Today's topic for T2T: Things you want to accomplish before the end of the year.
This is a very easy one for me.
1. Make a little smelly baby. We really want to expand our family, and I want nothing more than to be a mommy. In His timing we know it will happen....but we would like it to be "accomplished" before the end of this year. Please?
2. Money. First, we need to tithe correctly. This is something we really struggle with, but are determined to do. We really need to start tithing right when we get paid. If we don't....somehow the money disappears. We then end up paying a huge lump sum, which is zero fun let me tell you. It's a lot easier to write a check for $100 then to write one for $1000. The fact of the matter is- it isn't even our money to begin with so the whole mentality of not wanting to give right now because then we can't have such and such needs to be thrown out the window. We are so blessed and we need to give back. first. Secondly, along the lines of money I would really like to:
1. Get back to and stick with the "cash life"
2. Put some money into savings
3. Who am I kidding? First it would be nice to have money in our checking account, then have extra to be able to put in savings.
I feel confident we can accomplish these! We have 3 months left...we better get on it!
What are some things you would like to accomplish??