New motivation.
New need for the 30 Day Shred.

With the cooler weather approaching {and remaining the rest of the week!},
it's time to pull out the fall/winter wardrobe.
Pull out and put on squeeze in.
Last night I was getting ready for Bible Study, I put on my jeans and they felt a little on the snug side as they slid up my thigh.
I finally get them around my hips and realize there is no way that that button is making it through that hole.
I suck in. It moves 1/100 cm.
I jump up and down. Surely, it will fit if it's higher on my waist.
It moves 1/200 cm.
I rip them off because they are super uncomfortable around my legs, let alone buttoned and around my belly.
No problem, I'll try another pair.
Step into one leg. Right away- I know where this is going....
down the same path as the previous pair.
Not worth going through all that effort again to try and get it to button.
{When putting jeans on becomes a work out and you are too lazy to try and squeeze into another pair, it could be a possible sign/example of your lifestyle and why none of them fit?? Just sayin.}
Slip into the leg, we are along the same path as the previous pairs but this pair came with a glimpse of hope. Although it did require the double action move, called the "suck-in-and-jump-up-quickly-fit-the-button-through-the-hole-if-you-fail-squat-suck-in-jump-up-and-try-again-method".
It worked.
I ruined my freshly painted nail. But it was buttoned.
New problem- it wouldn't zip.
I couldn't get the zippers close enough to pull it up.
Self-esteem is blowing through the roof by now.
New solution: look in the closet for a big enough shirt that
a. will cover the open zipper
b. cover the the skin that is being pushed out of the pants and overflowing on the sides.
Oh and forget about being able to breathe while sitting.

This isn't me, but it's a pretty darn accurate picture of what I looked like.
Mr. B loves some extra love on these handles, but I think even he might admit there's a little too much love.
Especially with these particular jeans on.
The tops of these muffins are a little bit larger than necessary.
I don't love muffins, but I do enjoy muffin tops.
Preferably, Market Basket blueberry with the sugar coated tops.
But, not a huge fan of the muffin tops on my pants.
Apparently those muffin tops that I like to enjoy for breakfast have found a new home.

I just bought all these jeans 10 months ago.
This is not cool.
I have no excuse.
It's time to get serious.
But it's hard.
Real hard.
I love food too much.
I love exercising too little.
Any tips?? Have you tried on your fall wardrobe yet? It's a daunting task! Hope you have better luck than me!
In 30 days, they better button...with ease!
I call it the "pants dance"...and, admittedly, perform it frequently after my jeans first come out of the dryer ;)
hahaha. we've all been there girl.
I am happy to report, however, that my fall wardrobe is waaaayyy too big for me now.
I had just had a baby then, and have lost 55 pounds since, so needless to say, I've been doing too much shopping here lately.
Can I offer a tip?
Weight Watchers.
Even if you only pay for the first week and get all the materials and then do it yourself to avoid paying every week (which is what I did) it is totally awesome if you stick with it.
... just a thought...
u can do it!!!
I bought the Shred dvd like a month ago and keep saying I'm going to start it but haven't... maybe we can keep each other accountable!
oh no! i hate when that happens. i would def. splurge for at least 1 pair of new jeans to get you through until you get back down. the comfort factor will be worth it : ) such a bummer though. i have been trying really hard to lose some weight and the only advice i have is that you just have to make a plan and STICK to it! If you slack off one day you will not want to do it the next day. And food is so delicious but you might have to find a new kind of delicious. Sucks but it will be worth it when you fit back in those pants!
I always hate that! Fortunately I won't have to endure discovering the dreaded tight pants this fall/Winter because I will be in nice stretchy maternity clothes. But, boy am I dreading it afterwards. And then I may have to borrow The Shred...
It's just because the jeans became stiff in your drawer over the summer? I tell myself that even if it's not true. Good luck Shredding. I did the shred and I didn't notice any difference in my body so I hope it works for you!
i went through this a couple of weeks ago. (actually all summer, I'm just in denial) I finally started on the treadmill and try to get in at least 4 times a week, but it is so hard when there are many other things i would rather do! However, I cannot afford to buy all new jeans either. Ugh, I hate muffin tops!
Haha.. love muffin/cupcake tops too.. but not the actual underneath parts! Hate mine as well! I am once again restarting the Shred as well!
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