks to Pinterest!} for Mr. B's birthday from Adalyn and she didn't really cooperate like I had in mind...shocking right? This new love for her hands was really messing with my pictures. And then I realized that I wouldn't have enough time to erase and re-write and have her smile for a picture- it would take way too long. So after the first one I decided to make it blank and then just add the text on Picnik {which is a post for another day!}. So I did what I could and in the end it still came out cute{how could it not with that little monkey??} 
and Mr. B loved it!