Friday, September 23, 2011


I am long overdue for a post. I feel like I have a lot to write about, but nothing to write about.
Makes total sense, right?

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Today I am 31 weeks and still getting sick! I have come to the realization that it is probably here to stay. My Dr. told me that the cure for my back pain was to have the baby and I am thinking that is also the cure for my sickness. I am thankful that it is still not as bad as the 1st trimester all day nausea/sickness. Now I am only getting sick about 2-3 times a week. The unfortunate thing is I feel fine, I eat and I usually get sick after I eat- totally out of the blue. Which is gross.

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I never did a 29 or 30 Week update, but so far everything has been pretty consistent. I am sleeping a little better, Tums have allowed me to control my heartburn a little and I pretty much have constant back pain.  Oh yeah and I am officially getting/feeling huge. My newest symptom is feeling winded all the time. I know I was out of shape before, but this is getting pretty ridiculous.

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We've made it to the single digit weekly countdown- wohoo!! 

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We had a successful trip to Ikea last weekend and her nursery is kind of, but not really, almost finished.

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I've been doing other rearranging/decorating around the house. Thank you Pinterest.

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I'm excited for Footloose.

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Today is my last day of work! I pretty much have the easiest job in the world. I watch a really laid back, easy going, independent 18 month old at my house. I probably could have kept watching him for another month, but I have all the toys and crib for him in Adalyn's room so that needs to go so we can finish up. So that will be nice to feel extra free, but not so nice to not have the extra cash to be free to shop.

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My shower is next weekend! This weekend we are working on some fun fall decorations this weekend.

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I'm starting to get a little nervous of how Roxie will be with Adalyn. She really needs to learn personal space. I don't think she would ever hurt her on purpose, but Roxie doesn't know her own strength so I think we need to start training her somehow. 

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I'm happy about the fall shows being back! Although we are loving Friday Night Lights and now we have other shows to watch so I guess that will become our weekend show. 

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I'm still loving our new CR-V which I also plan on posting about in the near future. Maybe.

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Mama Grace and I went to a big consignment sale last weekend and scored some good deals. I wish that my shower was before the sale though because they had a lot of things on the registry for real cheap, but I didn't want to waste my money in case I did get them. I did snatch some things though and took them off my registry because the deal was too good. 

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I am so thankful for the cooler fall weather and the extra layers of clothes that are needed.
I am done with the little summer clothes. Let's get this mama covered up, please!
Except of course, when I am home and prefer to be as free as possible. 
Well...Adalyn does ;)

That's the randomness for the day!
Happy Weekend!!


Momma StJ said...

Thanks for following! following back :) you are such a cute preggo!! I wish I had been that skinny when I was pregnant...
and I'm thankful for the cool fall weather as well! best time of year :)

Anonymous said...

I tell you this all the time on your facebook pictures, but you look great! And I was sick alllll the way until the end. But as soon as I had the baby I almost instantly felt better. Food tasted the greatest it had tasted in months! Crazy how quickly your hormones turn things around. :)

Natalie said...

You look adorable!
Sorry to hear you are still getting sick :( I guess your doc is probably right-having the baby will cure it all ;)

Lisa Marie said...

You are too cute! I was so swollen I didn't even look like myself, ha! I know it sucks now, but seriously enjoy it! Because Ella Grace is only 4 months old and I miss being pregnant SO bad, ha! Hope you get LOTS of goodies at your shower : )

LWLH said...

You look so cute with your baby bump.
That super sucks though for the sickness though, I hope it eases up for you.